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Created May 16, 2020 23:37
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Gist for the FeatureLearn Erlang course (2.15) "Defining functions over lists in practice"
product_dr/1, test_product_dr/0,
product_tr/1, test_product_tr/0,
maximum_dr/1, test_maximum_dr/0,
maximum_tr/1, test_maximum_tr/0
%% @doc Given a list of numbers returns the product of it's elements.
%% The case base should return 1 since it's the neutral element of the
%% multiplication or the `id`.
product_dr([]) -> 1;
product_dr([X|Xs]) -> X * product_dr(Xs).
test_product_dr() ->
test_product(fun product_dr/1, "product_dr tests passed succesfully.").
%% @doc Given a list of numbers return the product of each one.
product_tr(Xs) ->product_tr(Xs, 1).
%% @doc Given a list of numbers deconstructs the list to return accumulated
%% product results.
product_tr([], Accumulator) -> Accumulator;
product_tr([X|Xs], Accumulator) -> product_tr(Xs, X * Accumulator).
test_product_tr() ->
test_product(fun product_tr/1, "product_tr tests passed succesfully.").
%% @doc Given a function/1 that calculates the product of a list of numbers and
%% an assertion feedback string, expects the assertions to pass.
test_product(ProductFunction, Assertion) ->
1 = ProductFunction([]),
2 = ProductFunction([1,2]),
6 = ProductFunction([1,2,3]),
24 = ProductFunction([1,2,3,4]),
120 = ProductFunction([1,2,3,4,5]),
{passed, Assertion}.
%% @doc Given a non empty list of numbers returns the maximum using direct
%% recursion.
maximum_dr([X]) -> X;
maximum_dr([X|Xs]) -> max(X, maximum_dr(Xs)).
test_maximum_dr() ->
test_maximum(fun maximum_dr/1, "maximum_dr tests passed succesfully.").
%% @doc Given a non empty list of numbers returns the maximum using tail
%% recursion.
maximum_tr([X|Xs]) -> maximum_tr(Xs, X).
maximum_tr([], Max) -> Max;
maximum_tr([X|Xs], Max) -> maximum_tr(Xs, max(Max, X)).
test_maximum_tr() ->
test_maximum(fun maximum_tr/1, "maximum_tr tests passed succesfully.").
%% @doc Given a function/1 that calculates the maximum of a list of numbers and
%% an assertion feedback string, expects the evaluations to pass.
test_maximum(MaximumFunction, Assertion) ->
1 = MaximumFunction([1]),
1 = MaximumFunction([0,1]),
1 = MaximumFunction([1,1]),
2 = MaximumFunction([2,1]),
3 = MaximumFunction([0,3,1]),
420 = MaximumFunction([0,13,6,141,420,419]),
{passed, Assertion}.
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Really really nice code! Kudos!

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Really really nice code! Kudos!

Thank you fella :D

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