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# Original source code:
import urllib, json
import requests
access_key = ''
secret_key = ''
session_token = ''
json_string_with_temp_credentials = '{'
json_string_with_temp_credentials += '"sessionId":"' + access_key + '",'
sh1n0b1 /
Created March 1, 2019 21:07
URL decode one-liner command
alias urldecode='python -c "import sys, urllib as ul; print ul.unquote_plus(sys.argv[1])"'
sh1n0b1 /
Last active February 23, 2019 23:16
Parse Shaodowsocks Config and encoded it to an Outline Shadowsocks URI
# Ensure jq 1.5 or greater is installed on your linux system
# ex. apt-get install jq or
# If you have a single port/password config like the following:
# {
# "server":"my_server_ip",
# "server_port":8388,
# "local_address": "",
# "local_port":1080,
# "password":"mypassword",
sh1n0b1 /
Last active November 26, 2021 06:53
Shadowsocks Server deployment script for Debian 9 - Tools to bypass internet censorship
# System Required: Debian 9
# Description: Shadowsocks Server deployment script for Debian 9
# Author:
apt update
apt install -y curl sudo
sudo apt install -y shadowsocks-libev
sudo systemctl start shadowsocks-libev
sh1n0b1 /
Created June 27, 2018 12:43
HashTag Lambda Function
import subprocess, json
def lambda_handler(event, context):
command = ['python','', '-sh', event['pathParameters']['hash']]
process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
message =
response = {
"isBase64Encoded": False,
"statusCode": 200,
"headers": {},
"body": message
import urllib, json
import requests # 'pip install requests'
from boto.sts import STSConnection # AWS SDK for Python (Boto) 'pip install boto'
# Step 1: Authenticate user in your own identity system.
# Step 2: Using the access keys for an IAM user in your AWS account,
# call "AssumeRole" to get temporary access keys for the federated user
# Note: Calls to AWS STS AssumeRole must be signed using the access key ID
sh1n0b1 / osx-irssi-sasl
Created February 12, 2017 23:03 — forked from tho/osx-irssi-sasl
OS X, irssi, sasl
$ brew install irssi gmp
$ cpan install Crypt::OpenSSL::Bignum Crypt::Blowfish Crypt::DH::GMP
$ echo '[[ $SHLVL -eq 1 ]] && eval "$(perl -I$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib)"' >> ~/.bashrc
$ mkdir -p ~/.irssi/scripts/autorun
$ (cd ~/.irssi/scripts/; wget; ln -s ../ autorun/)
$ irssi
/sasl set <network> <nick> <password> DH-BLOWFISH
/sasl save
from base64 import b64encode
from os import urandom
random_bytes = urandom(64)
token = b64encode(random_bytes).decode('utf-8')
sh1n0b1 /
Created January 21, 2017 16:28 — forked from lokulin/
Convert the x509 certificate to certificate.p12 that Plex requires.
import sys
import hashlib
from OpenSSL.crypto import *
def main():
if(len(sys.argv) != 4):
print sys.argv[0] + " /path/to/ssl.crt /path/to/ssl.key ProcessedMachineIdentifier"
sh1n0b1 /
Last active May 30, 2023 16:59
AWS S3 basic operations via AWS Access Key & Session Token
# You don't need Fog in Ruby or some other library to upload to S3 -- shell works perfectly fine
# This is how I upload my new Sol Trader builds (
# Based on a modified script from here:
# ====================================================================================
# Aug 25, 2016 sh1n0b1
# Modified this script to support AWS session token
# More work will be done on this.
# S3KEY="ASIAJLFN####################"