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Last active February 5, 2025 15:58
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Creates a prefab from Nouns base models. Created as a fix for the characters.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a prefab from Nouns base models. Created as a fix for improperly rigged characters.
/// This tool takes a "MAIN" prefab with the base body and head set up, creates a new prefab based on the "MAIN" one, and swaps out the textures for the imported .gltf gameobject.
/// Set Up:
/// -Download the base body.glb and head.glb from
/// -Import them into Unity.
/// -Create a main Nouns gameobject prefab that is structured as so:
/// - Parent: Empty Placeholder (Make the name be "MAIN")
/// -Children:
/// - gameobject of the body.glb
/// - gameobject of the head.glb
/// -Go to and download as many created characters as you want.
/// -Import the downloaded Nouns character .gltf files into Unity.
/// -Place the created "MAIN" prefab in the same location as the imported .gltf models
/// -Select all of the .gltf models you want to convert and the "MAIN" noun model. If they are in a lone folder you can do Ctrl+A.
/// -At the top bar in Unity go to Custom Tools>MakeNounPrefabs and click it.
/// -Wait a bit while the prefabs are created :)
/// Aside: ~This is my first tool in Unity so the performance might not be great (having to do a for loop just to find out the "MAIN" prefab gameobject), however since this only runs once to create the Nouns prefab and in the editor this is negligeable in gameplay.
/// Created by @samangarc22. I am a gamedev YouTuber at @samyam_youtube.
/// </summary>
namespace Infrastructure.Editor
public class NounCharacterAssigner
private static void CreateNounsFromBase() {
GameObject prefab = null;
// Find out which gameobject is the base model.
foreach (GameObject activeGameObject in Selection.gameObjects) {
if ("MAIN")) {
prefab = activeGameObject;
// If none is found do not keep running the function.
if (prefab == null) return;
// Loop through all of the selected gameobjects in the editor, swap out their textures, and create a new prefab from them.
foreach (GameObject activeGameObject in Selection.gameObjects) {
if ("MAIN")) {
// Extract individual items from nouns model.
Transform head = activeGameObject.transform.FindDeepChild("12");
Transform glasses = activeGameObject.transform.FindDeepChild("13");
Transform body = activeGameObject.transform.FindDeepChild("46");
Transform hands = activeGameObject.transform.FindDeepChild("45");
Transform legs = activeGameObject.transform.FindDeepChild("47");
Transform shoes = activeGameObject.transform.FindDeepChild("48");
SkinnedMeshRenderer headSMR = head.gameObject.GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
SkinnedMeshRenderer glassesSMR = glasses.gameObject.GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
SkinnedMeshRenderer bodySMR = body.gameObject.GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
SkinnedMeshRenderer handsSMR = hands.gameObject.GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
SkinnedMeshRenderer legsSMR = legs.gameObject.GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
SkinnedMeshRenderer shoesSMR = shoes.gameObject.GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
// Create a new Nouns from the main prefab.
GameObject newNouns = GameObject.Instantiate(prefab);
SkinnedMeshRenderer glassesMain = newNouns.transform.FindDeepChild("glasses").gameObject.GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
SkinnedMeshRenderer headMain = newNouns.transform.FindDeepChild("head").gameObject.GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
SkinnedMeshRenderer bodyMain = newNouns.transform.FindDeepChild("body").gameObject.GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
SkinnedMeshRenderer handsMain = newNouns.transform.FindDeepChild("hands").gameObject.GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
SkinnedMeshRenderer legsMain = newNouns.transform.FindDeepChild("legs").gameObject.GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
SkinnedMeshRenderer shoesMain = newNouns.transform.FindDeepChild("shoes").gameObject.GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
// Replace the textures and mesh in the Nouns base model with the newly selected Noun.
glassesMain.sharedMesh = glassesSMR.sharedMesh;
glassesMain.sharedMaterial = glassesSMR.sharedMaterial;
headMain.sharedMesh = headSMR.sharedMesh;
headMain.sharedMaterial = headSMR.sharedMaterial;
bodyMain.sharedMesh = bodySMR.sharedMesh;
bodyMain.sharedMaterial = bodySMR.sharedMaterial;
handsMain.sharedMesh = handsSMR.sharedMesh;
handsMain.sharedMaterial = handsSMR.sharedMaterial;
shoesMain.sharedMesh = shoesSMR.sharedMesh;
shoesMain.sharedMaterial = shoesSMR.sharedMaterial;
string localPath = "Assets/Prefabs/Nouns" + + ".prefab";
// Make sure the file name is unique, in case an existing Prefab has the same name.
localPath = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(localPath);
// Create the new Prefab and log whether Prefab was saved successfully.
bool prefabSuccess;
PrefabUtility.SaveAsPrefabAssetAndConnect(newNouns, localPath, InteractionMode.UserAction, out prefabSuccess);
if (prefabSuccess == true)
Debug.Log("Prefab was saved successfully");
Debug.Log("Prefab failed to save" + prefabSuccess);
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