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Last active October 13, 2015 10:57
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Efficient Fibonacci Sequence generator in Python.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Code Samples: Fibonacci Sequence
Author: Sam Gammon <[email protected]>
Recursively generates items in the Fibonacci Sequence, up to kw/positional arg `limit`.
Supports starting anywhere in the sequence, assuming `previous` and `current` are truly
part of the Fibonacci set.
def fib(limit=10000, previous=1, current=0):
''' Generate items in the fibonacci sequence,
from the pair (`previous`, `current`) to `limit`.
All parameters are ``int``s, and one need only
pass a 'limit,' which is also optional and defaults
to ``10,000``.
:param limit: Value limit to generate numbers to.
:param previous: Former value in the moving window.
:param current: Latter value in the moving window.
:returns: ``int`` values that are successively greater
members of the Fibonacci sequence. '''
if limit and (current >= limit): raise StopIteration()
yield previous + current
for next in fib(limit, current, (previous + current)):
yield next
if __name__ == '__main__':
for i in fib(): print i
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