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Created September 7, 2017 23:16
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Stack Overflow // emscripten-canvas-jquery-toggle-focus
var layout = '<div class="game-title" style="position:fixed;left:0;right:0;top:100px;text-align:center"><h1>Frogger</h1><h3>Click a character to get started.</h3></div><div class="player-selection"> <img class="player" src="" id="hero" alt="char-boy"><img class="player" src="" alt="char-princess-girl"> <img class="player" src="" alt="char-pink-girl"> </div><img id="enemy" src="" style="display:none" alt="enemy"> <canvas id="canvas" class="game-canvas" style="margin-top:5px"></canvas> <div id="scoreboard" class="game-scoreboard"> <div class="row"><span>Level</span> <br><span id="level" tabindex="1">1</span> </div><div class="row"><span>Score</span> <br><span id="counter" class="game-score" tabindex="0">0</span> </div></div><div class="pause pause-button"></div><div class="play play-button"></div><div class="html-space"><input id="message-input" placeholder="enter message">';
// NOTE: innerHTML is an insecure technique for populating the DOM and should not be used in production environments. it is used here for convenience
document.body.innerHTML = layout;
var randomInteger = {
inRange: function(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
inArray: function(array) {
var theValues = Array.from(array);
return theValues[Math.floor(theValues.length * Math.random())];
var layout = {
boundaryLeft: function() {
// Return left boundary between window edge and canvas
return -((window.innerWidth - layout.cWidth) / 2);
cHeight: 606,
cWidth: 505,
homeX: 202,
homeY: 480,
pause: '.pause-button',
play: '.play-button',
playerImg: function() {
return document.querySelector('img.player')
updateCounter: function(newScore, selector) {
var scoreCounter = document.querySelector("" + selector + "");
scoreCounter.textContent = newScore;
scoreCounter.tabIndex = newScore;
waterBreak: {
end: function() {
layout.pause.className = 'pause-button is-visible'; = 'play-button';
start: function() { = 'play-button is-visible';
layout.pause.className = 'pause-button';
var score = 0,
level = 1,
moveX = layout.cHeight / 6,
moveY = layout.cWidth / 5;
// Create Game object, define number of enemies to be created at specified interval.
var Game = function(enemyCount) {
this.enemyCount = enemyCount;
// enemyInterval is set here in the Game constructor
// but not invoked until generateEnemies()
this.enemyInterval = randomInteger.inRange(500, 670);
this.score = score = 0;
this.level = level = 1;
Game.prototype = Object.create(Game.prototype);
Game.prototype.constructor = Game;
// Use browser size to set initial enemy x and y coordinates
Game.prototype.enemyRangeX = function() {
return randomInteger.inRange(layout.boundaryLeft() * 1.5, layout.boundaryLeft() * 0.5);
Game.prototype.enemyRangeY = function() {
return randomInteger.inArray([102, 169, 270]);
// Increment HTML counter every time player reaches water
Game.prototype.updateScore = function(counter) {
if (counter === 'add') {
if (counter === 'remove' && (score > 0)) {
if (score / level === 10) {
layout.updateCounter(level, '#level');
return layout.updateCounter(score, '#counter');
// Character constructor
var Character = function(x, y, avatar, height, width) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.avatar = avatar;
this.height = avatar.height;
this.width = avatar.width;
var Enemy = function(x, y, avatar, height, width, speed) {, x, y, document.getElementById('enemy'), this.height, this.width);
this.speed = randomInteger.inRange(125, 150);
Enemy.prototype = Object.create(Character.prototype);
Enemy.prototype.constructor = Enemy;
// Set enemy movement across x-axis to a random number of pixels between 4 and 7.
// Multiply movement by dt (Date time) function to ensure cross-OS consistency.
Enemy.prototype.update = function(dt) {
this.x = this.x + (this.speed * dt);
Enemy.prototype.render = function(x, y, avatar) {
ctx.drawImage(this.avatar, this.x, this.y);
var Player = function(x, y) {, x, y, document.querySelector('#hero'), this.height, this.width);
Player.prototype = Object.create(Character.prototype);
Player.prototype.constructor = Player;
// Return player to initial position set in layout data
Player.prototype.squareOne = function() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, layout.cWidth, layout.cHeight);
this.x = layout.homeX;
this.y = layout.homeY;
Player.prototype.render = function() {
ctx.drawImage(this.avatar, this.x, this.y);
Player.prototype.handleInput = function(input) {
// Respond to keyup event by moving left, right, up, or down.
switch (input) {
case 'up':
this.y -= moveY
case 'down':
this.y += moveY
case 'left':
this.x -= moveX
case 'right':
this.x += moveX
// If player moves off map, return to home position
if (this.x < -10 || this.x > 415 || this.y > (layout.homeY + 20)) {
return this.squareOne();
// If player reaches water, return to home position and increment game score
if (this.y < 90) {
return this.squareOne(), game.updateScore('add');
// Show canvas, selected avatar and enable keyboard direction keys
Game.prototype.start = function() {
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
canvas.classList += ' active';
document.addEventListener("keyup", this.toggleKeys);
this.enemyCount = 3;
Game.prototype.pause = function() {
document.removeEventListener("keyup", this.toggleKeys);
this.enemyCount = 0;
// Hide canvas, allow re-selection of avatar and disable keyboard direction keys
Game.prototype.levelUp = function() {
return layout.updateCounter(level++, '#level');
var game = new Game(),
player = new Player(),
allEnemies = [];
// Generate number of enemies specified in game params, and place each enemy
// at x and y coordinates specified in Game.prototype object
function generateEnemies() {
var enemy = new Enemy(game.enemyRangeX(), game.enemyRangeY());
for (var i = 0; i < game.enemyCount; i++) {
// Regularly dump enemies from allEnemies array to prevent memory leak
if (allEnemies.length > game.enemyCount * 6) {
return allEnemies.splice(0, game.enemyCount);
setInterval(generateEnemies, game.enemyInterval);
var heroes = document.querySelectorAll('.player');
var heroContainer = document.querySelector('.player-selection');
var gameTitle = document.querySelector('.game-title');
heroes.forEach(function(elem) {
elem.addEventListener('click', function() {
setTimeout(game.start(), 450);
var choosePlayer = function(selector) {
heroes.forEach(function(elem) {
if (elem !== selector) { = "";
} else { = "hero";
selector.classList += ' moveDown';
heroContainer.classList += ' game-active'; = 'none';
player = new Player(layout.homeX, layout.homeY);
function pauseGame() {
return game.pause();
document.querySelector(layout.pause).addEventListener('click', pauseGame);
function resumeGame() {
return game.start();
document.querySelector('click', resumeGame);
// Detect collisions using axis-aligned bounding box technique
var checkCollisions = function() {
allEnemies.forEach(function(elem, i, arr) {
var characterArr = [player.width, player.height, elem.width, elem.height];
var charBubbles = {
return num * 0.75;
if (elem.x > 0 && elem.x < 500) {
if (elem.x < player.x + charBubbles[0] &&
elem.x + charBubbles[2] > player.x &&
elem.y < (player.y) + (charBubbles[1]) &&
charBubbles[3] + elem.y > (player.y)) {
return player.squareOne(), game.updateScore("remove");
// Control key input
Game.prototype.toggleKeys = function(e) {
var allowedKeys = {
37: 'left',
38: 'up',
39: 'right',
40: 'down'
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See line 297 for toggleKeys method

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