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Created March 12, 2014 17:06
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Rust list example
use std::cast;
struct Node<T> {
enum NodeErr {
impl<T:Clone> Node<T> {
/** Create a new Node holding the value T */
fn new(t:T) -> Node<T> {
return Node {
next: None,
data: Some(t)
/** Create a new blank node */
fn blank() -> Node<T> {
return Node {
next: None,
data: None::<T>
/** Create a new chain from a vector */
fn import(t:~[T]) -> Node<T> {
let mut rtn = Node::<T>::blank();
for value in t.iter() {
return rtn;
/** Attach a node as the 'next' node in this chain */
fn push<'a>(&'a mut self, value: T) -> &'a mut ~Node<T> {
match {
None => self._push_node(~Node::new(value)),
Some(v) => {
let mut next = ~Node::new(value);
match {
Some(ref mut t) => t,
None => unreachable!(),
/** Attach a raw node object as the 'next' node in this chain */
fn _push_node(& mut self, value: ~Node<T>) { = Some(value);
/** Get the 'next' node of this chain */
fn next<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Result<&'a mut ~Node<T>, NodeErr> {
match {
Some(e) => return Ok(e),
None => return Err(Nope)
/** Return data instance */
fn data<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Result<&'a mut T, NodeErr> {
match {
Some(ref mut e) => return Ok(e),
None => return Err(Nope)
/** Apply some operator to each element in the list*/
fn each<U>(&mut self, context:& mut U, c:|context: & mut U, value: & mut T|) {
Node::_applyEach(context,, |x, y| c(x, y));
let mut busy = true;
let mut here =;
while busy {
match here {
Ok(e) => {
Node::_applyEach(context,, |x, y| c(x, y));
here =;
_ => busy = false
/** Actually apply an each function to a data point */
fn _applyEach<U>(context:& mut U, r:Result<& mut T, NodeErr>, c:|context:& mut U, value: & mut T|) {
match r {
Ok(e) => {
c(context, e)
_ => {}
/** Walk the entire chain and count values */
fn count(&mut self) -> int {
let mut count = 0;
self.each(& mut count, |c:& mut int, _:& mut T| {
*c += 1;
return count;
/* Return an immutable filtered set of values */
fn count_filtered(&mut self, c:|value: & T| -> bool) -> int {
let mut count = 0;
self.each(& mut count, |count:& mut int, value:& mut T| {
if c(value) {
*count += 1;
return count;
/* Return a mutable filtered vector of values */
fn filter<'a>(&mut self, c:|value: & T| -> bool) -> ~[T] {
let mut rtn = ~[];
self.each(& mut rtn, |v:& mut ~[T], value:& mut T| {
if c(value) {
return rtn;
fn test_create_node() {
let mut x = Node::new(10);
assert!(x.count() == 1);
fn test_create_blank_node() {
let mut x = Node::<int>::blank();
assert!(x.count() == 0);
fn test_create_from_vector() {
let mut x = Node::import(~[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]);
assert!(x.count() == 10);
fn test_create_node_chain() {
let mut x = ~Node::<int>::blank();
assert!(x.count() == 4);
fn test_count_filtered_node_chain() {
let mut x = ~Node::<int>::blank();
for i in range(0, 20) { x.push(i); }
assert!(x.count_filtered(|v:&int| -> bool { return *v < 5; }) == 5);
assert!(x.count_filtered(|v:&int| -> bool { return *v == 10; }) == 1);
assert!(x.count_filtered(|v:&int| -> bool { return *v >= 5 && *v <= 10; }) == 6);
fn test_filter_node_chain() {
let mut x = ~Node::<int>::blank();
for i in range(0, 20) { x.push(i); }
let output = x.filter(|v:&int| -> bool { return *v >= 5 && *v <= 10; });
for i in range(5, 10) {
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