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Last active September 5, 2023 07:12
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mocha/jasmine compatible test framework for postman test scripts (in less than 1KB minified)
* @module describe-it
* This module defines global variables to provide unit test case runner functions compatible with mocha and jasmine.
* The codebase is written for brevity and facilitate being as lightweight as possible.
* The code is intended to be included in Postman Test Sandbox.
* Create global test object to be retrieved for final results
* @global
* @type {Object}
(typeof tests !== 'object') && (tests = {});
* Execute your test within this functions.
* @param {string} k - name of the test
* @param {function} v - the test itself
it = ((it = function (k, v) {
it.d.push(k); // start tracking test depth
it.t[it.d] = 1; // test marked as passed unless set otherwise
it.b.forEach(it.c); // execute all before each
try { v(); } // execute the test and safely catch it and set the result to failure on error
catch (e) { it.t[it.d] = 0; setTimeout && setTimeout(function () { throw e; }); }
it.a.forEach(it.c); // execute after each
it.d.pop(); // untrack
* afterEach function stack
* @private
* @type {Array}
it.a = [],
* beforeEach function stack
* @private
* @type {Array}
it.b = [],
* Function to call a function sent as parameter
it.c = function (x) { x(); },
* Test depth tracking stack
* @private
* @type {Array}
it.d = [],
it.d.toString = function () { return this.join(' '); }, // pretty format test tracking
* Store reference for global test variable for shorthand access.
* @private
* @type {object}
it.t = tests,
* TDD assertion library
* @constructor
* @private
* @param {*=} [v] value to assert
it.x = function (v) { this.v = v; }, // the expect prototype
it.xp = it.x.prototype,
it.xp.toBe = function (x) { (this.v !== x) && it._(); },
it.xp.toNotBe = function (x) { (this.v === x) && it._(); },
it.xp.toEql = function (x) { (this.v != x) && it._(); },
it.xp.toNotEql = function (x) { (this.v == x) && it._(); },
it.xp.toBeOk = function () { !this.v && it._(); },
it.xp.toNotBeOk = function () { this.v && it._(); },
it), // return original variable
* Group a unit test by component
* @param {string} k - name of the component
* @param {function} v - tests within the component
describe = function (k, v) { it.d.push(k); v(); it.d.pop(); },
* Assert a value
* @param {*=} [v]
* @returns {object}
expect = function (v) { return new it.x(v); },
* Execute fixture and other setup before each test
* @function
* @param {function} f
beforeEach = it.b.push.bind(it.b),
* Execute teardown of fixtures after each test
* @function
* @param {function} f
afterEach = it.a.push.bind(it.a);
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I've tried forking and doing it myself, but I found it difficult to add in some logic that would add to the name of the test that failed assertion something like (". Actual value: " + v), just so we can get some indication to what was the value that caused the failure of assertion.

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Stwissel commented Sep 8, 2016

How hard would it be to add a few more? I would love to see toBeAnArray() and haveElementCount(from, to)

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It looks like toEql and toNotEql have inverted logic? same for toBe and toNotBe.

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