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Created September 14, 2012 22:27
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user similarities map reduce job. this works, but disregards topics where only one user has posted.
from mrjob.job import MRJob
Some constants.
def fill_postcounts(v1, v2):
given two dicts of postcounts, return filled dicts where the zeroes from one are
topics = list(set(v1.keys()) | set(v2.keys()))
for topic in topics:
if topic not in v1:
v1[topic] = 0
if topic not in v2:
v2[topic] = 0
return (v1, v2)
def dotProduct(v1, v2):
return sum(map(lambda x: v1[x]*v2[x], v1))
def normSq(v1):
return sum(map(lambda x: pow(v1[x], 2), v1))
# Put metrics here.
def correlation(size, dotProd, postCountSum, postCount2Sum, postCountNormSq, postCount2NormSq):
numerator = size * dotProd - postCountSum * postCount2Sum
denominator = pow((size * postCountNormSq - postCountSum * postCountSum) * (size * postCount2NormSq - postCount2Sum * postCount2Sum), 0.5)
if denominator == 0:
return 0
return float(numerator) / denominator
def correlation_regularized(size, dotProd, postCountSum, postCount2Sum, postCountNormSq, postCount2NormSq, virtualCount, priorCorrelation):
unRegularized = correlation(size, dotProd, postCountSum, postCount2Sum, postCountNormSq, postCount2NormSq)
w = float(size) / (size + virtualCount)
return w * unRegularized + (1 - w) * priorCorrelation
def jaccard(commonTopics, totalTopics1, totalTopics2):
union = totalTopics1 + totalTopics2 - commonTopics
if union == 0:
return 0
return float(commonTopics) / union
def cosine(dotProd, postCountNorm, postCount2Norm):
if postCountNorm * postCount2Norm == 0:
return 0
return float(dotProd) / (postCountNorm * postCount2Norm)
# add metrics to the below function.
def calculate_metrics(v1, v2):
Calculates similarity metrics between two unfilled vectors.
Returns [metric1, metric2, ...]
# first, store the non-zero counts for each vector.
totalTopics1 = len(v1)
totalTopics2 = len(v2)
sharedTopics = len(set(v1.keys()) & set(v2.keys()))
# next, fill both vectors.
(v1, v2) = fill_postcounts(v1, v2)
# first, calculate some vector-pair values that will be useful.
size = len(v1)
dotProd = dotProduct(v1, v2)
postCountSum = sum(v1.values())
postCount2Sum = sum(v2.values())
postCountNormSq = normSq(v1)
postCount2NormSq = normSq(v2)
# now calculate all appropriate metrics.
corr = correlation(size, dotProd, postCountSum, postCount2Sum, postCountNormSq, postCount2NormSq)
reg_corr = correlation_regularized(size, dotProd, postCountSum, postCount2Sum, postCountNormSq, postCount2NormSq, PRIOR_COUNT, PRIOR_CORRELATION)
jaccardSim = jaccard(sharedTopics, totalTopics1, totalTopics2)
cosineSim = cosine(dotProd, pow(postCountNormSq, 0.5), pow(postCount2NormSq, 0.5))
return [corr, reg_corr, jaccardSim, cosineSim]
class MRUserSimilarities(MRJob):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(MRUserSimilarities, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.users = {}
def get_postcounts(self, key, line):
Takes file input of the form userID\ttopicID\tpostCount
Returns (topicID, (userID, postCount))
splitLine = line.split()
# if int(splitLine[0]) not in self.users:
# self.users[int(splitLine[0])] = 1
yield int(splitLine[1]), (int(splitLine[0]), int(splitLine[2]))
def assemble_topic_postcounts(self, topicID, values):
Takes topicID as key and a list of (userID, postCount) tuples as values
Returns (userID1,userID2),(postCount1,postCount2)
usersPosts = dict(values)
users = usersPosts.keys()
for userID1 in users:
users2 = [userID for userID in users if userID > userID1]
# need to figure out a way to pull topics where only one user has posted.
# for userID1 in self.users:
# users2 = [userID for userID in self.users if userID > userID1]
for userID2 in users2:
if userID1 not in usersPosts:
usersPosts[userID1] = 0
if userID2 not in usersPosts:
usersPosts[userID2] = 0
yield (userID1,userID2),(usersPosts[userID1],usersPosts[userID2])
def pass_counts(self, userIDPair, postCountPair):
yield userIDPair,postCountPair
def get_similarities(self, userIDPair, postCounts):
Takes userID and that userID's topicID:postCount dict
Returns userID pairs with similarity metrics.
postCounts = list(postCounts)
if len(postCounts) >= MIN_INTERSECTION:
postCountKeys = range(len(postCounts))
v1 = dict([(topicID, postCounts[topicID][0]) for topicID in postCountKeys])
v2 = dict([(topicID, postCounts[topicID][1]) for topicID in postCountKeys])
yield userIDPair,calculate_metrics(v1, v2)
def steps(self):
return [,
if __name__ == '__main__':
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