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Diego Osorio sha-16

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D3Ext /
Last active February 28, 2025 10:33
All methods to bypass AMSI (2022)

AMSI Bypass

To perform all this techniques you can simply try them by typing "Invoke-Mimikatz" into your powershell terminal, you'll notice that even if you haven't imported Mimikatz it will detect that as malicious. But if the AMSI is off or you avoid it, it just will say that "it's not recognized as the name of a cmdlet", so you could say that you've bypassed the AMSI

However some methods may be detected by the AV but most of them actually work without problem

Powershell downgrade

The first and worst way to bypass AMSI is downgrading powershell version to 2.0.

pich4ya / root_bypass.js
Created August 5, 2019 20:14
Bypass Android Root Detection / Bypass RootBeer - August 2019
// $ frida -l antiroot.js -U -f --no-pause
// CHANGELOG by Pichaya Morimoto ([email protected]):
// - I added extra whitelisted items to deal with the latest versions
// of RootBeer/Cordova iRoot as of August 6, 2019
// - The original one just fucked up (kill itself) if Magisk is installed lol
// Credit & Originally written by:
// If this isn't working in the future, check console logs, rootbeer src, or
Java.perform(function() {
var RootPackages = ["", "", "eu.chainfire.supersu",
superkojiman /
Last active March 3, 2025 11:04
Creating a user name list for brute force attacks.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
NameMash by superkojiman
Generate a list of possible usernames from a person's first and last name.