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Last active March 21, 2017 21:33
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use std::fmt;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
fn main() {
// Upper stages
let ablestar = SimpleStage { dry_mass: 667.0, engine: AJ10_104D, };
let baby_sergeant_1 = SimpleStage { dry_mass: BABY_SERGEANT.mass, engine: BABY_SERGEANT };
let baby_sergeant_3 = MultiEngine { dry_mass: BABY_SERGEANT.mass * 3.0, engine: BABY_SERGEANT, engine_count: 3 };
let baby_sergeant_11 = MultiEngine { dry_mass: BABY_SERGEANT.mass * 11.0, engine: BABY_SERGEANT, engine_count: 11 };
// Lower stages
let thor = SimpleStage { dry_mass: 3350.0, engine: LR79_NA_9 };
let atlas_a = BoostedStage {
core: SimpleStage { dry_mass: 5400.0, engine: LR105_NA_3, },
booster: SimpleStage { dry_mass: LR89_NA_3.mass + DECOUPLER_MASS, engine: LR89_NA_3, },
booster_count: 2,
let mut rocket = Rocket {
stages: vec![Box::new(atlas_a), Box::new(ablestar), Box::new(baby_sergeant_11), Box::new(baby_sergeant_3), Box::new(baby_sergeant_1)],
payload_mass: 10.0,
println!("Max to orbit: {}", rocket.payload_mass);
rocket.set_payload_for_target_deltav(DV_TO_GTO * 1.05);
println!("Max to GTO: {}", rocket.payload_mass);
rocket.set_payload_for_target_deltav(DV_TO_TLI * 1.05);
println!("Max to TLI: {}", rocket.payload_mass);
// rocket.set_payload_for_target_deltav(DV_TO_ORBIT);
rocket.payload_mass = 10.0;
println!("{:5} {:>10} {:>10} {:>10} {:>10}", "stage", "delta-v", "wet mass", "dry mass", "burn time");
let reversed_stages = rocket.stages().enumerate().collect::<Vec<_>>().into_iter().rev();
for (i, stage) in reversed_stages {
println!("{:5}: {:10.0} {:10.0} {:10.0} {:>10}", i, stage.delta_v(), stage.wet_mass(), stage.dry_mass(), BurnTime(stage.burn_time()));
println!("Total: {:10.0}", rocket.delta_v());
const DECOUPLER_MASS: f64 = 52.0;
const GRAVITY: f64 = 9.82;
const DV_TO_ORBIT: f64 = 9400.0;
const DV_TO_GTO: f64 = DV_TO_ORBIT + 2440.0;
const DV_TO_TLI: f64 = DV_TO_GTO + 680.0;
const DV_TO_VENUS: f64 = DV_TO_TLI + 370.0;
const DV_TO_MARS: f64 = DV_TO_TLI + 480.0;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
struct Fuel {
name: &'static str,
density: f64,
const KEROSENE: Fuel = Fuel { name: "Kerosene", density: 0.82 };
const LIQUID_OXYGEN: Fuel = Fuel { name: "LqdOxygen", density: 1.141 };
const UDMH: Fuel = Fuel { name: "UDMH", density: 0.791 };
const IRFNA_III: Fuel = Fuel { name: "IRFNA-III", density: 1.658 };
const PSPC: Fuel = Fuel { name: "PSPC", density: 1.74 };
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct Engine {
name: &'static str,
fuel_consumption: &'static [(Fuel, f64)],
isp: f64,
thrust: f64,
mass: f64,
burn_time: f64,
const LR105_NA_3: Engine = Engine {
name: "LR105-NA-3",
fuel_consumption: &[(LIQUID_OXYGEN, 70.5326), (KEROSENE, 43.5978)],
isp: 309.0,
thrust: 352.2,
mass: 460.0,
burn_time: 330.0,
const LR89_NA_3: Engine = Engine {
name: "LR89-NA-3",
fuel_consumption: &[(LIQUID_OXYGEN, 166.4868), (KEROSENE, 102.9093)],
isp: 282.0,
thrust: 758.7,
mass: 641.0,
burn_time: 135.0,
const LR79_NA_9: Engine = Engine {
name: "LR79-NA-9",
fuel_consumption: &[(LIQUID_OXYGEN, 166.2447), (KEROSENE, 107.5894)],
isp: 284.0,
thrust: 774.0,
mass: 934.0,
burn_time: 165.0,
const AJ10_104D: Engine = Engine {
name: "AJ10-104D",
fuel_consumption: &[(UDMH, 4.2831), (IRFNA_III, 5.7219)],
isp: 278.0,
thrust: 35.1,
mass: 90.0,
burn_time: 300.0,
const BABY_SERGEANT: Engine = Engine {
name: "Baby Sergeant",
fuel_consumption: &[(PSPC, 1.9950)],
isp: 235.0,
thrust: 8.0,
mass: 5.670,
burn_time: 6.345,
impl Engine {
fn propellant_mass_per_second(&self) -> f64 {
.map(|&(fuel, rate)| fuel.density * rate)
fn propellant_mass_for_full_burn(&self) -> f64 {
self.propellant_mass_per_second() * self.burn_time
trait Stage {
fn isp(&self) -> f64;
fn dry_mass(&self) -> f64;
fn wet_mass(&self) -> f64;
fn burn_time(&self) -> f64;
/// Simple stages don't need to implement this method. It is used to
/// calculate delta-v when there are boosters involved. To combine multiple
/// simple stages, use `Rocket` instead.
fn next_stage(&self) -> Option<Box<Stage>> {
fn delta_v(&self) -> f64 {
self.isp() * (self.wet_mass() / self.dry_mass()).ln() * GRAVITY
impl<T: ?Sized + Stage> Stage for Box<T> {
fn isp(&self) -> f64 { (&**self).isp() }
fn dry_mass(&self) -> f64 { (&**self).dry_mass() }
fn wet_mass(&self) -> f64 { (&**self).wet_mass() }
fn burn_time(&self) -> f64 { (&**self).burn_time() }
fn next_stage(&self) -> Option<Box<Stage>> { (&**self).next_stage() }
fn delta_v(&self) -> f64 { (&**self).delta_v() }
impl<'a, T: ?Sized + Stage> Stage for &'a T {
fn isp(&self) -> f64 { (&**self).isp() }
fn dry_mass(&self) -> f64 { (&**self).dry_mass() }
fn wet_mass(&self) -> f64 { (&**self).wet_mass() }
fn burn_time(&self) -> f64 { (&**self).burn_time() }
fn next_stage(&self) -> Option<Box<Stage>> { (&**self).next_stage() }
fn delta_v(&self) -> f64 { (&**self).delta_v() }
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct SimpleStage {
dry_mass: f64,
engine: Engine,
impl SimpleStage {
fn with_remaining_burn_time(&self, burn_time: f64) -> Self {
let mut new_stage = self.clone();
new_stage.engine.burn_time = burn_time;
impl Stage for SimpleStage {
fn isp(&self) -> f64 { self.engine.isp }
fn dry_mass(&self) -> f64 { self.dry_mass }
fn burn_time(&self) -> f64 { self.engine.burn_time }
fn wet_mass(&self) -> f64 {
self.dry_mass + self.engine.propellant_mass_for_full_burn()
struct MultiEngine {
dry_mass: f64,
engine: Engine,
engine_count: usize,
impl Stage for MultiEngine {
fn isp(&self) -> f64 { self.engine.isp }
fn dry_mass(&self) -> f64 { self.dry_mass }
fn burn_time(&self) -> f64 { self.engine.burn_time }
fn wet_mass(&self) -> f64 {
self.dry_mass + self.engine.propellant_mass_for_full_burn() * self.engine_count as f64
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct BoostedStage {
core: SimpleStage,
booster: SimpleStage,
booster_count: usize,
impl BoostedStage {
fn stage_after_booster_separation(&self) -> SimpleStage {
self.core.with_remaining_burn_time(self.core.engine.burn_time - self.booster.engine.burn_time)
impl Stage for BoostedStage {
fn isp(&self) -> f64 {
let core_engine = self.core.engine;
let booster_engine = self.booster.engine;
(core_engine.thrust + booster_engine.thrust * self.booster_count as f64) /
(core_engine.thrust / core_engine.isp + booster_engine.thrust / booster_engine.isp * self.booster_count as f64)
fn burn_time(&self) -> f64 {
fn dry_mass(&self) -> f64 {
self.stage_after_booster_separation().wet_mass() + self.booster.dry_mass() * self.booster_count as f64
fn wet_mass(&self) -> f64 {
self.core.wet_mass() + self.booster.wet_mass() * self.booster_count as f64
fn next_stage(&self) -> Option<Box<Stage>> {
struct StageWithPayload<T> {
stage: T,
payload_mass: f64,
impl<T: Stage> Stage for StageWithPayload<T> {
fn isp(&self) -> f64 {
fn dry_mass(&self) -> f64 {
self.stage.dry_mass() + self.payload_mass
fn wet_mass(&self) -> f64 {
self.stage.wet_mass() + self.payload_mass
fn burn_time(&self) -> f64 {
fn next_stage(&self) -> Option<Box<Stage>> {
self.stage.next_stage().map(|s| Box::new(StageWithPayload {
stage: s,
payload_mass: self.payload_mass,
}) as Box<Stage>)
struct Rocket {
stages: Vec<Box<Stage>>,
payload_mass: f64,
impl Rocket {
fn stages<'a>(&'a self) -> Box<Iterator<Item=Box<Stage + 'a>> + 'a> {
let mut iterator = RocketStages {
current: None,
remaining: self.stages.iter(),
payload_mass: self.payload_mass,
_marker: PhantomData,
fn delta_v(&self) -> f64 {
self.stages().map(|s| s.delta_v()).sum()
fn set_payload_for_target_deltav(&mut self, target_delta_v: f64) {
self.payload_mass = 0.0;
let mut last_mass = 0.0;
while self.delta_v() > target_delta_v {
last_mass = self.payload_mass;
if self.payload_mass < 50.0 {
self.payload_mass += 10.0;
} else if self.payload_mass < 500.0 {
self.payload_mass += 50.0;
} else {
self.payload_mass += 100.0;
self.payload_mass = last_mass;
struct RocketStages<'a, T> {
current: Option<Box<Stage + 'a>>,
remaining: T,
payload_mass: f64,
_marker: PhantomData<&'a ()>
impl<'a, T, U> Iterator for RocketStages<'a, U> where
T: Stage + 'a,
U: Iterator<Item=T> + Clone,
type Item = Box<Stage + 'a>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let result = self.current.take();
self.current = result.as_ref().and_then(|s| s.next_stage())
.or_else(|| {|s| {
let upper_stage_weight = self.remaining.clone().map(|s| s.wet_mass()).sum::<f64>();
Box::new(StageWithPayload {
stage: s,
payload_mass: upper_stage_weight + self.payload_mass,
}) as Box<Stage>
struct BurnTime(f64);
impl fmt::Display for BurnTime {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let minutes = self.0 as u64 / 60;
let seconds = self.0 as u64 % 60;
if seconds == 0 {
format!("{}m", minutes).fmt(fmt)
} else if minutes == 0 {
format!("{}s", seconds).fmt(fmt)
} else {
format!("{}m {}s", minutes, seconds).fmt(fmt)
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