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Created December 4, 2016 16:17
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Summary of paper "Learning Phrase Representations using RNN Encoder–Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation"

Learning Phrase Representations using RNN Encoder–Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation


  • The paper proposes a new RNN Encoder-Decoder architecture that can improve the performance of statistical machine translation (SMT) systems.
  • Link to the paper

RNN Encoder-Decoder

  • Model consists of two RNNs
    • Encoder
      • Learns to encode a variable-length input sequence into a fixed-length vector representation.
    • Decoder
      • Learns to decode a given fixed-length vector representation into a variable-length target sequence.
  • Two networks are trained jointly to maximise the conditional probability of the target sequence given the input source sequence.
  • Trained model can be used to:
    • generate a target sequence, given an input sequence.
    • score a given pair of input and output sequences.

Hidden Unit that adaptively remembers and forgets.

  • Hidden unit updated to have a
    • reset gate that adaptively drop any hidden state information that it finds irrelevant.
    • update gate that controls how much information from the previous state to carry over.
  • Each hidden unit has separate reset and update gates which improve the memory capacity and makes it easier to train.

Statistical Machine Translation (SMT)

  • In the phrase-based SMT framework, the translation model is factorised into the translation probabilities of matching phrases in the source and target sentences.
  • RNN Encoder-Decoder can be used to rescore the phrase pairs in the phrase table



  • 1000 hidden units.
  • Activation function in proposed hidden unit - hyperbolic tangent function
  • Non-recurrent weights initialized by sampling from an isotropic Gaussian distribution (mean = 0, sd = 0.01)
  • Recurrent weights initialized by sampling from white Gaussian distribution and using its left singular vectors.
  • Adadelta and SGD


  • Train the model to translate an English phrase to French phrase.
  • Using the model to score phrase pairs in the standard phrase-based SMT system improves the translation performance.
  • Train a CSLM (Continuous Space Language Model) and compare phrase scores from trained model with those given by CSLM.
  • RNN Encoder–Decoder is better at capturing the linguistic regularities in the phrase table.
  • RNN Encoder-Decoder learns a continuous space representation for phrases that preserves both the semantic and syntactic structure.
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Hi shahbazsyed, if I understand it correctly input sequence can be variable length sequence of words which will be provided as an input to encoder to output fixed-length vector representation which is basically some fixed length(say 128) vector of numbers.

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