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Created July 16, 2019 19:10
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Pyspark utility function for profiling data
import pandas as pd
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql.functions import isnan, when, count, col
def dataprofile(data_all_df,data_cols):
data_df =
columns2Bprofiled = data_df.columns
global schema_name, table_name
if not 'schema_name' in globals():
schema_name = 'schema_name'
if not 'table_name' in globals():
table_name = 'table_name'
dprof_df = pd.DataFrame({'schema_name':[schema_name] * len(data_df.columns),\
'table_name':[table_name] * len(data_df.columns),\
'data_types':[x[1] for x in data_df.dtypes]})
dprof_df = dprof_df[['schema_name','table_name','column_names', 'data_types']]
dprof_df.set_index('column_names', inplace=True, drop=False)
# ======================
num_rows = data_df.count()
dprof_df['num_rows'] = num_rows
# ======================
# number of rows with nulls and nans
df_nacounts =[count(when(isnan(c) | col(c).isNull(), c)).alias(c) for c in data_df.columns \
df_nacounts = df_nacounts.reset_index()
df_nacounts.columns = ['column_names','num_null']
dprof_df = pd.merge(dprof_df, df_nacounts, on = ['column_names'], how = 'left')
# ========================
# number of rows with white spaces (one or more space) or blanks
num_spaces = [data_df.where(F.col(c).rlike('^\\s+$')).count() for c in data_df.columns]
dprof_df['num_spaces'] = num_spaces
num_blank = [data_df.where(F.col(c)=='').count() for c in data_df.columns]
dprof_df['num_blank'] = num_blank
# =========================
# using the in built describe() function
desc_df = data_df.describe().toPandas().transpose()
desc_df.columns = ['count', 'mean', 'stddev', 'min', 'max']
desc_df = desc_df.iloc[1:,:]
desc_df = desc_df.reset_index()
desc_df.columns.values[0] = 'column_names'
desc_df = desc_df[['column_names','count', 'mean', 'stddev']]
dprof_df = pd.merge(dprof_df, desc_df , on = ['column_names'], how = 'left')
# ===========================================
allminvalues = [[0][0] for x in columns2Bprofiled]
allmaxvalues = [[0][0] for x in columns2Bprofiled]
allmincounts = [data_df.where(col(x) == y).count() for x,y in zip(columns2Bprofiled, allminvalues)]
allmaxcounts = [data_df.where(col(x) == y).count() for x,y in zip(columns2Bprofiled, allmaxvalues)]
df_counts = dprof_df[['column_names']]
df_counts.insert(loc=0, column='min', value=allminvalues)
df_counts.insert(loc=0, column='counts_min', value=allmincounts)
df_counts.insert(loc=0, column='max', value=allmaxvalues)
df_counts.insert(loc=0, column='counts_max', value=allmaxcounts)
df_counts = df_counts[['column_names','min','counts_min','max','counts_max']]
dprof_df = pd.merge(dprof_df, df_counts , on = ['column_names'], how = 'left')
# ==========================================
# number of distinct values in each column
dprof_df['num_distinct'] = [ for x in columns2Bprofiled]
# ============================================
# most frequently occuring value in a column and its count
dprof_df['most_freq_valwcount'] = [data_df.groupBy(x).count().sort("count",ascending=False).limit(1).\
toPandas().iloc[0].values.tolist() for x in columns2Bprofiled]
dprof_df['most_freq_value'] = [x[0] for x in dprof_df['most_freq_valwcount']]
dprof_df['most_freq_value_count'] = [x[1] for x in dprof_df['most_freq_valwcount']]
dprof_df = dprof_df.drop(['most_freq_valwcount'],axis=1)
# least frequently occuring value in a column and its count
dprof_df['least_freq_valwcount'] = [data_df.groupBy(x).count().sort("count",ascending=True).limit(1).\
toPandas().iloc[0].values.tolist() for x in columns2Bprofiled]
dprof_df['least_freq_value'] = [x[0] for x in dprof_df['least_freq_valwcount']]
dprof_df['least_freq_value_count'] = [x[1] for x in dprof_df['least_freq_valwcount']]
dprof_df = dprof_df.drop(['least_freq_valwcount'],axis=1)
return dprof_df
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The pyspark utility function (pyspark_dataprofile) will take as inputs, the columns to be profiled (all or some selected columns) as a list and the data in a pyspark DataFrame. The function will profile the columns and print the profile as a pandas data frame.

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Getting this error while trying to dataprofile hive table using this function

ValueError: 'column_names' is both an index level and a column label, which is ambiguous.

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same error here :(

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You can comment below line and try @pauloo23 @puviarasu92
dprof_df.set_index('column_names', inplace=True, drop=False)

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