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Last active March 31, 2020 22:02
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Specialising Arrowized FRP
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
module Lib where
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Category
data Step s a = Yield !s a
data SF a b where
SF :: !(a -> s -> Step s b) -> !s -> SF a b
runSF :: SF a b -> a -> (b, SF a b)
runSF (SF f s) a = case f a s of
Yield s' b -> (b, (SF f s'))
instance Category SF where
id = SF (flip Yield) ()
{-# INLINE id #-}
SF f2 s2 . SF f1 s1 = SF g (s1, s2)
g a (s1, s2)
| Yield s1' b <- f1 a s1
, Yield s2' c <- f2 b s2
= Yield (s1', s2') c
{-# INLINE (Control.Category..) #-}
instance Arrow SF where
arr f = SF (\a _ -> Yield () (f a)) ()
{-# INLINE arr #-}
first (SF f s) = SF g s
g (b, d) s = case f b s of
Yield s' c -> Yield s' (c, d)
{-# INLINE first #-}
second (SF f s) = SF g s
g (d, b) s = case f b s of
Yield s' c -> Yield s' (d, c)
{-# INLINE second #-}
SF f1 s1 *** SF f2 s2 = SF g (s1, s2)
g (b, b') (s1, s2)
| Yield s1' c <- f1 b s1
, Yield s2' c' <- f2 b' s2
= Yield (s1', s2') (c, c')
{-# INLINE (***) #-}
SF f1 s1 &&& SF f2 s2 = SF g (s1, s2)
g b (s1, s2)
| Yield s1' c <- f1 b s1
, Yield s2' c' <- f2 b s2
= Yield (s1', s2') (c, c')
{-# INLINE (&&&) #-}
instance ArrowChoice SF where
left (SF f s) = SF g s
g (Right d) s = Yield s (Right d)
g (Left b) s = case f b s of
Yield s' c -> Yield s' (Left c)
{-# INLINE left #-}
right (SF f s) = SF g s
g (Left d) s = Yield s (Left d)
g (Right b) s = case f b s of
Yield s' c -> Yield s' (Right c)
{-# INLINE right #-}
SF f1 s1 +++ SF f2 s2 = SF g (s1, s2)
g (Left b) (s1, s2)
| Yield s1' c <- f1 b s1
= Yield (s1', s2) (Left c)
g (Right b') (s1, s2)
| Yield s2' c' <- f2 b' s2
= Yield (s1, s2') (Right c')
{-# INLINE (+++) #-}
SF f1 s1 ||| SF f2 s2 = SF g (s1, s2)
g (Left b) (s1, s2)
| Yield s1' c <- f1 b s1
= Yield (s1', s2) c
g (Right b') (s1, s2)
| Yield s2' c <- f2 b' s2
= Yield (s1, s2') c
{-# INLINE (|||) #-}
inc :: SF Int Int
inc = SF go ()
go a _ = let !b = a+1 in Yield () b
double :: SF Int Int
double = arr (*2)
test :: SF a b -> _
test a b c d e f = first (a ||| b) >>> c *** second (d ||| e) >>> f
test2 :: SF Int Int
test2 = (double &&& inc) >>> arr (uncurry (+))
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