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Last active November 14, 2016 01:18
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Save shaheeng/02803968d030e28bd210 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Purpose: Evaluate your classification model against some baseline metrics
# Establish that your model is not just making lucky guesses but is significantly better than a random model
# Author : Shaheen Gauher - Data Scientist at Microsoft
# Note: The code below requires MRS (Microsoft R Server, formally Revolution R Enterprise (RRE))
# MRS can be downloaded from
#download data from
header=F,sep=",",na.strings="NA") #32561 rows and 15 columns for adult data
names(datad_adult)=c('age', 'workclass','fnlwgt','education','education_num','marital_status','occupation','relationship','race','sex','capital_gain','capital_loss','hours_per_week','native_country','income')
dropcols = c('workclass','occupation','native_country')
datad_adult = datad_adult[ , !(names(datad_adult) %in% dropcols)]
class(datad_adult) #"data.frame"
#convert data frame to xdf object using rxDataStep()
adult_xdf =file.path(pathc,'adult_xdf.xdf')
data_adult = rxDataStep(inData = datad_adult, outFile = adult_xdf ,
rowsPerRead=1000, overwrite=TRUE)
class(data_adult) # "RxXdfData"
#rename the label col 'income' as 'LabelsCol'
names(data_adult)[names(data_adult)=='income'] = 'LabelsCol'
#Split the data into training and testing data.
#use rxDataStep() to create a col called 'splitcol' to use for splitting
#split using the col "splitcol"
#rxSplit() -- Splits an input '.xdf' file or data frame into multiple '.xdf' files or a list of data frames.
listofxdfs = rxSplit(data_adult,outFileBase='adultsplit',outFileSuffixes=c("Train", "Test"),splitByFactor = "splitcol",overwrite=T )
trainingdata = listofxdfs[[2]]
testdata = listofxdfs[[1]]
#Build Machine Learning model - Decision Forest rxDForest()
#collect names of columns (features) to be used for modelling
allfeatures = setdiff(names(data_adult),c('LabelsCol','splitcol'))
#create formula for modelling
formula = as.formula(paste('LabelsCol',paste(allfeatures,collapse=' + '),sep=' ~ '))
#using rxDForest() to build ML model
DForest_model <- rxDForest(formula , data = trainingdata, seed = 10, cp = 0.01, nTree = 50, mTry = 2,
overwrite = TRUE, reportProgress = 0)
class(DForest_model) #"rxDForest"
ML_model = DForest_model
#Compute the accuracy of the model and compare to accuracy of trivial models
train_modelout = rxPredict(ML_model, data = trainingdata, outData = 'temp.xdf', overwrite = TRUE, writeModelVars = TRUE, predVarNames = "PredictedLabels",type='class')
class(train_modelout) #"RxXdfData"
mytemp_xdf = RxXdfData("mytemp_xdf.xdf") #initialise an xdf object
results_model = rxDataStep(inData = train_modelout, outFile = mytemp_xdf,varsToKeep = c('PredictedLabels','LabelsCol'),overwrite = TRUE )
#Confusion Matrix
cmatrix = rxCrossTabs(~PredictedLabels:LabelsCol,results_model,returnXtabs = T)
class(cmatrix) #"xtabs" "table"
#Compute accuracy of the model
accuracy = sum(diag(cmatrix)) / sum(cmatrix)
#Accuracy of a random guess classifier
num_classes = nrow(cmatrix) #number of classs
accuracy_randgs = 1 / num_classes
cat('accuracy_random_guess = ',accuracy_randgs,'\n')
#Accuracy of a weighted guess classifier
x = apply(cmatrix,1, sum) / sum(cmatrix) ##fraction of instances per class
accuracy_wtdgs = sum(x^2)
cat('accuracy_weighted_guess = ',accuracy_wtdgs,'\n')
#Accuracy of Majority Class classifier
num_eachclass = apply(cmatrix,1, sum)
majorityClass = which(num_eachclass==max(num_eachclass))
fraction_eachclass = num_eachclass / sum(cmatrix)
accuracy_maj_class = fraction_eachclass[majorityClass[1]]
#remove file
if(file.exists("adult_xdf.xdf") ) { file.remove("adult_xdf.xdf") }
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