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Last active May 6, 2022 23:39
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# Compute the accuracy of the trained models and how it performs on the test data
#Function to compute accuracy of the trained model on the given data
computeaccuracy <- function(ML_model,scoredata){
if(file.exists("modelout_xdf.xdf") ) { file.remove("modelout_xdf.xdf") }
modelout_xdf = RxXdfData("modelout_xdf.xdf") #initialise xdf object
rxPredict(ML_model, data = scoredata, outData = modelout_xdf, overwrite = TRUE,
writeModelVars = TRUE, reportProgress = 0)
#head(modelout_xdf) #contains the actual and predicted cols
#get the columns "LabelsCol_Pred" and "LabelsCol" from modelout_xdf
mytemp_xdf = RxXdfData("mytemp_xdf.xdf") #initialise an xdf object
results_model = rxDataStep(inData = modelout_xdf, outFile = mytemp_xdf,varsToKeep = c('LabelsCol_Pred','LabelsCol'),
overwrite = TRUE, reportProgress = 0 )
cm = rxCrossTabs(~LabelsCol_Pred:LabelsCol,results_model,returnXtabs = T, reportProgress=0) #create a confusion matrix
accuracy = sum(diag(cm)) / sum(cm)
#cat('The model produced an accuracy = ',accuracy,'\n')
# to invoke function:
# computeaccuracy(ML_model,testdata)
# computeaccuracy(ML_model,trainingdata)
ML_model = DForest_model
cat('For Decision Forest: accuracy = ',computeaccuracy(ML_model,trainingdata),'\n')
# For Decision Forest: accuracy = 0.6883426
cat('For Decision Forest: accuracy on test data = ',computeaccuracy(ML_model,testdata),'\n')
# For Decision Forest: accuracy on test data = 0.6360947
ML_model = BoostedTree_model
cat('For Boosted tree: accuracy = ',computeaccuracy(ML_model,trainingdata),'\n')
# For Boosted tree: accuracy = 0.7192704
cat('For Boosted tree: accuracy on test data = ',computeaccuracy(ML_model,testdata),'\n')
# For Boosted tree: accuracy on test data = 0.6508876
ML_model = DTree_model
cat('For Decision Tree: accuracy = ',computeaccuracy(ML_model,trainingdata),'\n')
# For Decision Tree: accuracy = 0.77954
cat('For Decision Tree: accuracy on test data = ',computeaccuracy(ML_model,testdata),'\n')
# For Decision Tree: accuracy on test data = 0.6390533
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