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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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GroupMe Emoji JS
// This gets the powerups for us to use in the below replaceEmoji function
window.powerups = (function() {
var powerups = null;
'async': false,
'global': false,
'url': '',
'dataType': 'json',
'success': function(data) {
powerups = data;
powerups = powerups['powerups'];
return powerups;
// Subject is message JSON from GroupMe
function replaceEmoji(subject) {
// Read the text of the message
var text = subject['text'];
// If there are no attachments, then there' are no emojis's no need to run the rest.
if (subject['attachments'] != null) {
// For each attachment...
for(i=0; i<subject['attachments'].length; ++i) {
var attachment = subject['attachments'][i];
// We're only dealing with emoji attachments here.
if (attachment['type'] == 'emoji') {
// The first part of the charmap for emoji attachments is the pack ID, the
// second is the powerup ID.
var pack_id = attachment['charmap'][0][0];
var powerup_id = attachment['charmap'][0][1];
var image = null;
// Looking at the powerups from the function at the top, cycling through them.
// i is the index and v is the value. There is probably a much cleaner way to
// do this, but it had to be quick at the time and it works.
$.each(powerups, function(i, v) {
// If the pack ID matches the attachment's...
if (v['meta']['pack_id'] == pack_id) {
// We're going to cycle through the powerups in the pack. Again, there's
// probably a much cleaner way to do this.
$.each(v['meta']['inline'], function(j, u) {
// I am getting the same sized emojis all the time, but there are other
// options. Just take a look at the powerups JSON for more options.
if (u['x'] == 20) {
// Finally, the URL for the image, which contains a bunch of emojis
// in one.
image = u['image_url'];
if (image == null) {
// The pixel height multiplied by the powerup ID (negated) will give you the
// proper background-position vertical placement value.
var pixel_down = 20 * powerup_id * -1;
var image_html = '<span style="';
image_html += "background: url(";
image_html += image;
image_html += ") no-repeat left top;";
image_html += "background-size: 20px auto !important;";
image_html += "background-position: 0 ";
image_html += pixel_down;
image_html += "px;";
image_html += '" class="emoji"></span>';
// Replace the placeholder character with the HTML for the image.
text = text.replace(attachment['placeholder'], image_html);
// Return the final text with placeholder characters replaced with HTML.
return text;
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