loyal, firm, and dependable - solid or substantial in construction
Staunch is a highly opinionated Redux-style state management system for large-scale apps. Powered by ImmutableJS & RxJS - plug it into any codebase.
Note, RxJS & ImmutableJS are requirements, you'll need to install them separately.
yarn add rx immutable staunch-store
npm i rx immutable staunch-store --save
Combining the power of ImmutableJS and RxJS enables some pretty incredible features.
Changes feed for entire store, or any part of the state object. No joke, just specify which 'path' on the tree tree you're interested in.
// listen to the entire state tree for changes store.changes().subscribe(state => console.log('updated state', state))
// listen to just the 'user' section of the state store.changes('user').subscribe(user => console.log('updated state', user))
import { createStore } from 'staunch-store';
import { fromJS } from 'immutable';
* Create a store with 1 or many reducers (like combineReducers)
const store = createStore({}, {
user: function userReducer (user = fromJS({auth: false}), action) {
switch(action.type) {
case 'USER_AUTH':
return user.set('auth', action.payload);
return user;
import { createStore } from 'staunch-store';
* Create a store
const store = createStore();
* Define a 'user' reducer
function userReducer (user, action) {
switch(action.type) {
case 'USER_FETCH':
return user.set('loading', true);
return user;
* When USER_FETCH is fired, triggered an ajax request,
* mapping the result (or error) to other actions that
* affect the state
function userEffect(action$) {
return action$.ofType('USER_FETCH')
.flatMapLatest(({action, state}) => {
return fetch(action.payload.url).then(x => x.json())
.map(result => {
return userFetchSuccess(result)
.catch(err => {
return Rx.Observable.of(userFetchError(err));
* Now register the reducer, with some default state
state: {
// some some default state here,
// this will automatically be converted into
// an immutable map
user: {auth: false}
reducers: userReducer,
effects: userEffect
* Now fire the USER_AUTH action
store.dispatch({type: 'USER_AUTH'});