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Created May 8, 2014 18:45
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!function(O, U, s) {
"use strict";
function t(b) {
return function() {
var c, a = arguments[0], a = "[" + (b ? b + ":" : "") + a + "]" + (b ? b + "/" : "") + a;
for (c = 1; c < arguments.length; c++) a = a + (1 == c ? "?" : "&") + "p" + (c - 1) + "=" + encodeURIComponent("function" == typeof arguments[c] ? arguments[c].toString().replace(/ \{[\s\S]*$/, "") : "undefined" == typeof arguments[c] ? "undefined" : "string" != typeof arguments[c] ? JSON.stringify(arguments[c]) : arguments[c]);
return Error(a);
function ab(b) {
if (null == b || Ca(b)) return !1;
var a = b.length;
return 1 === b.nodeType && a ? !0 : w(b) || M(b) || 0 === a || "number" == typeof a && a > 0 && a - 1 in b;
function q(b, a, c) {
var d;
if (b) if (P(b)) for (d in b) "prototype" == d || "length" == d || "name" == d || b.hasOwnProperty && !b.hasOwnProperty(d) ||, b[d], d); else if (b.forEach && b.forEach !== q) b.forEach(a, c); else if (ab(b)) for (d = 0; d < b.length; d++), b[d], d); else for (d in b) b.hasOwnProperty(d) &&, b[d], d);
return b;
function Qb(b) {
var c, a = [];
for (c in b) b.hasOwnProperty(c) && a.push(c);
return a.sort();
function Sc(b, a, c) {
for (var d = Qb(b), e = 0; e < d.length; e++), b[d[e]], d[e]);
return d;
function Rb(b) {
return function(a, c) {
b(c, a);
function bb() {
for (var a, b = ka.length; b; ) {
if (b--, a = ka[b].charCodeAt(0), 57 == a) return ka[b] = "A", ka.join("");
if (90 != a) return ka[b] = String.fromCharCode(a + 1), ka.join("");
ka[b] = "0";
return ka.unshift("0"), ka.join("");
function Sb(b, a) {
a ? b.$$hashKey = a : delete b.$$hashKey;
function D(b) {
var a = b.$$hashKey;
return q(arguments, function(a) {
a !== b && q(a, function(a, c) {
b[c] = a;
}), Sb(b, a), b;
function Y(b) {
return parseInt(b, 10);
function Tb(b, a) {
return D(new (D(function() {}, {
prototype: b
}))(), a);
function C() {}
function Da(b) {
return b;
function aa(b) {
return function() {
return b;
function E(b) {
return "undefined" == typeof b;
function B(b) {
return "undefined" != typeof b;
function X(b) {
return null != b && "object" == typeof b;
function w(b) {
return "string" == typeof b;
function vb(b) {
return "number" == typeof b;
function Na(b) {
return "[object Date]" ===;
function M(b) {
return "[object Array]" ===;
function P(b) {
return "function" == typeof b;
function cb(b) {
return "[object RegExp]" ===;
function Ca(b) {
return b && b.document && b.location && b.alert && b.setInterval;
function Tc(b) {
return !(!b || !(b.nodeName || b.prop && b.attr && b.find));
function Uc(b, a, c) {
var d = [];
return q(b, function(b, g, f) {
d.push(, b, g, f));
}), d;
function db(b, a) {
if (b.indexOf) return b.indexOf(a);
for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++) if (a === b[c]) return c;
return -1;
function Oa(b, a) {
var c = db(b, a);
return c >= 0 && b.splice(c, 1), a;
function ba(b, a) {
if (Ca(b) || b && b.$evalAsync && b.$watch) throw Pa("cpws");
if (a) {
if (b === a) throw Pa("cpi");
if (M(b)) for (var c = a.length = 0; c < b.length; c++) a.push(ba(b[c])); else {
c = a.$$hashKey, q(a, function(b, c) {
delete a[c];
for (var d in b) a[d] = ba(b[d]);
Sb(a, c);
} else (a = b) && (M(b) ? a = ba(b, []) : Na(b) ? a = new Date(b.getTime()) : cb(b) ? a = RegExp(b.source) : X(b) && (a = ba(b, {})));
return a;
function Ub(b, a) {
a = a || {};
for (var c in b) !b.hasOwnProperty(c) || "$" === c.charAt(0) && "$" === c.charAt(1) || (a[c] = b[c]);
return a;
function xa(b, a) {
if (b === a) return !0;
if (null === b || null === a) return !1;
if (b !== b && a !== a) return !0;
var d, c = typeof b;
if (c == typeof a && "object" == c) {
if (!M(b)) {
if (Na(b)) return Na(a) && b.getTime() == a.getTime();
if (cb(b) && cb(a)) return b.toString() == a.toString();
if (b && b.$evalAsync && b.$watch || a && a.$evalAsync && a.$watch || Ca(b) || Ca(a) || M(a)) return !1;
c = {};
for (d in b) if ("$" !== d.charAt(0) && !P(b[d])) {
if (!xa(b[d], a[d])) return !1;
c[d] = !0;
for (d in a) if (!c.hasOwnProperty(d) && "$" !== d.charAt(0) && a[d] !== s && !P(a[d])) return !1;
return !0;
if (!M(a)) return !1;
if ((c = b.length) == a.length) {
for (d = 0; c > d; d++) if (!xa(b[d], a[d])) return !1;
return !0;
return !1;
function Vb() {
return U.securityPolicy && U.securityPolicy.isActive || U.querySelector && !(!U.querySelector("[ng-csp]") && !U.querySelector("[data-ng-csp]"));
function eb(b, a) {
var c = 2 < arguments.length ?, 2) : [];
return !P(a) || a instanceof RegExp ? a : c.length ? function() {
return arguments.length ? a.apply(b, c.concat(, 0))) : a.apply(b, c);
} : function() {
return arguments.length ? a.apply(b, arguments) :;
function Vc(b, a) {
var c = a;
return "string" == typeof b && "$" === b.charAt(0) ? c = s : Ca(a) ? c = "$WINDOW" : a && U === a ? c = "$DOCUMENT" : a && a.$evalAsync && a.$watch && (c = "$SCOPE"),
function qa(b, a) {
return "undefined" == typeof b ? s : JSON.stringify(b, Vc, a ? " " : null);
function Wb(b) {
return w(b) ? JSON.parse(b) : b;
function Qa(b) {
return "function" == typeof b ? b = !0 : b && 0 !== b.length ? (b = K("" + b), b = !("f" == b || "0" == b || "false" == b || "no" == b || "n" == b || "[]" == b)) : b = !1,
function ha(b) {
b = y(b).clone();
try {
} catch (a) {}
var c = y("<div>").append(b).html();
try {
return 3 === b[0].nodeType ? K(c) : c.match(/^(<[^>]+>)/)[1].replace(/^<([\w\-]+)/, function(a, b) {
return "<" + K(b);
} catch (d) {
return K(c);
function Xb(b) {
try {
return decodeURIComponent(b);
} catch (a) {}
function Yb(b) {
var c, d, a = {};
return q((b || "").split("&"), function(b) {
b && (c = b.split("="), d = Xb(c[0]), B(d) && (b = B(c[1]) ? Xb(c[1]) : !0, a[d] ? M(a[d]) ? a[d].push(b) : a[d] = [ a[d], b ] : a[d] = b));
}), a;
function Zb(b) {
var a = [];
return q(b, function(b, d) {
M(b) ? q(b, function(b) {
a.push(za(d, !0) + (!0 === b ? "" : "=" + za(b, !0)));
}) : a.push(za(d, !0) + (!0 === b ? "" : "=" + za(b, !0)));
}), a.length ? a.join("&") : "";
function wb(b) {
return za(b, !0).replace(/%26/gi, "&").replace(/%3D/gi, "=").replace(/%2B/gi, "+");
function za(b, a) {
return encodeURIComponent(b).replace(/%40/gi, "@").replace(/%3A/gi, ":").replace(/%24/g, "$").replace(/%2C/gi, ",").replace(/%20/g, a ? "%20" : "+");
function Wc(b, a) {
function c(a) {
a && d.push(a);
var e, g, d = [ b ], f = [ "ng:app", "ng-app", "x-ng-app", "data-ng-app" ], h = /\sng[:\-]app(:\s*([\w\d_]+);?)?\s/;
q(f, function(a) {
f[a] = !0, c(U.getElementById(a)), a = a.replace(":", "\\:"), b.querySelectorAll && (q(b.querySelectorAll("." + a), c),
q(b.querySelectorAll("." + a + "\\:"), c), q(b.querySelectorAll("[" + a + "]"), c));
}), q(d, function(a) {
if (!e) {
var b = h.exec(" " + a.className + " ");
b ? (e = a, g = (b[2] || "").replace(/\s+/g, ",")) : q(a.attributes, function(b) {
!e && f[] && (e = a, g = b.value);
}), e && a(e, g ? [ g ] : []);
function $b(b, a) {
var c = function() {
if (b = y(b), b.injector()) {
var c = b[0] === U ? "document" : ha(b);
throw Pa("btstrpd", c);
return a = a || [], a.unshift([ "$provide", function(a) {
a.value("$rootElement", b);
} ]), a.unshift("ng"), c = ac(a), c.invoke([ "$rootScope", "$rootElement", "$compile", "$injector", "$animate", function(a, b, c, d) {
a.$apply(function() {"$injector", d), c(b)(a);
} ]), c;
return O && !d.test( ? c() : ( =, ""), void (Ea.resumeBootstrap = function(b) {
q(b, function(b) {
}), c();
function fb(b, a) {
return a = a || "_", b.replace(Xc, function(b, d) {
return (d ? a : "") + b.toLowerCase();
function xb(b, a, c) {
if (!b) throw Pa("areq", a || "?", c || "required");
return b;
function Ra(b, a, c) {
return c && M(b) && (b = b[b.length - 1]), xb(P(b), a, "not a function, got " + (b && "object" == typeof b ? || "Object" : typeof b)),
function Aa(b, a) {
if ("hasOwnProperty" === b) throw Pa("badname", a);
function bc(b, a, c) {
if (!a) return b;
a = a.split(".");
for (var d, e = b, g = a.length, f = 0; g > f; f++) d = a[f], b && (b = (e = b)[d]);
return !c && P(b) ? eb(e, b) : b;
function yb(b) {
var a = b[0];
if (b = b[b.length - 1], a === b) return y(a);
var c = [ a ];
do {
if (a = a.nextSibling, !a) break;
} while (a !== b);
return y(c);
function Yc(b) {
var a = t("$injector"), c = t("ng");
return b = b.angular || (b.angular = {}), b.$$minErr = b.$$minErr || t, b.module || (b.module = function() {
var b = {};
return function(e, g, f) {
if ("hasOwnProperty" === e) throw c("badname", "module");
return g && b.hasOwnProperty(e) && (b[e] = null), b[e] || (b[e] = function() {
function b(a, d, e) {
return function() {
return c[e || "push"]([ a, d, arguments ]), n;
if (!g) throw a("nomod", e);
var c = [], d = [], m = b("$injector", "invoke"), n = {
_invokeQueue: c,
_runBlocks: d,
requires: g,
name: e,
provider: b("$provide", "provider"),
factory: b("$provide", "factory"),
service: b("$provide", "service"),
value: b("$provide", "value"),
constant: b("$provide", "constant", "unshift"),
animation: b("$animateProvider", "register"),
filter: b("$filterProvider", "register"),
controller: b("$controllerProvider", "register"),
directive: b("$compileProvider", "directive"),
config: m,
run: function(a) {
return d.push(a), this;
return f && m(f), n;
function Zc(b) {
D(b, {
bootstrap: $b,
copy: ba,
extend: D,
equals: xa,
element: y,
forEach: q,
injector: ac,
noop: C,
bind: eb,
toJson: qa,
fromJson: Wb,
identity: Da,
isUndefined: E,
isDefined: B,
isString: w,
isFunction: P,
isObject: X,
isNumber: vb,
isElement: Tc,
isArray: M,
version: $c,
isDate: Na,
lowercase: K,
uppercase: Fa,
callbacks: {
counter: 0
$$minErr: t,
$$csp: Vb
}), Sa = Yc(O);
try {
} catch (a) {
Sa("ngLocale", []).provider("$locale", ad);
Sa("ng", [ "ngLocale" ], [ "$provide", function(a) {
$$sanitizeUri: bd
}), a.provider("$compile", cc).directive({
a: cd,
input: dc,
textarea: dc,
form: dd,
script: ed,
select: fd,
style: gd,
option: hd,
ngBind: id,
ngBindHtml: jd,
ngBindTemplate: kd,
ngClass: ld,
ngClassEven: md,
ngClassOdd: nd,
ngCloak: od,
ngController: pd,
ngForm: qd,
ngHide: rd,
ngIf: sd,
ngInclude: td,
ngInit: ud,
ngNonBindable: vd,
ngPluralize: wd,
ngRepeat: xd,
ngShow: yd,
ngStyle: zd,
ngSwitch: Ad,
ngSwitchWhen: Bd,
ngSwitchDefault: Cd,
ngOptions: Dd,
ngTransclude: Ed,
ngModel: Fd,
ngList: Gd,
ngChange: Hd,
required: ec,
ngRequired: ec,
ngValue: Id
ngInclude: Jd
}).directive(zb).directive(fc), a.provider({
$anchorScroll: Kd,
$animate: Ld,
$browser: Md,
$cacheFactory: Nd,
$controller: Od,
$document: Pd,
$exceptionHandler: Qd,
$filter: gc,
$interpolate: Rd,
$interval: Sd,
$http: Td,
$httpBackend: Ud,
$location: Vd,
$log: Wd,
$parse: Xd,
$rootScope: Yd,
$q: Zd,
$sce: $d,
$sceDelegate: ae,
$sniffer: be,
$templateCache: ce,
$timeout: de,
$window: ee,
$$rAF: fe,
$$asyncCallback: ge
} ]);
function Ta(b) {
return b.replace(he, function(a, b, d, e) {
return e ? d.toUpperCase() : d;
}).replace(ie, "Moz$1");
function Ab(b, a, c, d) {
function e(b) {
var k, m, n, p, r, z, e = c && b ? [ this.filter(b) ] : [ this ], l = a;
if (!d || null != b) for (;e.length; ) for (k = e.shift(), m = 0, n = k.length; n > m; m++) for (p = y(k[m]),
l ? p.triggerHandler("$destroy") : l = !l, r = 0, p = (z = p.children()).length; p > r; r++) e.push(Ga(z[r]));
return g.apply(this, arguments);
var g = Ga.fn[b], g = g.$original || g;
e.$original = g, Ga.fn[b] = e;
function N(b) {
if (b instanceof N) return b;
if (w(b) && (b = ca(b)), !(this instanceof N)) {
if (w(b) && "<" != b.charAt(0)) throw Bb("nosel");
return new N(b);
if (w(b)) {
var a = b;
b = U;
var c;
if (c = je.exec(a)) b = [ b.createElement(c[1]) ]; else {
var e, d = b;
if (b = d.createDocumentFragment(), c = [], Cb.test(a)) {
for (d = b.appendChild(d.createElement("div")), e = (ke.exec(a) || [ "", "" ])[1].toLowerCase(),
e = ea[e] || ea._default, d.innerHTML = "<div>&#160;</div>" + e[1] + a.replace(le, "<$1></$2>") + e[2],
d.removeChild(d.firstChild), a = e[0]; a--; ) d = d.lastChild;
for (a = 0, e = d.childNodes.length; e > a; ++a) c.push(d.childNodes[a]);
d = b.firstChild, d.textContent = "";
} else c.push(d.createTextNode(a));
b.textContent = "", b.innerHTML = "", b = c;
Db(this, b), y(U.createDocumentFragment()).append(this);
} else Db(this, b);
function Eb(b) {
return b.cloneNode(!0);
function Ha(b) {
var a = 0;
for (b = b.childNodes || []; a < b.length; a++) Ha(b[a]);
function ic(b, a, c, d) {
if (B(d)) throw Bb("offargs");
var e = la(b, "events");
la(b, "handle") && (E(a) ? q(e, function(a, c) {
Fb(b, c, a), delete e[c];
}) : q(a.split(" "), function(a) {
E(c) ? (Fb(b, a, e[a]), delete e[a]) : Oa(e[a] || [], c);
function hc(b, a) {
var c = b[gb], d = Ua[c];
d && (a ? delete Ua[c].data[a] : (d.handle && ($destroy && d.handle({}, "$destroy"),
ic(b)), delete Ua[c], b[gb] = s));
function la(b, a, c) {
var d = b[gb], d = Ua[d || -1];
return B(c) ? (d || (b[gb] = d = ++me, d = Ua[d] = {}), void (d[a] = c)) : d && d[a];
function jc(b, a, c) {
var d = la(b, "data"), e = B(c), g = !e && B(a), f = g && !X(a);
if (d || f || la(b, "data", d = {}), e) d[a] = c; else {
if (!g) return d;
if (f) return d && d[a];
D(d, a);
function Gb(b, a) {
return b.getAttribute ? -1 < (" " + (b.getAttribute("class") || "") + " ").replace(/[\n\t]/g, " ").indexOf(" " + a + " ") : !1;
function hb(b, a) {
a && b.setAttribute && q(a.split(" "), function(a) {
b.setAttribute("class", ca((" " + (b.getAttribute("class") || "") + " ").replace(/[\n\t]/g, " ").replace(" " + ca(a) + " ", " ")));
function ib(b, a) {
if (a && b.setAttribute) {
var c = (" " + (b.getAttribute("class") || "") + " ").replace(/[\n\t]/g, " ");
q(a.split(" "), function(a) {
a = ca(a), -1 === c.indexOf(" " + a + " ") && (c += a + " ");
}), b.setAttribute("class", ca(c));
function Db(b, a) {
if (a) {
a = a.nodeName || !B(a.length) || Ca(a) ? [ a ] : a;
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) b.push(a[c]);
function kc(b, a) {
return jb(b, "$" + (a || "ngController") + "Controller");
function jb(b, a, c) {
for (b = y(b), 9 == b[0].nodeType && (b = b.find("html")), a = M(a) ? a : [ a ]; b.length; ) {
for (var d = b[0], e = 0, g = a.length; g > e; e++) if ((c =[e])) !== s) return c;
b = y(d.parentNode || 11 === d.nodeType &&;
function lc(b) {
for (var a = 0, c = b.childNodes; a < c.length; a++) Ha(c[a]);
for (;b.firstChild; ) b.removeChild(b.firstChild);
function mc(b, a) {
var c = kb[a.toLowerCase()];
return c && nc[b.nodeName] && c;
function ne(b, a) {
var c = function(c, e) {
if (c.preventDefault || (c.preventDefault = function() {
c.returnValue = !1;
}), c.stopPropagation || (c.stopPropagation = function() {
c.cancelBubble = !0;
}), || ( = c.srcElement || U), E(c.defaultPrevented)) {
var g = c.preventDefault;
c.preventDefault = function() {
c.defaultPrevented = !0,;
}, c.defaultPrevented = !1;
c.isDefaultPrevented = function() {
return c.defaultPrevented || !1 === c.returnValue;
var f = Ub(a[e || c.type] || []);
q(f, function(a) {, c);
}), 8 >= S ? (c.preventDefault = null, c.stopPropagation = null, c.isDefaultPrevented = null) : (delete c.preventDefault,
delete c.stopPropagation, delete c.isDefaultPrevented);
return c.elem = b, c;
function Ia(b) {
var c, a = typeof b;
return "object" == a && null !== b ? "function" == typeof (c = b.$$hashKey) ? c = b.$$hashKey() : c === s && (c = b.$$hashKey = bb()) : c = b,
a + ":" + c;
function Va(b) {
q(b, this.put, this);
function oc(b) {
var a, c;
return "function" == typeof b ? (a = b.$inject) || (a = [], b.length && (c = b.toString().replace(oe, ""),
c = c.match(pe), q(c[1].split(qe), function(b) {
b.replace(re, function(b, c, d) {
})), b.$inject = a) : M(b) ? (c = b.length - 1, Ra(b[c], "fn"), a = b.slice(0, c)) : Ra(b, "fn", !0),
function ac(b) {
function a(a) {
return function(b, c) {
return X(b) ? void q(b, Rb(a)) : a(b, c);
function c(a, b) {
if (Aa(a, "service"), (P(b) || M(b)) && (b = n.instantiate(b)), !b.$get) throw Wa("pget", a);
return m[a + h] = b;
function d(a, b) {
return c(a, {
$get: b
function e(a) {
var c, d, g, h, b = [];
return q(a, function(a) {
if (!k.get(a)) {
k.put(a, !0);
try {
if (w(a)) for (c = Sa(a), b = b.concat(e(c.requires)).concat(c._runBlocks), d = c._invokeQueue,
g = 0, h = d.length; h > g; g++) {
var f = d[g], l = n.get(f[0]);
l[f[1]].apply(l, f[2]);
} else P(a) ? b.push(n.invoke(a)) : M(a) ? b.push(n.invoke(a)) : Ra(a, "module");
} catch (m) {
throw M(a) && (a = a[a.length - 1]), m.message && m.stack && -1 == m.stack.indexOf(m.message) && (m = m.message + "\n" + m.stack),
Wa("modulerr", a, m.stack || m.message || m);
}), b;
function g(a, b) {
function c(d) {
if (a.hasOwnProperty(d)) {
if (a[d] === f) throw Wa("cdep", l.join(" <- "));
return a[d];
try {
return l.unshift(d), a[d] = f, a[d] = b(d);
} catch (e) {
throw a[d] === f && delete a[d], e;
} finally {
function d(a, b, e) {
var f, l, k, g = [], h = oc(a);
for (l = 0, f = h.length; f > l; l++) {
if (k = h[l], "string" != typeof k) throw Wa("itkn", k);
g.push(e && e.hasOwnProperty(k) ? e[k] : c(k));
return a.$inject || (a = a[f]), a.apply(b, g);
return {
invoke: d,
instantiate: function(a, b) {
var e, c = function() {};
return c.prototype = (M(a) ? a[a.length - 1] : a).prototype, c = new c(), e = d(a, c, b),
X(e) || P(e) ? e : c;
get: c,
annotate: oc,
has: function(b) {
return m.hasOwnProperty(b + h) || a.hasOwnProperty(b);
var f = {}, h = "Provider", l = [], k = new Va(), m = {
$provide: {
provider: a(c),
factory: a(d),
service: a(function(a, b) {
return d(a, [ "$injector", function(a) {
return a.instantiate(b);
} ]);
value: a(function(a, b) {
return d(a, aa(b));
constant: a(function(a, b) {
Aa(a, "constant"), m[a] = b, p[a] = b;
decorator: function(a, b) {
var c = n.get(a + h), d = c.$get;
c.$get = function() {
var a = r.invoke(d, c);
return r.invoke(b, null, {
$delegate: a
}, n = m.$injector = g(m, function() {
throw Wa("unpr", l.join(" <- "));
}), p = {}, r = p.$injector = g(p, function(a) {
return a = n.get(a + h), r.invoke(a.$get, a);
return q(e(b), function(a) {
r.invoke(a || C);
}), r;
function Kd() {
var b = !0;
this.disableAutoScrolling = function() {
b = !1;
}, this.$get = [ "$window", "$location", "$rootScope", function(a, c, d) {
function e(a) {
var b = null;
return q(a, function(a) {
b || "a" !== K(a.nodeName) || (b = a);
}), b;
function g() {
var d, b = c.hash();
b ? (d = f.getElementById(b)) ? d.scrollIntoView() : (d = e(f.getElementsByName(b))) ? d.scrollIntoView() : "top" === b && a.scrollTo(0, 0) : a.scrollTo(0, 0);
var f = a.document;
return b && d.$watch(function() {
return c.hash();
}, function() {
}), g;
} ];
function ge() {
this.$get = [ "$$rAF", "$timeout", function(b, a) {
return b.supported ? function(a) {
return b(a);
} : function(b) {
return a(b, 0, !1);
} ];
function se(b, a, c, d) {
function e(a) {
try {
a.apply(null,, 1));
} finally {
if (z--, 0 === z) for (;u.length; ) try {
} catch (b) {
function g(a, b) {
!function T() {
q(F, function(a) {
}), v = b(T, a);
function f() {
x = null, J != h.url() && (J = h.url(), q(ma, function(a) {
var h = this, l = a[0], k = b.location, m = b.history, n = b.setTimeout, p = b.clearTimeout, r = {};
h.isMock = !1;
var z = 0, u = [];
h.$$completeOutstandingRequest = e, h.$$incOutstandingRequestCount = function() {
}, h.notifyWhenNoOutstandingRequests = function(a) {
q(F, function(a) {
}), 0 === z ? a() : u.push(a);
var v, F = [];
h.addPollFn = function(a) {
return E(v) && g(100, n), F.push(a), a;
var J = k.href, A = a.find("base"), x = null;
h.url = function(a, c) {
return k !== b.location && (k = b.location), m !== b.history && (m = b.history),
a ? J != a ? (J = a, d.history ? c ? m.replaceState(null, "", a) : (m.pushState(null, "", a),
A.attr("href", A.attr("href"))) : (x = a, c ? k.replace(a) : k.href = a), h) : void 0 : x || k.href.replace(/%27/g, "'");
var ma = [], L = !1;
h.onUrlChange = function(a) {
return L || (d.history && y(b).on("popstate", f), d.hashchange ? y(b).on("hashchange", f) : h.addPollFn(f),
L = !0), ma.push(a), a;
}, h.baseHref = function() {
var a = A.attr("href");
return a ? a.replace(/^(https?\:)?\/\/[^\/]*/, "") : "";
var Q = {}, da = "", H = h.baseHref();
h.cookies = function(a, b) {
var d, e, g, h;
if (!a) {
if (l.cookie !== da) for (da = l.cookie, d = da.split("; "), Q = {}, g = 0; g < d.length; g++) e = d[g],
h = e.indexOf("="), h > 0 && (a = unescape(e.substring(0, h)), Q[a] === s && (Q[a] = unescape(e.substring(h + 1))));
return Q;
b === s ? l.cookie = escape(a) + "=;path=" + H + ";expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT" : w(b) && (d = (l.cookie = escape(a) + "=" + escape(b) + ";path=" + H).length + 1,
d > 4096 && c.warn("Cookie '" + a + "' possibly not set or overflowed because it was too large (" + d + " > 4096 bytes)!"));
}, h.defer = function(a, b) {
var c;
return z++, c = n(function() {
delete r[c], e(a);
}, b || 0), r[c] = !0, c;
}, h.defer.cancel = function(a) {
return r[a] ? (delete r[a], p(a), e(C), !0) : !1;
function Md() {
this.$get = [ "$window", "$log", "$sniffer", "$document", function(b, a, c, d) {
return new se(b, d, a, c);
} ];
function Nd() {
this.$get = function() {
function b(b, d) {
function e(a) {
a != n && (p ? p == a && (p = a.n) : p = a, g(a.n, a.p), g(a, n), n = a, n.n = null);
function g(a, b) {
a != b && (a && (a.p = b), b && (b.n = a));
if (b in a) throw t("$cacheFactory")("iid", b);
var f = 0, h = D({}, d, {
id: b
}), l = {}, k = d && d.capacity || Number.MAX_VALUE, m = {}, n = null, p = null;
return a[b] = {
put: function(a, b) {
if (k < Number.MAX_VALUE) {
var c = m[a] || (m[a] = {
key: a
return E(b) ? void 0 : (a in l || f++, l[a] = b, f > k && this.remove(p.key), b);
get: function(a) {
if (k < Number.MAX_VALUE) {
var b = m[a];
if (!b) return;
return l[a];
remove: function(a) {
if (k < Number.MAX_VALUE) {
var b = m[a];
if (!b) return;
b == n && (n = b.p), b == p && (p = b.n), g(b.n, b.p), delete m[a];
delete l[a], f--;
removeAll: function() {
l = {}, f = 0, m = {}, n = p = null;
destroy: function() {
m = h = l = null, delete a[b];
info: function() {
return D({}, h, {
size: f
var a = {};
return = function() {
var b = {};
return q(a, function(a, e) {
b[e] =;
}), b;
}, b.get = function(b) {
return a[b];
}, b;
function ce() {
this.$get = [ "$cacheFactory", function(b) {
return b("templates");
} ];
function cc(b, a) {
var c = {}, d = "Directive", e = /^\s*directive\:\s*([\d\w\-_]+)\s+(.*)$/, g = /(([\d\w\-_]+)(?:\:([^;]+))?;?)/, f = /^(on[a-z]+|formaction)$/;
this.directive = function l(a, e) {
return Aa(a, "directive"), w(a) ? (xb(e, "directiveFactory"), c.hasOwnProperty(a) || (c[a] = [],
b.factory(a + d, [ "$injector", "$exceptionHandler", function(b, d) {
var e = [];
return q(c[a], function(c, g) {
try {
var f = b.invoke(c);
P(f) ? f = {
compile: aa(f)
} : !f.compile && && (f.compile = aa(, f.priority = f.priority || 0,
f.index = g, = || a, f.require = f.require || f.controller &&,
f.restrict = f.restrict || "A", e.push(f);
} catch (l) {
}), e;
} ])), c[a].push(e)) : q(a, Rb(l)), this;
}, this.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist = function(b) {
return B(b) ? (a.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist(b), this) : a.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist();
}, this.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist = function(b) {
return B(b) ? (a.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist(b), this) : a.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist();
}, this.$get = [ "$injector", "$interpolate", "$exceptionHandler", "$http", "$templateCache", "$parse", "$controller", "$rootScope", "$document", "$sce", "$animate", "$$sanitizeUri", function(a, b, m, n, p, r, z, u, F, v, J, A) {
function x(a, b, c, d, e) {
a instanceof y || (a = y(a)), q(a, function(b, c) {
3 == b.nodeType && b.nodeValue.match(/\S+/) && (a[c] = y(b).wrap("<span></span>").parent()[0]);
var g = L(a, b, a, c, d, e);
return ma(a, "ng-scope"), function(b, c, d) {
xb(b, "scope");
var e = c ? : a;
q(d, function(a, b) {"$" + b + "Controller", a);
}), d = 0;
for (var f = e.length; f > d; d++) {
var l = e[d].nodeType;
1 !== l && 9 !== l || e.eq(d).data("$scope", b);
return c && c(e, b), g && g(b, e, e), e;
function ma(a, b) {
try {
} catch (c) {}
function L(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
function f(a, c, d, e) {
var g, k, m, r, n, p, z;
g = c.length;
var I = Array(g);
for (n = 0; g > n; n++) I[n] = c[n];
for (z = n = 0, p = l.length; p > n; z++) k = I[z], c = l[n++], g = l[n++], m = y(k),
c ? (c.scope ? (r = a.$new(),"$scope", r)) : r = a, (m = c.transclude) || !e && b ? c(g, r, k, d, Q(a, m || b)) : c(g, r, k, d, e)) : g && g(a, k.childNodes, s, e);
for (var k, m, r, n, l = [], p = 0; p < a.length; p++) k = new Hb(), m = da(a[p], [], k, 0 === p ? d : s, e),
(g = m.length ? ia(m, a[p], k, b, c, null, [], [], g) : null) && g.scope && ma(y(a[p]), "ng-scope"),
k = g && g.terminal || !(r = a[p].childNodes) || !r.length ? null : L(r, g ? g.transclude : b),
l.push(g, k), n = n || g || k, g = null;
return n ? f : null;
function Q(a, b) {
return function(c, d, e) {
var g = !1;
return c || (c = a.$new(), g = c.$$transcluded = !0), d = b(c, d, e), g && d.on("$destroy", eb(c, c.$destroy)),
function da(a, b, c, d, f) {
var l, k = c.$attr;
switch (a.nodeType) {
case 1:
T(b, na(Ka(a).toLowerCase()), "E", d, f);
var m, r, n;
l = a.attributes;
for (var p = 0, z = l && l.length; z > p; p++) {
var u = !1, F = !1;
if (m = l[p], !S || S >= 8 || m.specified) {
r =, n = na(r), W.test(n) && (r = fb(n.substr(6), "-"));
var J = n.replace(/(Start|End)$/, "");
n === J + "Start" && (u = r, F = r.substr(0, r.length - 5) + "end", r = r.substr(0, r.length - 6)),
n = na(r.toLowerCase()), k[n] = r, c[n] = m = ca(m.value), mc(a, n) && (c[n] = !0),
N(a, b, m, n), T(b, n, "A", d, f, u, F);
if (a = a.className, w(a) && "" !== a) for (;l = g.exec(a); ) n = na(l[2]), T(b, n, "C", d, f) && (c[n] = ca(l[3])),
a = a.substr(l.index + l[0].length);
case 3:
t(b, a.nodeValue);
case 8:
try {
(l = e.exec(a.nodeValue)) && (n = na(l[1]), T(b, n, "M", d, f) && (c[n] = ca(l[2])));
} catch (x) {}
return b.sort(E), b;
function H(a, b, c) {
var d = [], e = 0;
if (b && a.hasAttribute && a.hasAttribute(b)) {
do {
if (!a) throw ja("uterdir", b, c);
1 == a.nodeType && (a.hasAttribute(b) && e++, a.hasAttribute(c) && e--), d.push(a),
a = a.nextSibling;
} while (e > 0);
} else d.push(a);
return y(d);
function R(a, b, c) {
return function(d, e, g, f, l) {
return e = H(e[0], b, c), a(d, e, g, f, l);
function ia(a, c, d, e, g, f, l, n, p) {
function u(a, b, c, d) {
a && (c && (a = R(a, c, d)), a.require = G.require, (Q === G || G.$$isolateScope) && (a = qc(a, {
isolateScope: !0
})), l.push(a)), b && (c && (b = R(b, c, d)), b.require = G.require, (Q === G || G.$$isolateScope) && (b = qc(b, {
isolateScope: !0
})), n.push(b));
function F(a, b, c) {
var d, e = "data", g = !1;
if (w(a)) {
for (;"^" == (d = a.charAt(0)) || "?" == d; ) a = a.substr(1), "^" == d && (e = "inheritedData"),
g = g || "?" == d;
if (d = null, c && "data" === e && (d = c[a]), d = d || b[e]("$" + a + "Controller"),
!d && !g) throw ja("ctreq", a, t);
} else M(a) && (d = [], q(a, function(a) {
d.push(F(a, b, c));
return d;
function J(a, e, g, f, p) {
function u(a, b) {
var c;
return 2 > arguments.length && (b = a, a = s), D && (c = lb), p(a, b, c);
var I, x, v, A, R, H, da, lb = {};
if (I = c === g ? d : Ub(d, new Hb(y(g), d.$attr)), x = I.$$element, Q) {
var T = /^\s*([@=&])(\??)\s*(\w*)\s*$/;
f = y(g), H = e.$new(!0), ia && ia === Q.$$originalDirective ?"$isolateScope", H) :"$isolateScopeNoTemplate", H),
ma(f, "ng-isolate-scope"), q(Q.scope, function(a, c) {
var l, m, n, p, d = a.match(T) || [], g = d[3] || c, f = "?" == d[2], d = d[1];
switch (H.$$isolateBindings[c] = d + g, d) {
case "@":
I.$observe(g, function(a) {
H[c] = a;
}), I.$$observers[g].$$scope = e, I[g] && (H[c] = b(I[g])(e));
case "=":
if (f && !I[g]) break;
m = r(I[g]), p = m.literal ? xa : function(a, b) {
return a === b;
}, n = m.assign || function() {
throw l = H[c] = m(e), ja("nonassign", I[g],;
}, l = H[c] = m(e), H.$watch(function() {
var a = m(e);
return p(a, H[c]) || (p(a, l) ? n(e, a = H[c]) : H[c] = a), l = a;
}, null, m.literal);
case "&":
m = r(I[g]), H[c] = function(a) {
return m(e, a);
throw ja("iscp",, c, a);
for (da = p && u, L && q(L, function(a) {
var c, b = {
$scope: a === Q || a.$$isolateScope ? H : e,
$element: x,
$attrs: I,
$transclude: da
R = a.controller, "@" == R && (R = I[]), c = z(R, b), lb[] = c, D ||"$" + + "Controller", c),
a.controllerAs && (b.$scope[a.controllerAs] = c);
}), f = 0, v = l.length; v > f; f++) try {
(A = l[f])(A.isolateScope ? H : e, x, I, A.require && F(A.require, x, lb), da);
} catch (G) {
m(G, ha(x));
for (f = e, Q && (Q.template || null === Q.templateUrl) && (f = H), a && a(f, g.childNodes, s, p),
f = n.length - 1; f >= 0; f--) try {
(A = n[f])(A.isolateScope ? H : e, x, I, A.require && F(A.require, x, lb), da);
} catch (B) {
m(B, ha(x));
p = p || {};
for (var A, G, t, V, O, v = -Number.MAX_VALUE, L = p.controllerDirectives, Q = p.newIsolateScopeDirective, ia = p.templateDirective, T = p.nonTlbTranscludeDirective, E = !1, D = p.hasElementTranscludeDirective, Z = d.$$element = y(c), Xa = e, N = 0, S = a.length; S > N; N++) {
G = a[N];
var ra = G.$$start, W = G.$$end;
if (ra && (Z = H(c, ra, W)), V = s, v > G.priority) break;
if ((V = G.scope) && (A = A || G, G.templateUrl || (K("new/isolated scope", Q, G, Z),
X(V) && (Q = G))), t =, !G.templateUrl && G.controller && (V = G.controller,
L = L || {}, K("'" + t + "' controller", L[t], G, Z), L[t] = G), (V = G.transclude) && (E = !0,
G.$$tlb || (K("transclusion", T, G, Z), T = G), "element" == V ? (D = !0, v = G.priority,
V = H(c, ra, W), Z = d.$$element = y(U.createComment(" " + t + ": " + d[t] + " ")),
c = Z[0], mb(g, y(, 0)), c), Xa = x(V, e, v, f &&, {
nonTlbTranscludeDirective: T
})) : (V = y(Eb(c)).contents(), Z.empty(), Xa = x(V, e))), G.template) if (K("template", ia, G, Z),
ia = G, V = P(G.template) ? G.template(Z, d) : G.template, V = Y(V), G.replace) {
if (f = G, V = Cb.test(V) ? y(V) : [], c = V[0], 1 != V.length || 1 !== c.nodeType) throw ja("tplrt", t, "");
mb(g, Z, c), S = {
$attr: {}
}, V = da(c, [], S);
var $ = a.splice(N + 1, a.length - (N + 1));
Q && pc(V), a = a.concat(V).concat($), B(d, S), S = a.length;
} else Z.html(V);
if (G.templateUrl) K("template", ia, G, Z), ia = G, G.replace && (f = G), J = C(a.splice(N, a.length - N), Z, d, g, Xa, l, n, {
controllerDirectives: L,
newIsolateScopeDirective: Q,
templateDirective: ia,
nonTlbTranscludeDirective: T
}), S = a.length; else if (G.compile) try {
O = G.compile(Z, d, Xa), P(O) ? u(null, O, ra, W) : O && u(O.pre,, ra, W);
} catch (aa) {
m(aa, ha(Z));
G.terminal && (J.terminal = !0, v = Math.max(v, G.priority));
return J.scope = A && !0 === A.scope, J.transclude = E && Xa, p.hasElementTranscludeDirective = D,
function pc(a) {
for (var b = 0, c = a.length; c > b; b++) a[b] = Tb(a[b], {
$$isolateScope: !0
function T(b, e, g, f, k, n, r) {
if (e === k) return null;
if (k = null, c.hasOwnProperty(e)) {
var p;
e = a.get(e + d);
for (var z = 0, u = e.length; u > z; z++) try {
p = e[z], (f === s || f > p.priority) && -1 != p.restrict.indexOf(g) && (n && (p = Tb(p, {
$$start: n,
$$end: r
})), b.push(p), k = p);
} catch (F) {
return k;
function B(a, b) {
var c = b.$attr, d = a.$attr, e = a.$$element;
q(a, function(d, e) {
"$" != e.charAt(0) && (b[e] && (d += ("style" === e ? ";" : " ") + b[e]), a.$set(e, d, !0, c[e]));
}), q(b, function(b, g) {
"class" == g ? (ma(e, b), a["class"] = (a["class"] ? a["class"] + " " : "") + b) : "style" == g ? (e.attr("style", e.attr("style") + ";" + b), = ( ? + ";" : "") + b) : "$" == g.charAt(0) || a.hasOwnProperty(g) || (a[g] = b,
d[g] = c[g]);
function C(a, b, c, d, e, g, f, l) {
var m, r, k = [], z = b[0], u = a.shift(), F = D({}, u, {
templateUrl: null,
transclude: null,
replace: null,
$$originalDirective: u
}), x = P(u.templateUrl) ? u.templateUrl(b, c) : u.templateUrl;
return b.empty(), n.get(v.getTrustedResourceUrl(x), {
cache: p
}).success(function(n) {
var p, J;
if (n = Y(n), u.replace) {
if (n = Cb.test(n) ? y(n) : [], p = n[0], 1 != n.length || 1 !== p.nodeType) throw ja("tplrt",, x);
n = {
$attr: {}
}, mb(d, b, p);
var v = da(p, [], n);
X(u.scope) && pc(v), a = v.concat(a), B(c, n);
} else p = z, b.html(n);
for (a.unshift(F), m = ia(a, p, c, e, b, u, g, f, l), q(d, function(a, c) {
a == p && (d[c] = b[0]);
}), r = L(b[0].childNodes, e); k.length; ) {
n = k.shift(), J = k.shift();
var A = k.shift(), R = k.shift(), v = b[0];
if (J !== z) {
var H = J.className;
l.hasElementTranscludeDirective && u.replace || (v = Eb(p)), mb(A, y(J), v), ma(y(v), H);
J = m.transclude ? Q(n, m.transclude) : R, m(r, n, v, d, J);
k = null;
}).error(function(a, b, c, d) {
throw ja("tpload", d.url);
}), function(a, b, c, d, e) {
k ? (k.push(b), k.push(c), k.push(d), k.push(e)) : m(r, b, c, d, e);
function E(a, b) {
var c = b.priority - a.priority;
return 0 !== c ? c : !== ? < ? -1 : 1 : a.index - b.index;
function K(a, b, c, d) {
if (b) throw ja("multidir",,, a, ha(d));
function t(a, c) {
var d = b(c, !0);
d && a.push({
priority: 0,
compile: aa(function(a, b) {
var c = b.parent(), e ="$binding") || [];
e.push(d), ma("$binding", e), "ng-binding"), a.$watch(d, function(a) {
b[0].nodeValue = a;
function O(a, b) {
if ("srcdoc" == b) return v.HTML;
var c = Ka(a);
return "xlinkHref" == b || "FORM" == c && "action" == b || "IMG" != c && ("src" == b || "ngSrc" == b) ? v.RESOURCE_URL : void 0;
function N(a, c, d, e) {
var g = b(d, !0);
if (g) {
if ("multiple" === e && "SELECT" === Ka(a)) throw ja("selmulti", ha(a));
priority: 100,
compile: function() {
return {
pre: function(c, d, l) {
if (d = l.$$observers || (l.$$observers = {}), f.test(e)) throw ja("nodomevents");
(g = b(l[e], !0, O(a, e))) && (l[e] = g(c), (d[e] || (d[e] = [])).$$inter = !0,
(l.$$observers && l.$$observers[e].$$scope || c).$watch(g, function(a, b) {
"class" === e && a != b ? l.$updateClass(a, b) : l.$set(e, a);
function mb(a, b, c) {
var f, l, d = b[0], e = b.length, g = d.parentNode;
if (a) for (f = 0, l = a.length; l > f; f++) if (a[f] == d) {
a[f++] = c, l = f + e - 1;
for (var k = a.length; k > f; f++, l++) k > l ? a[f] = a[l] : delete a[f];
a.length -= e - 1;
for (g && g.replaceChild(c, d), a = U.createDocumentFragment(), a.appendChild(d),
c[y.expando] = d[y.expando], d = 1, e = b.length; e > d; d++) g = b[d], y(g).remove(),
a.appendChild(g), delete b[d];
b[0] = c, b.length = 1;
function qc(a, b) {
return D(function() {
return a.apply(null, arguments);
}, a, b);
var Hb = function(a, b) {
this.$$element = a, this.$attr = b || {};
Hb.prototype = {
$normalize: na,
$addClass: function(a) {
a && 0 < a.length && J.addClass(this.$$element, a);
$removeClass: function(a) {
a && 0 < a.length && J.removeClass(this.$$element, a);
$updateClass: function(a, b) {
var c = rc(a, b), d = rc(b, a);
0 === c.length ? J.removeClass(this.$$element, d) : 0 === d.length ? J.addClass(this.$$element, c) : J.setClass(this.$$element, c, d);
$set: function(a, b, c, d) {
var e = mc(this.$$element[0], a);
e && (this.$$element.prop(a, b), d = e), this[a] = b, d ? this.$attr[a] = d : (d = this.$attr[a]) || (this.$attr[a] = d = fb(a, "-")),
e = Ka(this.$$element), ("A" === e && "href" === a || "IMG" === e && "src" === a) && (this[a] = b = A(b, "src" === a)),
!1 !== c && (null === b || b === s ? this.$$element.removeAttr(d) : this.$$element.attr(d, b)),
(c = this.$$observers) && q(c[a], function(a) {
try {
} catch (c) {
$observe: function(a, b) {
var c = this, d = c.$$observers || (c.$$observers = {}), e = d[a] || (d[a] = []);
return e.push(b), u.$evalAsync(function() {
e.$$inter || b(c[a]);
}), b;
var Z = b.startSymbol(), ra = b.endSymbol(), Y = "{{" == Z || "}}" == ra ? Da : function(a) {
return a.replace(/\{\{/g, Z).replace(/}}/g, ra);
}, W = /^ngAttr[A-Z]/;
return x;
} ];
function na(b) {
return Ta(b.replace(te, ""));
function rc(b, a) {
var c = "", d = b.split(/\s+/), e = a.split(/\s+/), g = 0;
a: for (;g < d.length; g++) {
for (var f = d[g], h = 0; h < e.length; h++) if (f == e[h]) continue a;
c += (0 < c.length ? " " : "") + f;
return c;
function Od() {
var b = {}, a = /^(\S+)(\s+as\s+(\w+))?$/;
this.register = function(a, d) {
Aa(a, "controller"), X(a) ? D(b, a) : b[a] = d;
}, this.$get = [ "$injector", "$window", function(c, d) {
return function(e, g) {
var f, h, l;
if (w(e) && (f = e.match(a), h = f[1], l = f[3], e = b.hasOwnProperty(h) ? b[h] : bc(g.$scope, h, !0) || bc(d, h, !0),
Ra(e, h, !0)), f = c.instantiate(e, g), l) {
if (!g || "object" != typeof g.$scope) throw t("$controller")("noscp", h ||, l);
g.$scope[l] = f;
return f;
} ];
function Pd() {
this.$get = [ "$window", function(b) {
return y(b.document);
} ];
function Qd() {
this.$get = [ "$log", function(b) {
return function() {
b.error.apply(b, arguments);
} ];
function sc(b) {
var c, d, e, a = {};
return b ? (q(b.split("\n"), function(b) {
e = b.indexOf(":"), c = K(ca(b.substr(0, e))), d = ca(b.substr(e + 1)), c && (a[c] = a[c] ? a[c] + (", " + d) : d);
}), a) : a;
function tc(b) {
var a = X(b) ? b : s;
return function(c) {
return a || (a = sc(b)), c ? a[K(c)] || null : a;
function uc(b, a, c) {
return P(c) ? c(b, a) : (q(c, function(c) {
b = c(b, a);
}), b);
function Td() {
var b = /^\s*(\[|\{[^\{])/, a = /[\}\]]\s*$/, c = /^\)\]\}',?\n/, d = {
"Content-Type": "application/json;charset=utf-8"
}, e = this.defaults = {
transformResponse: [ function(d) {
return w(d) && (d = d.replace(c, ""), b.test(d) && a.test(d) && (d = Wb(d))), d;
} ],
transformRequest: [ function(a) {
return X(a) && "[object File]" !== && "[object Blob]" !== ? qa(a) : a;
} ],
headers: {
common: {
Accept: "application/json, text/plain, */*"
post: ba(d),
put: ba(d),
patch: ba(d)
xsrfCookieName: "XSRF-TOKEN",
xsrfHeaderName: "X-XSRF-TOKEN"
}, g = this.interceptors = [], f = this.responseInterceptors = [];
this.$get = [ "$httpBackend", "$browser", "$cacheFactory", "$rootScope", "$q", "$injector", function(a, b, c, d, n, p) {
function r(a) {
function c(a) {
var b = D({}, a, {
data: uc(, a.headers, d.transformResponse)
return 200 <= a.status && 300 > a.status ? b : n.reject(b);
var d = {
method: "get",
transformRequest: e.transformRequest,
transformResponse: e.transformResponse
}, g = function(a) {
function b(a) {
var c;
q(a, function(b, d) {
P(b) && (c = b(), null != c ? a[d] = c : delete a[d]);
var g, f, c = e.headers, d = D({}, a.headers), c = D({}, c.common, c[K(a.method)]);
b(c), b(d);
a: for (g in c) {
a = K(g);
for (f in d) if (K(f) === a) continue a;
d[g] = c[g];
return d;
D(d, a), d.headers = g, d.method = Fa(d.method), (a = Ib(d.url) ? b.cookies()[d.xsrfCookieName || e.xsrfCookieName] : s) && (g[d.xsrfHeaderName || e.xsrfHeaderName] = a);
var f = [ function(a) {
g = a.headers;
var b = uc(, tc(g), a.transformRequest);
return E( && q(g, function(a, b) {
"content-type" === K(b) && delete g[b];
}), E(a.withCredentials) && !E(e.withCredentials) && (a.withCredentials = e.withCredentials),
z(a, b, g).then(c, c);
}, s ], h = n.when(d);
for (q(v, function(a) {
(a.request || a.requestError) && f.unshift(a.request, a.requestError), (a.response || a.responseError) && f.push(a.response, a.responseError);
}); f.length; ) {
a = f.shift();
var k = f.shift(), h = h.then(a, k);
return h.success = function(a) {
return h.then(function(b) {
a(, b.status, b.headers, d);
}), h;
}, h.error = function(a) {
return h.then(null, function(b) {
a(, b.status, b.headers, d);
}), h;
}, h;
function z(b, c, g) {
function f(a, b, c, e) {
v && (a >= 200 && 300 > a ? v.put(s, [ a, b, sc(c), e ]) : v.remove(s)), l(b, a, c, e),
d.$$phase || d.$apply();
function l(a, c, d, e) {
c = Math.max(c, 0), (c >= 200 && 300 > c ? p.resolve : p.reject)({
data: a,
status: c,
headers: tc(d),
config: b,
statusText: e
function k() {
var a = db(r.pendingRequests, b);
-1 !== a && r.pendingRequests.splice(a, 1);
var v, q, p = n.defer(), z = p.promise, s = u(b.url, b.params);
if (r.pendingRequests.push(b), z.then(k, k), (b.cache || e.cache) && !1 !== b.cache && "GET" == b.method && (v = X(b.cache) ? b.cache : X(e.cache) ? e.cache : F),
v) if (q = v.get(s), B(q)) {
if (q.then) return q.then(k, k), q;
M(q) ? l(q[1], q[0], ba(q[2]), q[3]) : l(q, 200, {}, "OK");
} else v.put(s, z);
return E(q) && a(b.method, s, c, f, g, b.timeout, b.withCredentials, b.responseType),
function u(a, b) {
if (!b) return a;
var c = [];
return Sc(b, function(a, b) {
null === a || E(a) || (M(a) || (a = [ a ]), q(a, function(a) {
X(a) && (a = qa(a)), c.push(za(b) + "=" + za(a));
}), 0 < c.length && (a += (-1 == a.indexOf("?") ? "?" : "&") + c.join("&")), a;
var F = c("$http"), v = [];
return q(g, function(a) {
v.unshift(w(a) ? p.get(a) : p.invoke(a));
}), q(f, function(a, b) {
var c = w(a) ? p.get(a) : p.invoke(a);
v.splice(b, 0, {
response: function(a) {
return c(n.when(a));
responseError: function(a) {
return c(n.reject(a));
}), r.pendingRequests = [], function() {
q(arguments, function(a) {
r[a] = function(b, c) {
return r(D(c || {}, {
method: a,
url: b
}("get", "delete", "head", "jsonp"), function() {
q(arguments, function(a) {
r[a] = function(b, c, d) {
return r(D(d || {}, {
method: a,
url: b,
data: c
}("post", "put"), r.defaults = e, r;
} ];
function ue(b) {
if (8 >= S && (!b.match(/^(get|post|head|put|delete|options)$/i) || !O.XMLHttpRequest)) return new O.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
if (O.XMLHttpRequest) return new O.XMLHttpRequest();
throw t("$httpBackend")("noxhr");
function Ud() {
this.$get = [ "$browser", "$window", "$document", function(b, a, c) {
return ve(b, ue, b.defer, a.angular.callbacks, c[0]);
} ];
function ve(b, a, c, d, e) {
function g(a, b) {
var c = e.createElement("script"), d = function() {
c.onreadystatechange = c.onload = c.onerror = null, e.body.removeChild(c), b && b();
return c.type = "text/javascript", c.src = a, S && 8 >= S ? c.onreadystatechange = function() {
/loaded|complete/.test(c.readyState) && d();
} : c.onload = c.onerror = function() {
}, e.body.appendChild(c), d;
var f = -1;
return function(e, l, k, m, n, p, r, z) {
function u() {
v = f, A && A(), x && x.abort();
function F(a, d, e, g, f) {
L && c.cancel(L), A = x = null, 0 === d && (d = e ? 200 : "file" == sa(l).protocol ? 404 : 0),
a(1223 === d ? 204 : d, e, g, f || ""), b.$$completeOutstandingRequest(C);
var v;
if (b.$$incOutstandingRequestCount(), l = l || b.url(), "jsonp" == K(e)) {
var J = "_" + (d.counter++).toString(36);
d[J] = function(a) {
d[J].data = a;
var A = g(l.replace("JSON_CALLBACK", "angular.callbacks." + J), function() {
d[J].data ? F(m, 200, d[J].data) : F(m, v || -2), d[J] = Ea.noop;
} else {
var x = a(e);
if (, l, !0), q(n, function(a, b) {
B(a) && x.setRequestHeader(b, a);
}), x.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (x && 4 == x.readyState) {
var a = null, b = null;
v !== f && (a = x.getAllResponseHeaders(), b = "response" in x ? x.response : x.responseText),
F(m, v || x.status, b, a, x.statusText || "");
}, r && (x.withCredentials = !0), z) try {
x.responseType = z;
} catch (s) {
if ("json" !== z) throw s;
x.send(k || null);
if (p > 0) var L = c(u, p); else p && p.then && p.then(u);
function Rd() {
var b = "{{", a = "}}";
this.startSymbol = function(a) {
return a ? (b = a, this) : b;
}, this.endSymbol = function(b) {
return b ? (a = b, this) : a;
}, this.$get = [ "$parse", "$exceptionHandler", "$sce", function(c, d, e) {
function g(g, k, m) {
for (var n, p, r = 0, z = [], u = g.length, F = !1, v = []; u > r; ) -1 != (n = g.indexOf(b, r)) && -1 != (p = g.indexOf(a, n + f)) ? (r != n && z.push(g.substring(r, n)),
z.push(r = c(F = g.substring(n + f, p))), r.exp = F, r = p + h, F = !0) : (r != u && z.push(g.substring(r)),
r = u);
if ((u = z.length) || (z.push(""), u = 1), m && 1 < z.length) throw vc("noconcat", g);
return !k || F ? (v.length = u, r = function(a) {
try {
for (var f, b = 0, c = u; c > b; b++) "function" == typeof (f = z[b]) && (f = f(a),
f = m ? e.getTrusted(m, f) : e.valueOf(f), null === f || E(f) ? f = "" : "string" != typeof f && (f = qa(f))),
v[b] = f;
return v.join("");
} catch (h) {
a = vc("interr", g, h.toString()), d(a);
}, r.exp = g, = z, r) : void 0;
var f = b.length, h = a.length;
return g.startSymbol = function() {
return b;
}, g.endSymbol = function() {
return a;
}, g;
} ];
function Sd() {
this.$get = [ "$rootScope", "$window", "$q", function(b, a, c) {
function d(d, f, h, l) {
var k = a.setInterval, m = a.clearInterval, n = c.defer(), p = n.promise, r = 0, z = B(l) && !l;
return h = B(h) ? h : 0, p.then(null, null, d), p.$$intervalId = k(function() {
n.notify(r++), h > 0 && r >= h && (n.resolve(r), m(p.$$intervalId), delete e[p.$$intervalId]),
z || b.$apply();
}, f), e[p.$$intervalId] = n, p;
var e = {};
return d.cancel = function(a) {
return a && a.$$intervalId in e ? (e[a.$$intervalId].reject("canceled"), clearInterval(a.$$intervalId),
delete e[a.$$intervalId], !0) : !1;
}, d;
} ];
function ad() {
this.$get = function() {
return {
id: "en-us",
minInt: 1,
minFrac: 0,
maxFrac: 3,
posPre: "",
posSuf: "",
negPre: "-",
negSuf: "",
gSize: 3,
lgSize: 3
}, {
minInt: 1,
minFrac: 2,
maxFrac: 2,
posPre: "¤",
posSuf: "",
negPre: "(¤",
negSuf: ")",
gSize: 3,
lgSize: 3
} ],
MONTH: "January February March April May June July August September October November December".split(" "),
SHORTMONTH: "Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec".split(" "),
DAY: "Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday".split(" "),
SHORTDAY: "Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat".split(" "),
AMPMS: [ "AM", "PM" ],
medium: "MMM d, y h:mm:ss a",
"short": "M/d/yy h:mm a",
fullDate: "EEEE, MMMM d, y",
longDate: "MMMM d, y",
mediumDate: "MMM d, y",
shortDate: "M/d/yy",
mediumTime: "h:mm:ss a",
shortTime: "h:mm a"
pluralCat: function(b) {
return 1 === b ? "one" : "other";
function wc(b) {
b = b.split("/");
for (var a = b.length; a--; ) b[a] = wb(b[a]);
return b.join("/");
function xc(b, a, c) {
b = sa(b, c), a.$$protocol = b.protocol, a.$$host = b.hostname, a.$$port = Y(b.port) || we[b.protocol] || null;
function yc(b, a, c) {
var d = "/" !== b.charAt(0);
d && (b = "/" + b), b = sa(b, c), a.$$path = decodeURIComponent(d && "/" === b.pathname.charAt(0) ? b.pathname.substring(1) : b.pathname),
a.$$search = Yb(, a.$$hash = decodeURIComponent(b.hash), a.$$path && "/" != a.$$path.charAt(0) && (a.$$path = "/" + a.$$path);
function oa(b, a) {
return 0 === a.indexOf(b) ? a.substr(b.length) : void 0;
function Ya(b) {
var a = b.indexOf("#");
return -1 == a ? b : b.substr(0, a);
function Jb(b) {
return b.substr(0, Ya(b).lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
function zc(b, a) {
this.$$html5 = !0, a = a || "";
var c = Jb(b);
xc(b, this, b), this.$$parse = function(a) {
var e = oa(c, a);
if (!w(e)) throw Kb("ipthprfx", a, c);
yc(e, this, b), this.$$path || (this.$$path = "/"), this.$$compose();
}, this.$$compose = function() {
var a = Zb(this.$$search), b = this.$$hash ? "#" + wb(this.$$hash) : "";
this.$$url = wc(this.$$path) + (a ? "?" + a : "") + b, this.$$absUrl = c + this.$$url.substr(1);
}, this.$$rewrite = function(d) {
var e;
return (e = oa(b, d)) !== s ? (d = e, (e = oa(a, e)) !== s ? c + (oa("/", e) || e) : b + d) : (e = oa(c, d)) !== s ? c + e : c == d + "/" ? c : void 0;
function Lb(b, a) {
var c = Jb(b);
xc(b, this, b), this.$$parse = function(d) {
var e = oa(b, d) || oa(c, d), e = "#" == e.charAt(0) ? oa(a, e) : this.$$html5 ? e : "";
if (!w(e)) throw Kb("ihshprfx", d, a);
yc(e, this, b), d = this.$$path;
var g = /^\/?.*?:(\/.*)/;
0 === e.indexOf(b) && (e = e.replace(b, "")), g.exec(e) || (d = (e = g.exec(d)) ? e[1] : d),
this.$$path = d, this.$$compose();
}, this.$$compose = function() {
var c = Zb(this.$$search), e = this.$$hash ? "#" + wb(this.$$hash) : "";
this.$$url = wc(this.$$path) + (c ? "?" + c : "") + e, this.$$absUrl = b + (this.$$url ? a + this.$$url : "");
}, this.$$rewrite = function(a) {
return Ya(b) == Ya(a) ? a : void 0;
function Ac(b, a) {
this.$$html5 = !0, Lb.apply(this, arguments);
var c = Jb(b);
this.$$rewrite = function(d) {
var e;
return b == Ya(d) ? d : (e = oa(c, d)) ? b + a + e : c === d + "/" ? c : void 0;
function nb(b) {
return function() {
return this[b];
function Bc(b, a) {
return function(c) {
return E(c) ? this[b] : (this[b] = a(c), this.$$compose(), this);
function Vd() {
var b = "", a = !1;
this.hashPrefix = function(a) {
return B(a) ? (b = a, this) : b;
}, this.html5Mode = function(b) {
return B(b) ? (a = b, this) : a;
}, this.$get = [ "$rootScope", "$browser", "$sniffer", "$rootElement", function(c, d, e, g) {
function f(a) {
c.$broadcast("$locationChangeSuccess", h.absUrl(), a);
var h, l = d.baseHref(), k = d.url();
a ? (l = k.substring(0, k.indexOf("/", k.indexOf("//") + 2)) + (l || "/"), e = e.history ? zc : Ac) : (l = Ya(k),
e = Lb), h = new e(l, "#" + b), h.$$parse(h.$$rewrite(k)), g.on("click", function(a) {
if (!a.ctrlKey && !a.metaKey && 2 != a.which) {
for (var b = y(; "a" !== K(b[0].nodeName); ) if (b[0] === g[0] || !(b = b.parent())[0]) return;
var e = b.prop("href");
X(e) && "[object SVGAnimatedString]" === e.toString() && (e = sa(e.animVal).href);
var f = h.$$rewrite(e);
e && !b.attr("target") && f && !a.isDefaultPrevented() && (a.preventDefault(), f != d.url() && (h.$$parse(f),
c.$apply(), O.angular["ff-684208-preventDefault"] = !0));
}), h.absUrl() != k && d.url(h.absUrl(), !0), d.onUrlChange(function(a) {
h.absUrl() != a && (c.$evalAsync(function() {
var b = h.absUrl();
h.$$parse(a), c.$broadcast("$locationChangeStart", a, b).defaultPrevented ? (h.$$parse(b),
d.url(b)) : f(b);
}), c.$$phase || c.$digest());
var m = 0;
return c.$watch(function() {
var a = d.url(), b = h.$$replace;
return m && a == h.absUrl() || (m++, c.$evalAsync(function() {
c.$broadcast("$locationChangeStart", h.absUrl(), a).defaultPrevented ? h.$$parse(a) : (d.url(h.absUrl(), b),
})), h.$$replace = !1, m;
}), h;
} ];
function Wd() {
var b = !0, a = this;
this.debugEnabled = function(a) {
return B(a) ? (b = a, this) : b;
}, this.$get = [ "$window", function(c) {
function d(a) {
return a instanceof Error && (a.stack ? a = a.message && -1 === a.stack.indexOf(a.message) ? "Error: " + a.message + "\n" + a.stack : a.stack : a.sourceURL && (a = a.message + "\n" + a.sourceURL + ":" + a.line)),
function e(a) {
var b = c.console || {}, e = b[a] || b.log || C;
a = !1;
try {
a = !!e.apply;
} catch (l) {}
return a ? function() {
var a = [];
return q(arguments, function(b) {
}), e.apply(b, a);
} : function(a, b) {
e(a, null == b ? "" : b);
return {
log: e("log"),
info: e("info"),
warn: e("warn"),
error: e("error"),
debug: function() {
var c = e("debug");
return function() {
b && c.apply(a, arguments);
} ];
function fa(b, a) {
if ("constructor" === b) throw Ba("isecfld", a);
return b;
function Za(b, a) {
if (b) {
if (b.constructor === b) throw Ba("isecfn", a);
if (b.document && b.location && b.alert && b.setInterval) throw Ba("isecwindow", a);
if (b.children && (b.nodeName || b.prop && b.attr && b.find)) throw Ba("isecdom", a);
return b;
function ob(b, a, c, d, e) {
e = e || {}, a = a.split(".");
for (var g, f = 0; 1 < a.length; f++) {
g = fa(a.shift(), d);
var h = b[g];
h || (h = {}, b[g] = h), b = h, b.then && e.unwrapPromises && (ta(d), "$$v" in b || function(a) {
a.then(function(b) {
a.$$v = b;
}(b), b.$$v === s && (b.$$v = {}), b = b.$$v);
return g = fa(a.shift(), d), b[g] = c;
function Cc(b, a, c, d, e, g, f) {
return fa(b, g), fa(a, g), fa(c, g), fa(d, g), fa(e, g), f.unwrapPromises ? function(f, l) {
var m, k = l && l.hasOwnProperty(b) ? l : f;
return null == k ? k : ((k = k[b]) && k.then && (ta(g), "$$v" in k || (m = k, m.$$v = s,
m.then(function(a) {
m.$$v = a;
})), k = k.$$v), a ? null == k ? s : ((k = k[a]) && k.then && (ta(g), "$$v" in k || (m = k,
m.$$v = s, m.then(function(a) {
m.$$v = a;
})), k = k.$$v), c ? null == k ? s : ((k = k[c]) && k.then && (ta(g), "$$v" in k || (m = k,
m.$$v = s, m.then(function(a) {
m.$$v = a;
})), k = k.$$v), d ? null == k ? s : ((k = k[d]) && k.then && (ta(g), "$$v" in k || (m = k,
m.$$v = s, m.then(function(a) {
m.$$v = a;
})), k = k.$$v), e ? null == k ? s : ((k = k[e]) && k.then && (ta(g), "$$v" in k || (m = k,
m.$$v = s, m.then(function(a) {
m.$$v = a;
})), k = k.$$v), k) : k) : k) : k) : k);
} : function(g, f) {
var k = f && f.hasOwnProperty(b) ? f : g;
return null == k ? k : (k = k[b], a ? null == k ? s : (k = k[a], c ? null == k ? s : (k = k[c],
d ? null == k ? s : (k = k[d], e ? null == k ? s : k = k[e] : k) : k) : k) : k);
function xe(b, a) {
return fa(b, a), function(a, d) {
return null == a ? s : (d && d.hasOwnProperty(b) ? d : a)[b];
function ye(b, a, c) {
return fa(b, c), fa(a, c), function(c, e) {
return null == c ? s : (c = (e && e.hasOwnProperty(b) ? e : c)[b], null == c ? s : c[a]);
function Dc(b, a, c) {
if (Mb.hasOwnProperty(b)) return Mb[b];
var g, d = b.split("."), e = d.length;
if (a.unwrapPromises || 1 !== e) if (a.unwrapPromises || 2 !== e) if (a.csp) g = 6 > e ? Cc(d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], c, a) : function(b, g) {
var h, f = 0;
do h = Cc(d[f++], d[f++], d[f++], d[f++], d[f++], c, a)(b, g), g = s, b = h; while (e > f);
return h;
}; else {
var f = "var p;\n";
q(d, function(b, d) {
fa(b, c), f += "if(s == null) return undefined;\ns=" + (d ? "s" : '((k&&k.hasOwnProperty("' + b + '"))?k:s)') + '["' + b + '"];\n' + (a.unwrapPromises ? 'if (s && s.then) {\n pw("' + c.replace(/(["\r\n])/g, "\\$1") + '");\n if (!("$$v" in s)) {\n p=s;\n p.$$v = undefined;\n p.then(function(v) {p.$$v=v;});\n}\n s=s.$$v\n}\n' : "");
var f = f + "return s;", h = new Function("s", "k", "pw", f);
h.toString = aa(f), g = a.unwrapPromises ? function(a, b) {
return h(a, b, ta);
} : h;
} else g = ye(d[0], d[1], c); else g = xe(d[0], c);
return "hasOwnProperty" !== b && (Mb[b] = g), g;
function Xd() {
var b = {}, a = {
csp: !1,
unwrapPromises: !1,
logPromiseWarnings: !0
this.unwrapPromises = function(b) {
return B(b) ? (a.unwrapPromises = !!b, this) : a.unwrapPromises;
}, this.logPromiseWarnings = function(b) {
return B(b) ? (a.logPromiseWarnings = b, this) : a.logPromiseWarnings;
}, this.$get = [ "$filter", "$sniffer", "$log", function(c, d, e) {
return a.csp = d.csp, ta = function(b) {
a.logPromiseWarnings && !Ec.hasOwnProperty(b) && (Ec[b] = !0, e.warn("[$parse] Promise found in the expression `" + b + "`. Automatic unwrapping of promises in Angular expressions is deprecated."));
}, function(d) {
var e;
switch (typeof d) {
case "string":
return b.hasOwnProperty(d) ? b[d] : (e = new Nb(a), e = new $a(e, c, a).parse(d, !1),
"hasOwnProperty" !== d && (b[d] = e), e);
case "function":
return d;
return C;
} ];
function Zd() {
this.$get = [ "$rootScope", "$exceptionHandler", function(b, a) {
return ze(function(a) {
}, a);
} ];
function ze(b, a) {
function c(a) {
return a;
function d(a) {
return f(a);
var e = function() {
var k, m, f = [];
return m = {
resolve: function(a) {
if (f) {
var c = f;
f = s, k = g(a), c.length && b(function() {
for (var a, b = 0, d = c.length; d > b; b++) a = c[b], k.then(a[0], a[1], a[2]);
reject: function(a) {
notify: function(a) {
if (f) {
var c = f;
f.length && b(function() {
for (var b, d = 0, e = c.length; e > d; d++) b = c[d], b[2](a);
promise: {
then: function(b, g, h) {
var m = e(), u = function(d) {
try {
m.resolve((P(b) ? b : c)(d));
} catch (e) {
m.reject(e), a(e);
}, F = function(b) {
try {
m.resolve((P(g) ? g : d)(b));
} catch (c) {
m.reject(c), a(c);
}, v = function(b) {
try {
m.notify((P(h) ? h : c)(b));
} catch (d) {
return f ? f.push([ u, F, v ]) : k.then(u, F, v), m.promise;
"catch": function(a) {
return this.then(null, a);
"finally": function(a) {
function b(a, c) {
var d = e();
return c ? d.resolve(a) : d.reject(a), d.promise;
function d(e, g) {
var f = null;
try {
f = (a || c)();
} catch (h) {
return b(h, !1);
return f && P(f.then) ? f.then(function() {
return b(e, g);
}, function(a) {
return b(a, !1);
}) : b(e, g);
return this.then(function(a) {
return d(a, !0);
}, function(a) {
return d(a, !1);
}, g = function(a) {
return a && P(a.then) ? a : {
then: function(c) {
var d = e();
return b(function() {
}), d.promise;
}, f = function(a) {
var b = e();
return b.reject(a), b.promise;
}, h = function(c) {
return {
then: function(g, f) {
var h = e();
return b(function() {
try {
h.resolve((P(f) ? f : d)(c));
} catch (b) {
h.reject(b), a(b);
}), h.promise;
return {
defer: e,
reject: f,
when: function(h, k, m, n) {
var r, p = e(), z = function(b) {
try {
return (P(k) ? k : c)(b);
} catch (d) {
return a(d), f(d);
}, u = function(b) {
try {
return (P(m) ? m : d)(b);
} catch (c) {
return a(c), f(c);
}, F = function(b) {
try {
return (P(n) ? n : c)(b);
} catch (d) {
return b(function() {
g(h).then(function(a) {
r || (r = !0, p.resolve(g(a).then(z, u, F)));
}, function(a) {
r || (r = !0, p.resolve(u(a)));
}, function(a) {
r || p.notify(F(a));
}), p.promise;
all: function(a) {
var b = e(), c = 0, d = M(a) ? [] : {};
return q(a, function(a, e) {
c++, g(a).then(function(a) {
d.hasOwnProperty(e) || (d[e] = a, --c || b.resolve(d));
}, function(a) {
d.hasOwnProperty(e) || b.reject(a);
}), 0 === c && b.resolve(d), b.promise;
function fe() {
this.$get = [ "$window", "$timeout", function(b, a) {
var c = b.requestAnimationFrame || b.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || b.mozRequestAnimationFrame, d = b.cancelAnimationFrame || b.webkitCancelAnimationFrame || b.mozCancelAnimationFrame || b.webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame, e = !!c, g = e ? function(a) {
var b = c(a);
return function() {
} : function(b) {
var c = a(b, 16.66, !1);
return function() {
return g.supported = e, g;
} ];
function Yd() {
var b = 10, a = t("$rootScope"), c = null;
this.digestTtl = function(a) {
return arguments.length && (b = a), b;
}, this.$get = [ "$injector", "$exceptionHandler", "$parse", "$browser", function(d, e, g, f) {
function h() {
this.$id = bb(), this.$$phase = this.$parent = this.$$watchers = this.$$nextSibling = this.$$prevSibling = this.$$childHead = this.$$childTail = null,
this["this"] = this.$root = this, this.$$destroyed = !1, this.$$asyncQueue = [],
this.$$postDigestQueue = [], this.$$listeners = {}, this.$$listenerCount = {}, this.$$isolateBindings = {};
function l(b) {
if (p.$$phase) throw a("inprog", p.$$phase);
p.$$phase = b;
function k(a, b) {
var c = g(a);
return Ra(c, b), c;
function m(a, b, c) {
do a.$$listenerCount[c] -= b, 0 === a.$$listenerCount[c] && delete a.$$listenerCount[c]; while (a = a.$parent);
function n() {}
h.prototype = {
constructor: h,
$new: function(a) {
return a ? (a = new h(), a.$root = this.$root, a.$$asyncQueue = this.$$asyncQueue,
a.$$postDigestQueue = this.$$postDigestQueue) : (a = function() {}, a.prototype = this,
a = new a(), a.$id = bb()), a["this"] = a, a.$$listeners = {}, a.$$listenerCount = {},
a.$parent = this, a.$$watchers = a.$$nextSibling = a.$$childHead = a.$$childTail = null,
a.$$prevSibling = this.$$childTail, this.$$childHead ? this.$$childTail = this.$$childTail.$$nextSibling = a : this.$$childHead = this.$$childTail = a,
$watch: function(a, b, d) {
var e = k(a, "watch"), g = this.$$watchers, f = {
fn: b,
last: n,
get: e,
exp: a,
eq: !!d
if (c = null, !P(b)) {
var h = k(b || C, "listener");
f.fn = function(a, b, c) {
if ("string" == typeof a && e.constant) {
var l = f.fn;
f.fn = function(a, b, c) {, a, b, c), Oa(g, f);
return g || (g = this.$$watchers = []), g.unshift(f), function() {
Oa(g, f), c = null;
$watchCollection: function(a, b) {
var d, e, f, c = this, h = 1 < b.length, l = 0, k = g(a), m = [], n = {}, p = !0, q = 0;
return this.$watch(function() {
d = k(c);
var a, b;
if (X(d)) if (ab(d)) for (e !== m && (e = m, q = e.length = 0, l++), a = d.length,
q !== a && (l++, e.length = q = a), b = 0; a > b; b++) e[b] !== e[b] && d[b] !== d[b] || e[b] === d[b] || (l++,
e[b] = d[b]); else {
e !== n && (e = n = {}, q = 0, l++), a = 0;
for (b in d) d.hasOwnProperty(b) && (a++, e.hasOwnProperty(b) ? e[b] !== d[b] && (l++,
e[b] = d[b]) : (q++, e[b] = d[b], l++));
if (q > a) for (b in l++, e) e.hasOwnProperty(b) && !d.hasOwnProperty(b) && (q--,
delete e[b]);
} else e !== d && (e = d, l++);
return l;
}, function() {
if (p ? (p = !1, b(d, d, c)) : b(d, f, c), h) if (X(d)) if (ab(d)) {
f = Array(d.length);
for (var a = 0; a < d.length; a++) f[a] = d[a];
} else for (a in f = {}, d), a) && (f[a] = d[a]); else f = d;
$digest: function() {
var d, g, f, h, q, x, L, y, H, R, k = this.$$asyncQueue, m = this.$$postDigestQueue, s = b, Q = [];
l("$digest"), c = null;
do {
for (x = !1, L = this; k.length; ) {
try {
R = k.shift(), R.scope.$eval(R.expression);
} catch (B) {
p.$$phase = null, e(B);
c = null;
a: do {
if (h = L.$$watchers) for (q = h.length; q--; ) try {
if (d = h[q]) if ((g = d.get(L)) === (f = d.last) || (d.eq ? xa(g, f) : "number" == typeof g && "number" == typeof f && isNaN(g) && isNaN(f))) {
if (d === c) {
x = !1;
break a;
} else x = !0, c = d, d.last = d.eq ? ba(g) : g, d.fn(g, f === n ? g : f, L), 5 > s && (y = 4 - s,
Q[y] || (Q[y] = []), H = P(d.exp) ? "fn: " + ( || d.exp.toString()) : d.exp,
H += "; newVal: " + qa(g) + "; oldVal: " + qa(f), Q[y].push(H));
} catch (w) {
p.$$phase = null, e(w);
if (!(h = L.$$childHead || L !== this && L.$$nextSibling)) for (;L !== this && !(h = L.$$nextSibling); ) L = L.$parent;
} while (L = h);
if ((x || k.length) && !s--) throw p.$$phase = null, a("infdig", b, qa(Q));
} while (x || k.length);
for (p.$$phase = null; m.length; ) try {
} catch (T) {
$destroy: function() {
if (!this.$$destroyed) {
var a = this.$parent;
this.$broadcast("$destroy"), this.$$destroyed = !0, this !== p && (q(this.$$listenerCount, eb(null, m, this)),
a.$$childHead == this && (a.$$childHead = this.$$nextSibling), a.$$childTail == this && (a.$$childTail = this.$$prevSibling),
this.$$prevSibling && (this.$$prevSibling.$$nextSibling = this.$$nextSibling), this.$$nextSibling && (this.$$nextSibling.$$prevSibling = this.$$prevSibling),
this.$parent = this.$$nextSibling = this.$$prevSibling = this.$$childHead = this.$$childTail = this.$root = null,
this.$$listeners = {}, this.$$watchers = this.$$asyncQueue = this.$$postDigestQueue = [],
this.$destroy = this.$digest = this.$apply = C, this.$on = this.$watch = function() {
return C;
$eval: function(a, b) {
return g(a)(this, b);
$evalAsync: function(a) {
p.$$phase || p.$$asyncQueue.length || f.defer(function() {
p.$$asyncQueue.length && p.$digest();
}), this.$$asyncQueue.push({
scope: this,
expression: a
$$postDigest: function(a) {
$apply: function(a) {
try {
return l("$apply"), this.$eval(a);
} catch (b) {
} finally {
p.$$phase = null;
try {
} catch (c) {
throw e(c), c;
$on: function(a, b) {
var c = this.$$listeners[a];
c || (this.$$listeners[a] = c = []), c.push(b);
var d = this;
do d.$$listenerCount[a] || (d.$$listenerCount[a] = 0), d.$$listenerCount[a]++; while (d = d.$parent);
var e = this;
return function() {
c[db(c, b)] = null, m(e, 1, a);
$emit: function(a) {
var d, k, m, c = [], g = this, f = !1, h = {
name: a,
targetScope: g,
stopPropagation: function() {
f = !0;
preventDefault: function() {
h.defaultPrevented = !0;
defaultPrevented: !1
}, l = [ h ].concat(, 1));
do {
for (d = g.$$listeners[a] || c, h.currentScope = g, k = 0, m = d.length; m > k; k++) if (d[k]) try {
d[k].apply(null, l);
} catch (n) {
} else d.splice(k, 1), k--, m--;
if (f) break;
g = g.$parent;
} while (g);
return h;
$broadcast: function(a) {
for (var h, k, c = this, d = this, g = {
name: a,
targetScope: this,
preventDefault: function() {
g.defaultPrevented = !0;
defaultPrevented: !1
}, f = [ g ].concat(, 1)); c = d; ) {
for (g.currentScope = c, d = c.$$listeners[a] || [], h = 0, k = d.length; k > h; h++) if (d[h]) try {
d[h].apply(null, f);
} catch (l) {
} else d.splice(h, 1), h--, k--;
if (!(d = c.$$listenerCount[a] && c.$$childHead || c !== this && c.$$nextSibling)) for (;c !== this && !(d = c.$$nextSibling); ) c = c.$parent;
return g;
var p = new h();
return p;
} ];
function bd() {
var b = /^\s*(https?|ftp|mailto|tel|file):/, a = /^\s*(https?|ftp|file):|data:image\//;
this.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist = function(a) {
return B(a) ? (b = a, this) : b;
}, this.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist = function(b) {
return B(b) ? (a = b, this) : a;
}, this.$get = function() {
return function(c, d) {
var g, e = d ? a : b;
return S && !(S >= 8) || (g = sa(c).href, "" === g || g.match(e)) ? c : "unsafe:" + g;
function Ae(b) {
if ("self" === b) return b;
if (w(b)) {
if (-1 < b.indexOf("***")) throw ua("iwcard", b);
return b = b.replace(/([-()\[\]{}+?*.$\^|,:#<!\\])/g, "\\$1").replace(/\x08/g, "\\x08").replace("\\*\\*", ".*").replace("\\*", "[^:/.?&;]*"),
RegExp("^" + b + "$");
if (cb(b)) return RegExp("^" + b.source + "$");
throw ua("imatcher");
function Gc(b) {
var a = [];
return B(b) && q(b, function(b) {
}), a;
function ae() {
this.SCE_CONTEXTS = ga;
var b = [ "self" ], a = [];
this.resourceUrlWhitelist = function(a) {
return arguments.length && (b = Gc(a)), b;
}, this.resourceUrlBlacklist = function(b) {
return arguments.length && (a = Gc(b)), a;
}, this.$get = [ "$injector", function(c) {
function d(a) {
var b = function(a) {
this.$$unwrapTrustedValue = function() {
return a;
return a && (b.prototype = new a()), b.prototype.valueOf = function() {
return this.$$unwrapTrustedValue();
}, b.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.$$unwrapTrustedValue().toString();
}, b;
var e = function() {
throw ua("unsafe");
c.has("$sanitize") && (e = c.get("$sanitize"));
var g = d(), f = {};
return f[ga.HTML] = d(g), f[ga.CSS] = d(g), f[ga.URL] = d(g), f[ga.JS] = d(g), f[ga.RESOURCE_URL] = d(f[ga.URL]),
trustAs: function(a, b) {
var c = f.hasOwnProperty(a) ? f[a] : null;
if (!c) throw ua("icontext", a, b);
if (null === b || b === s || "" === b) return b;
if ("string" != typeof b) throw ua("itype", a);
return new c(b);
getTrusted: function(c, d) {
if (null === d || d === s || "" === d) return d;
var g = f.hasOwnProperty(c) ? f[c] : null;
if (g && d instanceof g) return d.$$unwrapTrustedValue();
if (c === ga.RESOURCE_URL) {
var m, n, g = sa(d.toString()), p = !1;
for (m = 0, n = b.length; n > m; m++) if ("self" === b[m] ? Ib(g) : b[m].exec(g.href)) {
p = !0;
if (p) for (m = 0, n = a.length; n > m; m++) if ("self" === a[m] ? Ib(g) : a[m].exec(g.href)) {
p = !1;
if (p) return d;
throw ua("insecurl", d.toString());
if (c === ga.HTML) return e(d);
throw ua("unsafe");
valueOf: function(a) {
return a instanceof g ? a.$$unwrapTrustedValue() : a;
} ];
function $d() {
var b = !0;
this.enabled = function(a) {
return arguments.length && (b = !!a), b;
}, this.$get = [ "$parse", "$sniffer", "$sceDelegate", function(a, c, d) {
if (b && c.msie && 8 > c.msieDocumentMode) throw ua("iequirks");
var e = ba(ga);
e.isEnabled = function() {
return b;
}, e.trustAs = d.trustAs, e.getTrusted = d.getTrusted, e.valueOf = d.valueOf, b || (e.trustAs = e.getTrusted = function(a, b) {
return b;
}, e.valueOf = Da), e.parseAs = function(b, c) {
var d = a(c);
return d.literal && d.constant ? d : function(a, c) {
return e.getTrusted(b, d(a, c));
var g = e.parseAs, f = e.getTrusted, h = e.trustAs;
return q(ga, function(a, b) {
var c = K(b);
e[Ta("parse_as_" + c)] = function(b) {
return g(a, b);
}, e[Ta("get_trusted_" + c)] = function(b) {
return f(a, b);
}, e[Ta("trust_as_" + c)] = function(b) {
return h(a, b);
}), e;
} ];
function be() {
this.$get = [ "$window", "$document", function(b, a) {
var h, c = {}, d = Y((/android (\d+)/.exec(K((b.navigator || {}).userAgent)) || [])[1]), e = /Boxee/i.test((b.navigator || {}).userAgent), g = a[0] || {}, f = g.documentMode, l = /^(Moz|webkit|O|ms)(?=[A-Z])/, k = g.body &&, m = !1, n = !1;
if (k) {
for (var p in k) if (m = l.exec(p)) {
h = m[0], h = h.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + h.substr(1);
h || (h = "WebkitOpacity" in k && "webkit"), m = !!("transition" in k || h + "Transition" in k),
n = !!("animation" in k || h + "Animation" in k), !d || m && n || (m = w(,
n = w(;
return {
history: !(!b.history || !b.history.pushState || 4 > d || e),
hashchange: "onhashchange" in b && (!f || f > 7),
hasEvent: function(a) {
if ("input" == a && 9 == S) return !1;
if (E(c[a])) {
var b = g.createElement("div");
c[a] = "on" + a in b;
return c[a];
csp: Vb(),
vendorPrefix: h,
transitions: m,
animations: n,
android: d,
msie: S,
msieDocumentMode: f
} ];
function de() {
this.$get = [ "$rootScope", "$browser", "$q", "$exceptionHandler", function(b, a, c, d) {
function e(e, h, l) {
var k = c.defer(), m = k.promise, n = B(l) && !l;
return h = a.defer(function() {
try {
} catch (a) {
k.reject(a), d(a);
} finally {
delete g[m.$$timeoutId];
n || b.$apply();
}, h), m.$$timeoutId = h, g[h] = k, m;
var g = {};
return e.cancel = function(b) {
return b && b.$$timeoutId in g ? (g[b.$$timeoutId].reject("canceled"), delete g[b.$$timeoutId],
a.defer.cancel(b.$$timeoutId)) : !1;
}, e;
} ];
function sa(b) {
var c = b;
return S && (W.setAttribute("href", c), c = W.href), W.setAttribute("href", c),
href: W.href,
protocol: W.protocol ? W.protocol.replace(/:$/, "") : "",
search: ?^\?/, "") : "",
hash: W.hash ? W.hash.replace(/^#/, "") : "",
hostname: W.hostname,
port: W.port,
pathname: "/" === W.pathname.charAt(0) ? W.pathname : "/" + W.pathname
function Ib(b) {
return b = w(b) ? sa(b) : b, b.protocol === Hc.protocol && ===;
function ee() {
this.$get = aa(O);
function gc(b) {
function a(d, e) {
if (X(d)) {
var g = {};
return q(d, function(b, c) {
g[c] = a(c, b);
}), g;
return b.factory(d + c, e);
var c = "Filter";
this.register = a, this.$get = [ "$injector", function(a) {
return function(b) {
return a.get(b + c);
} ], a("currency", Ic), a("date", Jc), a("filter", Be), a("json", Ce), a("limitTo", De),
a("lowercase", Ee), a("number", Kc), a("orderBy", Lc), a("uppercase", Fe);
function Be() {
return function(b, a, c) {
if (!M(b)) return b;
var d = typeof c, e = [];
e.check = function(a) {
for (var b = 0; b < e.length; b++) if (!e[b](a)) return !1;
return !0;
}, "function" !== d && (c = "boolean" === d && c ? function(a, b) {
return Ea.equals(a, b);
} : function(a, b) {
if (a && b && "object" == typeof a && "object" == typeof b) {
for (var d in a) if ("$" !== d.charAt(0) &&, d) && c(a[d], b[d])) return !0;
return !1;
return b = ("" + b).toLowerCase(), -1 < ("" + a).toLowerCase().indexOf(b);
var g = function(a, b) {
if ("string" == typeof b && "!" === b.charAt(0)) return !g(a, b.substr(1));
switch (typeof a) {
case "boolean":
case "number":
case "string":
return c(a, b);
case "object":
switch (typeof b) {
case "object":
return c(a, b);
for (var d in a) if ("$" !== d.charAt(0) && g(a[d], b)) return !0;
return !1;
case "array":
for (d = 0; d < a.length; d++) if (g(a[d], b)) return !0;
return !1;
return !1;
switch (typeof a) {
case "boolean":
case "number":
case "string":
a = {
$: a
case "object":
for (var f in a) (function(b) {
"undefined" != typeof a[b] && e.push(function(c) {
return g("$" == b ? c : c && c[b], a[b]);
case "function":
return b;
for (d = [], f = 0; f < b.length; f++) {
var h = b[f];
e.check(h) && d.push(h);
return d;
function Ic(b) {
return function(b, d) {
return E(d) && (d = a.CURRENCY_SYM), Mc(b, a.PATTERNS[1], a.GROUP_SEP, a.DECIMAL_SEP, 2).replace(/\u00A4/g, d);
function Kc(b) {
return function(b, d) {
return Mc(b, a.PATTERNS[0], a.GROUP_SEP, a.DECIMAL_SEP, d);
function Mc(b, a, c, d, e) {
if (null == b || !isFinite(b) || X(b)) return "";
var g = 0 > b;
b = Math.abs(b);
var f = b + "", h = "", l = [], k = !1;
if (-1 !== f.indexOf("e")) {
var m = f.match(/([\d\.]+)e(-?)(\d+)/);
m && "-" == m[2] && m[3] > e + 1 ? f = "0" : (h = f, k = !0);
if (k) e > 0 && b > -1 && 1 > b && (h = b.toFixed(e)); else {
f = (f.split(Nc)[1] || "").length, E(e) && (e = Math.min(Math.max(a.minFrac, f), a.maxFrac)),
f = Math.pow(10, e), b = Math.round(b * f) / f, b = ("" + b).split(Nc), f = b[0],
b = b[1] || "";
var m = 0, n = a.lgSize, p = a.gSize;
if (f.length >= n + p) for (m = f.length - n, k = 0; m > k; k++) 0 === (m - k) % p && 0 !== k && (h += c),
h += f.charAt(k);
for (k = m; k < f.length; k++) 0 === (f.length - k) % n && 0 !== k && (h += c),
h += f.charAt(k);
for (;b.length < e; ) b += "0";
e && "0" !== e && (h += d + b.substr(0, e));
return l.push(g ? a.negPre : a.posPre), l.push(h), l.push(g ? a.negSuf : a.posSuf),
function Ob(b, a, c) {
var d = "";
for (0 > b && (d = "-", b = -b), b = "" + b; b.length < a; ) b = "0" + b;
return c && (b = b.substr(b.length - a)), d + b;
function $(b, a, c, d) {
return c = c || 0, function(e) {
return e = e["get" + b](), (c > 0 || e > -c) && (e += c), 0 === e && -12 == c && (e = 12),
Ob(e, a, d);
function pb(b, a) {
return function(c, d) {
var e = c["get" + b](), g = Fa(a ? "SHORT" + b : b);
return d[g][e];
function Jc(b) {
function a(a) {
var b;
if (b = a.match(c)) {
a = new Date(0);
var g = 0, f = 0, h = b[8] ? a.setUTCFullYear : a.setFullYear, l = b[8] ? a.setUTCHours : a.setHours;
b[9] && (g = Y(b[9] + b[10]), f = Y(b[9] + b[11])),, Y(b[1]), Y(b[2]) - 1, Y(b[3])),
g = Y(b[4] || 0) - g, f = Y(b[5] || 0) - f, h = Y(b[6] || 0), b = Math.round(1e3 * parseFloat("0." + (b[7] || 0))),, g, f, h, b);
return a;
var c = /^(\d{4})-?(\d\d)-?(\d\d)(?:T(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d)(?:\.(\d+))?)?)?(Z|([+-])(\d\d):?(\d\d))?)?$/;
return function(c, e) {
var h, l, g = "", f = [];
if (e = e || "mediumDate", e = b.DATETIME_FORMATS[e] || e, w(c) && (c = Ge.test(c) ? Y(c) : a(c)),
vb(c) && (c = new Date(c)), !Na(c)) return c;
for (;e; ) (l = He.exec(e)) ? (f = f.concat(, 1)), e = f.pop()) : (f.push(e),
e = null);
return q(f, function(a) {
h = Ie[a], g += h ? h(c, b.DATETIME_FORMATS) : a.replace(/(^'|'$)/g, "").replace(/''/g, "'");
}), g;
function Ce() {
return function(b) {
return qa(b, !0);
function De() {
return function(b, a) {
if (!M(b) && !w(b)) return b;
if (a = Y(a), w(b)) return a ? a >= 0 ? b.slice(0, a) : b.slice(a, b.length) : "";
var d, e, c = [];
for (a > b.length ? a = b.length : a < -b.length && (a = -b.length), a > 0 ? (d = 0,
e = a) : (d = b.length + a, e = b.length); e > d; d++) c.push(b[d]);
return c;
function Lc(b) {
return function(a, c, d) {
function e(a, b) {
return Qa(b) ? function(b, c) {
return a(c, b);
} : a;
function g(a, b) {
var c = typeof a, d = typeof b;
return c == d ? ("string" == c && (a = a.toLowerCase(), b = b.toLowerCase()), a === b ? 0 : b > a ? -1 : 1) : d > c ? -1 : 1;
if (!M(a) || !c) return a;
c = M(c) ? c : [ c ], c = Uc(c, function(a) {
var c = !1, d = a || Da;
if (w(a) && (("+" == a.charAt(0) || "-" == a.charAt(0)) && (c = "-" == a.charAt(0),
a = a.substring(1)), d = b(a), d.constant)) {
var f = d();
return e(function(a, b) {
return g(a[f], b[f]);
}, c);
return e(function(a, b) {
return g(d(a), d(b));
}, c);
for (var f = [], h = 0; h < a.length; h++) f.push(a[h]);
return f.sort(e(function(a, b) {
for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
var e = c[d](a, b);
if (0 !== e) return e;
return 0;
}, d));
function va(b) {
return P(b) && (b = {
link: b
}), b.restrict = b.restrict || "AC", aa(b);
function Oc(b, a, c, d) {
function e(a, c) {
c = c ? "-" + fb(c, "-") : "", d.removeClass(b, (a ? qb : rb) + c), d.addClass(b, (a ? rb : qb) + c);
var g = this, f = b.parent().controller("form") || sb, h = 0, l = g.$error = {}, k = [];
g.$name = || a.ngForm, g.$dirty = !1, g.$pristine = !0, g.$valid = !0, g.$invalid = !1,
f.$addControl(g), b.addClass(La), e(!0), g.$addControl = function(a) {
Aa(a.$name, "input"), k.push(a), a.$name && (g[a.$name] = a);
}, g.$removeControl = function(a) {
a.$name && g[a.$name] === a && delete g[a.$name], q(l, function(b, c) {
g.$setValidity(c, !0, a);
}), Oa(k, a);
}, g.$setValidity = function(a, b, c) {
var d = l[a];
if (b) d && (Oa(d, c), d.length || (h--, h || (e(b), g.$valid = !0, g.$invalid = !1),
l[a] = !1, e(!0, a), f.$setValidity(a, !0, g))); else {
if (h || e(b), d) {
if (-1 != db(d, c)) return;
} else l[a] = d = [], h++, e(!1, a), f.$setValidity(a, !1, g);
d.push(c), g.$valid = !1, g.$invalid = !0;
}, g.$setDirty = function() {
d.removeClass(b, La), d.addClass(b, tb), g.$dirty = !0, g.$pristine = !1, f.$setDirty();
}, g.$setPristine = function() {
d.removeClass(b, tb), d.addClass(b, La), g.$dirty = !1, g.$pristine = !0, q(k, function(a) {
function pa(b, a, c, d) {
return b.$setValidity(a, c), c ? d : s;
function Je(b, a, c) {
var d = c.prop("validity");
X(d) && b.$parsers.push(function(c) {
return b.$error[a] || !(d.badInput || d.customError || d.typeMismatch) || d.valueMissing ? c : void b.$setValidity(a, !1);
function ub(b, a, c, d, e, g) {
var f = a.prop("validity");
if (! {
var h = !1;
a.on("compositionstart", function() {
h = !0;
}), a.on("compositionend", function() {
h = !1, l();
var l = function() {
if (!h) {
var e = a.val();
Qa(c.ngTrim || "T") && (e = ca(e)), (d.$viewValue !== e || f && "" === e && !f.valueMissing) && (b.$$phase ? d.$setViewValue(e) : b.$apply(function() {
if (e.hasEvent("input")) a.on("input", l); else {
var k, m = function() {
k || (k = g.defer(function() {
l(), k = null;
a.on("keydown", function(a) {
a = a.keyCode, 91 === a || a > 15 && 19 > a || a >= 37 && 40 >= a || m();
}), e.hasEvent("paste") && a.on("paste cut", m);
a.on("change", l), d.$render = function() {
a.val(d.$isEmpty(d.$viewValue) ? "" : d.$viewValue);
var n = c.ngPattern;
if (n && ((e = n.match(/^\/(.*)\/([gim]*)$/)) ? (n = RegExp(e[1], e[2]), e = function(a) {
return pa(d, "pattern", d.$isEmpty(a) || n.test(a), a);
}) : e = function(c) {
var e = b.$eval(n);
if (!e || !e.test) throw t("ngPattern")("noregexp", n, e, ha(a));
return pa(d, "pattern", d.$isEmpty(c) || e.test(c), c);
}, d.$formatters.push(e), d.$parsers.push(e)), c.ngMinlength) {
var p = Y(c.ngMinlength);
e = function(a) {
return pa(d, "minlength", d.$isEmpty(a) || a.length >= p, a);
}, d.$parsers.push(e), d.$formatters.push(e);
if (c.ngMaxlength) {
var r = Y(c.ngMaxlength);
e = function(a) {
return pa(d, "maxlength", d.$isEmpty(a) || a.length <= r, a);
}, d.$parsers.push(e), d.$formatters.push(e);
function Pb(b, a) {
return b = "ngClass" + b, [ "$animate", function(c) {
function d(a, b) {
var c = [], d = 0;
a: for (;d < a.length; d++) {
for (var e = a[d], m = 0; m < b.length; m++) if (e == b[m]) continue a;
return c;
function e(a) {
if (!M(a)) {
if (w(a)) return a.split(" ");
if (X(a)) {
var b = [];
return q(a, function(a, c) {
a && b.push(c);
}), b;
return a;
return {
restrict: "AC",
link: function(g, f, h) {
function l(a, b) {
var c ="$classCounts") || {}, d = [];
return q(a, function(a) {
(b > 0 || c[a]) && (c[a] = (c[a] || 0) + b, c[a] === +(b > 0) && d.push(a));
}),"$classCounts", c), d.join(" ");
function k(b) {
if (!0 === a || g.$index % 2 === a) {
var k = e(b || []);
if (m) {
if (!xa(b, m)) {
var q = e(m), r = d(k, q), k = d(q, k), k = l(k, -1), r = l(r, 1);
0 === r.length ? c.removeClass(f, k) : 0 === k.length ? c.addClass(f, r) : c.setClass(f, r, k);
} else {
var r = l(k, 1);
m = ba(b);
var m;
g.$watch(h[b], k, !0), h.$observe("class", function() {
}), "ngClass" !== b && g.$watch("$index", function(c, d) {
var f = 1 & c;
if (f !== d & 1) {
var k = e(g.$eval(h[b]));
f === a ? (f = l(k, 1), h.$addClass(f)) : (f = l(k, -1), h.$removeClass(f));
} ];
var S, y, Ga, Sa, Ka, K = function(b) {
return w(b) ? b.toLowerCase() : b;
}, Fc = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, Fa = function(b) {
return w(b) ? b.toUpperCase() : b;
}, ya = [].slice, Ke = [].push, wa = Object.prototype.toString, Pa = t("ng"), Ea = O.angular || (O.angular = {}), ka = [ "0", "0", "0" ];
S = Y((/msie (\d+)/.exec(K(navigator.userAgent)) || [])[1]), isNaN(S) && (S = Y((/trident\/.*; rv:(\d+)/.exec(K(navigator.userAgent)) || [])[1])),
C.$inject = [], Da.$inject = [];
var ca = function() {
return String.prototype.trim ? function(b) {
return w(b) ? b.trim() : b;
} : function(b) {
return w(b) ? b.replace(/^\s\s*/, "").replace(/\s\s*$/, "") : b;
Ka = 9 > S ? function(b) {
return b = b.nodeName ? b : b[0], b.scopeName && "HTML" != b.scopeName ? Fa(b.scopeName + ":" + b.nodeName) : b.nodeName;
} : function(b) {
return b.nodeName ? b.nodeName : b[0].nodeName;
var Xc = /[A-Z]/g, $c = {
full: "1.2.16",
major: 1,
minor: 2,
dot: 16,
codeName: "badger-enumeration"
}, Ua = N.cache = {}, gb = N.expando = "ng-" + new Date().getTime(), me = 1, Pc = O.document.addEventListener ? function(b, a, c) {
b.addEventListener(a, c, !1);
} : function(b, a, c) {
b.attachEvent("on" + a, c);
}, Fb = O.document.removeEventListener ? function(b, a, c) {
b.removeEventListener(a, c, !1);
} : function(b, a, c) {
b.detachEvent("on" + a, c);
N._data = function(b) {
return this.cache[b[this.expando]] || {};
var he = /([\:\-\_]+(.))/g, ie = /^moz([A-Z])/, Bb = t("jqLite"), je = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>|)$/, Cb = /<|&#?\w+;/, ke = /<([\w:]+)/, le = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:]+)[^>]*)\/>/gi, ea = {
option: [ 1, '<select multiple="multiple">', "</select>" ],
thead: [ 1, "<table>", "</table>" ],
col: [ 2, "<table><colgroup>", "</colgroup></table>" ],
tr: [ 2, "<table><tbody>", "</tbody></table>" ],
td: [ 3, "<table><tbody><tr>", "</tr></tbody></table>" ],
_default: [ 0, "", "" ]
ea.optgroup = ea.option, ea.tbody = ea.tfoot = ea.colgroup = ea.caption = ea.thead, =;
var Ja = N.prototype = {
ready: function(b) {
function a() {
c || (c = !0, b());
var c = !1;
"complete" === U.readyState ? setTimeout(a) : (this.on("DOMContentLoaded", a), N(O).on("load", a));
toString: function() {
var b = [];
return q(this, function(a) {
b.push("" + a);
}), "[" + b.join(", ") + "]";
eq: function(b) {
return y(b >= 0 ? this[b] : this[this.length + b]);
length: 0,
push: Ke,
sort: [].sort,
splice: [].splice
}, kb = {};
q("multiple selected checked disabled readOnly required open".split(" "), function(b) {
kb[K(b)] = b;
var nc = {};
q("input select option textarea button form details".split(" "), function(b) {
nc[Fa(b)] = !0;
}), q({
data: jc,
inheritedData: jb,
scope: function(b) {
return y(b).data("$scope") || jb(b.parentNode || b, [ "$isolateScope", "$scope" ]);
isolateScope: function(b) {
return y(b).data("$isolateScope") || y(b).data("$isolateScopeNoTemplate");
controller: kc,
injector: function(b) {
return jb(b, "$injector");
removeAttr: function(b, a) {
hasClass: Gb,
css: function(b, a, c) {
if (a = Ta(a), !B(c)) {
var d;
return 8 >= S && (d = b.currentStyle && b.currentStyle[a], "" === d && (d = "auto")),
d = d ||[a], 8 >= S && (d = "" === d ? s : d), d;
}[a] = c;
attr: function(b, a, c) {
var d = K(a);
if (kb[d]) {
if (!B(c)) return b[a] || (b.attributes.getNamedItem(a) || C).specified ? d : s;
c ? (b[a] = !0, b.setAttribute(a, d)) : (b[a] = !1, b.removeAttribute(d));
} else if (B(c)) b.setAttribute(a, c); else if (b.getAttribute) return b = b.getAttribute(a, 2),
null === b ? s : b;
prop: function(b, a, c) {
return B(c) ? void (b[a] = c) : b[a];
text: function() {
function b(b, d) {
var e = a[b.nodeType];
return E(d) ? e ? b[e] : "" : void (b[e] = d);
var a = [];
return 9 > S ? (a[1] = "innerText", a[3] = "nodeValue") : a[1] = a[3] = "textContent",
b.$dv = "", b;
val: function(b, a) {
if (E(a)) {
if ("SELECT" === Ka(b) && b.multiple) {
var c = [];
return q(b.options, function(a) {
a.selected && c.push(a.value || a.text);
}), 0 === c.length ? null : c;
return b.value;
b.value = a;
html: function(b, a) {
if (E(a)) return b.innerHTML;
for (var c = 0, d = b.childNodes; c < d.length; c++) Ha(d[c]);
b.innerHTML = a;
empty: lc
}, function(b, a) {
N.prototype[a] = function(a, d) {
var e, g;
if (b !== lc && (2 == b.length && b !== Gb && b !== kc ? a : d) === s) {
if (X(a)) {
for (e = 0; e < this.length; e++) if (b === jc) b(this[e], a); else for (g in a) b(this[e], g, a[g]);
return this;
e = b.$dv, g = e === s ? Math.min(this.length, 1) : this.length;
for (var f = 0; g > f; f++) {
var h = b(this[f], a, d);
e = e ? e + h : h;
return e;
for (e = 0; e < this.length; e++) b(this[e], a, d);
return this;
}), q({
removeData: hc,
dealoc: Ha,
on: function a(c, d, e, g) {
if (B(g)) throw Bb("onargs");
var f = la(c, "events"), h = la(c, "handle");
f || la(c, "events", f = {}), h || la(c, "handle", h = ne(c, f)), q(d.split(" "), function(d) {
var g = f[d];
if (!g) {
if ("mouseenter" == d || "mouseleave" == d) {
var m = U.body.contains || U.body.compareDocumentPosition ? function(a, c) {
var d = 9 === a.nodeType ? a.documentElement : a, e = c && c.parentNode;
return a === e || !(!e || 1 !== e.nodeType || !(d.contains ? d.contains(e) : a.compareDocumentPosition && 16 & a.compareDocumentPosition(e)));
} : function(a, c) {
if (c) for (;c = c.parentNode; ) if (c === a) return !0;
return !1;
f[d] = [], a(c, {
mouseleave: "mouseout",
mouseenter: "mouseover"
}[d], function(a) {
var c = a.relatedTarget;
c && (c === this || m(this, c)) || h(a, d);
} else Pc(c, d, h), f[d] = [];
g = f[d];
off: ic,
one: function(a, c, d) {
a = y(a), a.on(c, function g() {, d),, g);
}), a.on(c, d);
replaceWith: function(a, c) {
var d, e = a.parentNode;
Ha(a), q(new N(c), function(c) {
d ? e.insertBefore(c, d.nextSibling) : e.replaceChild(c, a), d = c;
children: function(a) {
var c = [];
return q(a.childNodes, function(a) {
1 === a.nodeType && c.push(a);
}), c;
contents: function(a) {
return a.contentDocument || a.childNodes || [];
append: function(a, c) {
q(new N(c), function(c) {
1 !== a.nodeType && 11 !== a.nodeType || a.appendChild(c);
prepend: function(a, c) {
if (1 === a.nodeType) {
var d = a.firstChild;
q(new N(c), function(c) {
a.insertBefore(c, d);
wrap: function(a, c) {
c = y(c)[0];
var d = a.parentNode;
d && d.replaceChild(c, a), c.appendChild(a);
remove: function(a) {
var c = a.parentNode;
c && c.removeChild(a);
after: function(a, c) {
var d = a, e = a.parentNode;
q(new N(c), function(a) {
e.insertBefore(a, d.nextSibling), d = a;
addClass: ib,
removeClass: hb,
toggleClass: function(a, c, d) {
c && q(c.split(" "), function(c) {
var g = d;
E(g) && (g = !Gb(a, c)), (g ? ib : hb)(a, c);
parent: function(a) {
return (a = a.parentNode) && 11 !== a.nodeType ? a : null;
next: function(a) {
if (a.nextElementSibling) return a.nextElementSibling;
for (a = a.nextSibling; null != a && 1 !== a.nodeType; ) a = a.nextSibling;
return a;
find: function(a, c) {
return a.getElementsByTagName ? a.getElementsByTagName(c) : [];
clone: Eb,
triggerHandler: function(a, c, d) {
c = (la(a, "events") || {})[c], d = d || [];
var e = [ {
preventDefault: C,
stopPropagation: C
} ];
q(c, function(c) {
c.apply(a, e.concat(d));
}, function(a, c) {
N.prototype[c] = function(c, e, g) {
for (var f, h = 0; h < this.length; h++) E(f) ? (f = a(this[h], c, e, g), B(f) && (f = y(f))) : Db(f, a(this[h], c, e, g));
return B(f) ? f : this;
}, N.prototype.bind = N.prototype.on, N.prototype.unbind =;
}), Va.prototype = {
put: function(a, c) {
this[Ia(a)] = c;
get: function(a) {
return this[Ia(a)];
remove: function(a) {
var c = this[a = Ia(a)];
return delete this[a], c;
var pe = /^function\s*[^\(]*\(\s*([^\)]*)\)/m, qe = /,/, re = /^\s*(_?)(\S+?)\1\s*$/, oe = /((\/\/.*$)|(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/))/gm, Wa = t("$injector"), Le = t("$animate"), Ld = [ "$provide", function(a) {
this.$$selectors = {}, this.register = function(c, d) {
var e = c + "-animation";
if (c && "." != c.charAt(0)) throw Le("notcsel", c);
this.$$selectors[c.substr(1)] = e, a.factory(e, d);
}, this.classNameFilter = function(a) {
return 1 === arguments.length && (this.$$classNameFilter = a instanceof RegExp ? a : null),
}, this.$get = [ "$timeout", "$$asyncCallback", function(a, d) {
return {
enter: function(a, c, f, h) {
f ? f.after(a) : (c && c[0] || (c = f.parent()), c.append(a)), h && d(h);
leave: function(a, c) {
a.remove(), c && d(c);
move: function(a, c, d, h) {
this.enter(a, c, d, h);
addClass: function(a, c, f) {
c = w(c) ? c : M(c) ? c.join(" ") : "", q(a, function(a) {
ib(a, c);
}), f && d(f);
removeClass: function(a, c, f) {
c = w(c) ? c : M(c) ? c.join(" ") : "", q(a, function(a) {
hb(a, c);
}), f && d(f);
setClass: function(a, c, f, h) {
q(a, function(a) {
ib(a, c), hb(a, f);
}), h && d(h);
enabled: C
} ];
} ], ja = t("$compile");
cc.$inject = [ "$provide", "$$sanitizeUriProvider" ];
var te = /^(x[\:\-_]|data[\:\-_])/i, vc = t("$interpolate"), Me = /^([^\?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?$/, we = {
http: 80,
https: 443,
ftp: 21
}, Kb = t("$location");
Ac.prototype = Lb.prototype = zc.prototype = {
$$html5: !1,
$$replace: !1,
absUrl: nb("$$absUrl"),
url: function(a, c) {
if (E(a)) return this.$$url;
var d = Me.exec(a);
return d[1] && this.path(decodeURIComponent(d[1])), (d[2] || d[1]) &&[3] || ""),
this.hash(d[5] || "", c), this;
protocol: nb("$$protocol"),
host: nb("$$host"),
port: nb("$$port"),
path: Bc("$$path", function(a) {
return "/" == a.charAt(0) ? a : "/" + a;
search: function(a, c) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
return this.$$search;
case 1:
if (w(a)) this.$$search = Yb(a); else {
if (!X(a)) throw Kb("isrcharg");
this.$$search = a;
E(c) || null === c ? delete this.$$search[a] : this.$$search[a] = c;
return this.$$compose(), this;
hash: Bc("$$hash", Da),
replace: function() {
return this.$$replace = !0, this;
var ta, Ba = t("$parse"), Ec = {}, Ma = {
"null": function() {
return null;
"true": function() {
return !0;
"false": function() {
return !1;
undefined: C,
"+": function(a, c, d, e) {
return d = d(a, c), e = e(a, c), B(d) ? B(e) ? d + e : d : B(e) ? e : s;
"-": function(a, c, d, e) {
return d = d(a, c), e = e(a, c), (B(d) ? d : 0) - (B(e) ? e : 0);
"*": function(a, c, d, e) {
return d(a, c) * e(a, c);
"/": function(a, c, d, e) {
return d(a, c) / e(a, c);
"%": function(a, c, d, e) {
return d(a, c) % e(a, c);
"^": function(a, c, d, e) {
return d(a, c) ^ e(a, c);
"=": C,
"===": function(a, c, d, e) {
return d(a, c) === e(a, c);
"!==": function(a, c, d, e) {
return d(a, c) !== e(a, c);
"==": function(a, c, d, e) {
return d(a, c) == e(a, c);
"!=": function(a, c, d, e) {
return d(a, c) != e(a, c);
"<": function(a, c, d, e) {
return d(a, c) < e(a, c);
">": function(a, c, d, e) {
return d(a, c) > e(a, c);
"<=": function(a, c, d, e) {
return d(a, c) <= e(a, c);
">=": function(a, c, d, e) {
return d(a, c) >= e(a, c);
"&&": function(a, c, d, e) {
return d(a, c) && e(a, c);
"||": function(a, c, d, e) {
return d(a, c) || e(a, c);
"&": function(a, c, d, e) {
return d(a, c) & e(a, c);
"|": function(a, c, d, e) {
return e(a, c)(a, c, d(a, c));
"!": function(a, c, d) {
return !d(a, c);
}, Ne = {
n: "\n",
f: "\f",
r: "\r",
t: " ",
v: " ",
"'": "'",
'"': '"'
}, Nb = function(a) {
this.options = a;
Nb.prototype = {
constructor: Nb,
lex: function(a) {
this.text = a, this.index = 0, = s, this.lastCh = ":", this.tokens = [];
var c;
for (a = []; this.index < this.text.length; ) {
if ( = this.text.charAt(this.index),"\"'")) this.readString(; else if (this.isNumber( ||".") && this.isNumber(this.peek())) this.readNumber(); else if (this.isIdent( this.readIdent(),
this.was("{,") && "{" === a[0] && (c = this.tokens[this.tokens.length - 1]) && (c.json = -1 === c.text.indexOf(".")); else if ("(){}[].,;:?")) this.tokens.push({
index: this.index,
json: this.was(":[,") &&"{[") ||"}]:,")
}),"{[") && a.unshift(,"}]") && a.shift(), this.index++; else {
if (this.isWhitespace( {
var d = + this.peek(), e = d + this.peek(2), g = Ma[], f = Ma[d], h = Ma[e];
h ? (this.tokens.push({
index: this.index,
text: e,
fn: h
}), this.index += 3) : f ? (this.tokens.push({
index: this.index,
text: d,
fn: f
}), this.index += 2) : g ? (this.tokens.push({
index: this.index,
fn: g,
json: this.was("[,:") &&"+-")
}), this.index += 1) : this.throwError("Unexpected next character ", this.index, this.index + 1);
this.lastCh =;
return this.tokens;
is: function(a) {
return -1 !== a.indexOf(;
was: function(a) {
return -1 !== a.indexOf(this.lastCh);
peek: function(a) {
return a = a || 1, this.index + a < this.text.length ? this.text.charAt(this.index + a) : !1;
isNumber: function(a) {
return a >= "0" && "9" >= a;
isWhitespace: function(a) {
return " " === a || "\r" === a || " " === a || "\n" === a || " " === a || " " === a;
isIdent: function(a) {
return a >= "a" && "z" >= a || a >= "A" && "Z" >= a || "_" === a || "$" === a;
isExpOperator: function(a) {
return "-" === a || "+" === a || this.isNumber(a);
throwError: function(a, c, d) {
throw d = d || this.index, c = B(c) ? "s " + c + "-" + this.index + " [" + this.text.substring(c, d) + "]" : " " + d,
Ba("lexerr", a, c, this.text);
readNumber: function() {
for (var a = "", c = this.index; this.index < this.text.length; ) {
var d = K(this.text.charAt(this.index));
if ("." == d || this.isNumber(d)) a += d; else {
var e = this.peek();
if ("e" == d && this.isExpOperator(e)) a += d; else if (this.isExpOperator(d) && e && this.isNumber(e) && "e" == a.charAt(a.length - 1)) a += d; else {
if (!this.isExpOperator(d) || e && this.isNumber(e) || "e" != a.charAt(a.length - 1)) break;
this.throwError("Invalid exponent");
a *= 1, this.tokens.push({
index: c,
text: a,
json: !0,
fn: function() {
return a;
readIdent: function() {
for (var e, g, f, h, a = this, c = "", d = this.index; this.index < this.text.length && (h = this.text.charAt(this.index),
"." === h || this.isIdent(h) || this.isNumber(h)); ) "." === h && (e = this.index),
c += h, this.index++;
if (e) for (g = this.index; g < this.text.length; ) {
if (h = this.text.charAt(g), "(" === h) {
f = c.substr(e - d + 1), c = c.substr(0, e - d), this.index = g;
if (!this.isWhitespace(h)) break;
if (d = {
index: d,
text: c
}, Ma.hasOwnProperty(c)) d.fn = Ma[c], d.json = Ma[c]; else {
var l = Dc(c, this.options, this.text);
d.fn = D(function(a, c) {
return l(a, c);
}, {
assign: function(d, e) {
return ob(d, c, e, a.text, a.options);
this.tokens.push(d), f && (this.tokens.push({
index: e,
text: ".",
json: !1
}), this.tokens.push({
index: e + 1,
text: f,
json: !1
readString: function(a) {
var c = this.index;
for (var d = "", e = a, g = !1; this.index < this.text.length; ) {
var f = this.text.charAt(this.index), e = e + f;
if (g) "u" === f ? (f = this.text.substring(this.index + 1, this.index + 5), f.match(/[\da-f]{4}/i) || this.throwError("Invalid unicode escape [\\u" + f + "]"),
this.index += 4, d += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(f, 16))) : d = (g = Ne[f]) ? d + g : d + f,
g = !1; else if ("\\" === f) g = !0; else {
if (f === a) return this.index++, void this.tokens.push({
index: c,
text: e,
string: d,
json: !0,
fn: function() {
return d;
d += f;
this.throwError("Unterminated quote", c);
var $a = function(a, c, d) {
this.lexer = a, this.$filter = c, this.options = d;
$a.ZERO = D(function() {
return 0;
}, {
constant: !0
}), $a.prototype = {
constructor: $a,
parse: function(a, c) {
this.text = a, this.json = c, this.tokens = this.lexer.lex(a), c && (this.assignment = this.logicalOR,
this.functionCall = this.fieldAccess = this.objectIndex = this.filterChain = function() {
this.throwError("is not valid json", {
text: a,
index: 0
var d = c ? this.primary() : this.statements();
return 0 !== this.tokens.length && this.throwError("is an unexpected token", this.tokens[0]),
d.literal = !!d.literal, d.constant = !!d.constant, d;
primary: function() {
var a;
if (this.expect("(")) a = this.filterChain(), this.consume(")"); else if (this.expect("[")) a = this.arrayDeclaration(); else if (this.expect("{")) a = this.object(); else {
var c = this.expect();
(a = c.fn) || this.throwError("not a primary expression", c), c.json && (a.constant = !0,
a.literal = !0);
for (var d; c = this.expect("(", "[", "."); ) "(" === c.text ? (a = this.functionCall(a, d),
d = null) : "[" === c.text ? (d = a, a = this.objectIndex(a)) : "." === c.text ? (d = a,
a = this.fieldAccess(a)) : this.throwError("IMPOSSIBLE");
return a;
throwError: function(a, c) {
throw Ba("syntax", c.text, a, c.index + 1, this.text, this.text.substring(c.index));
peekToken: function() {
if (0 === this.tokens.length) throw Ba("ueoe", this.text);
return this.tokens[0];
peek: function(a, c, d, e) {
if (0 < this.tokens.length) {
var g = this.tokens[0], f = g.text;
if (f === a || f === c || f === d || f === e || !(a || c || d || e)) return g;
return !1;
expect: function(a, c, d, e) {
return (a = this.peek(a, c, d, e)) ? (this.json && !a.json && this.throwError("is not valid json", a),
this.tokens.shift(), a) : !1;
consume: function(a) {
this.expect(a) || this.throwError("is unexpected, expecting [" + a + "]", this.peek());
unaryFn: function(a, c) {
return D(function(d, e) {
return a(d, e, c);
}, {
constant: c.constant
ternaryFn: function(a, c, d) {
return D(function(e, g) {
return a(e, g) ? c(e, g) : d(e, g);
}, {
constant: a.constant && c.constant && d.constant
binaryFn: function(a, c, d) {
return D(function(e, g) {
return c(e, g, a, d);
}, {
constant: a.constant && d.constant
statements: function() {
for (var a = []; ;) if (0 < this.tokens.length && !this.peek("}", ")", ";", "]") && a.push(this.filterChain()),
!this.expect(";")) return 1 === a.length ? a[0] : function(c, d) {
for (var e, g = 0; g < a.length; g++) {
var f = a[g];
f && (e = f(c, d));
return e;
filterChain: function() {
for (var c, a = this.expression(); ;) {
if (!(c = this.expect("|"))) return a;
a = this.binaryFn(a, c.fn, this.filter());
filter: function() {
for (var a = this.expect(), c = this.$filter(a.text), d = []; ;) {
if (!(a = this.expect(":"))) {
var e = function(a, e, h) {
h = [ h ];
for (var l = 0; l < d.length; l++) h.push(d[l](a, e));
return c.apply(a, h);
return function() {
return e;
expression: function() {
return this.assignment();
assignment: function() {
var c, d, a = this.ternary();
return (d = this.expect("=")) ? (a.assign || this.throwError("implies assignment but [" + this.text.substring(0, d.index) + "] can not be assigned to", d),
c = this.ternary(), function(d, g) {
return a.assign(d, c(d, g), g);
}) : a;
ternary: function() {
var c, d, a = this.logicalOR();
return this.expect("?") ? (c = this.ternary(), (d = this.expect(":")) ? this.ternaryFn(a, c, this.ternary()) : void this.throwError("expected :", d)) : a;
logicalOR: function() {
for (var c, a = this.logicalAND(); ;) {
if (!(c = this.expect("||"))) return a;
a = this.binaryFn(a, c.fn, this.logicalAND());
logicalAND: function() {
var c, a = this.equality();
return (c = this.expect("&&")) && (a = this.binaryFn(a, c.fn, this.logicalAND())),
equality: function() {
var c, a = this.relational();
return (c = this.expect("==", "!=", "===", "!==")) && (a = this.binaryFn(a, c.fn, this.equality())),
relational: function() {
var c, a = this.additive();
return (c = this.expect("<", ">", "<=", ">=")) && (a = this.binaryFn(a, c.fn, this.relational())),
additive: function() {
for (var c, a = this.multiplicative(); c = this.expect("+", "-"); ) a = this.binaryFn(a, c.fn, this.multiplicative());
return a;
multiplicative: function() {
for (var c, a = this.unary(); c = this.expect("*", "/", "%"); ) a = this.binaryFn(a, c.fn, this.unary());
return a;
unary: function() {
var a;
return this.expect("+") ? this.primary() : (a = this.expect("-")) ? this.binaryFn($a.ZERO, a.fn, this.unary()) : (a = this.expect("!")) ? this.unaryFn(a.fn, this.unary()) : this.primary();
fieldAccess: function(a) {
var c = this, d = this.expect().text, e = Dc(d, this.options, this.text);
return D(function(c, d, h) {
return e(h || a(c, d));
}, {
assign: function(e, f, h) {
return ob(a(e, h), d, f, c.text, c.options);
objectIndex: function(a) {
var c = this, d = this.expression();
return this.consume("]"), D(function(e, g) {
var l, f = a(e, g), h = d(e, g);
return f ? ((f = Za(f[h], c.text)) && f.then && c.options.unwrapPromises && (l = f,
"$$v" in f || (l.$$v = s, l.then(function(a) {
l.$$v = a;
})), f = f.$$v), f) : s;
}, {
assign: function(e, g, f) {
var h = d(e, f);
return Za(a(e, f), c.text)[h] = g;
functionCall: function(a, c) {
var d = [];
if (")" !== this.peekToken().text) do d.push(this.expression()); while (this.expect(","));
var e = this;
return function(g, f) {
for (var h = [], l = c ? c(g, f) : g, k = 0; k < d.length; k++) h.push(d[k](g, f));
return k = a(g, f, l) || C, Za(l, e.text), Za(k, e.text), h = k.apply ? k.apply(l, h) : k(h[0], h[1], h[2], h[3], h[4]),
Za(h, e.text);
arrayDeclaration: function() {
var a = [], c = !0;
if ("]" !== this.peekToken().text) do {
if (this.peek("]")) break;
var d = this.expression();
a.push(d), d.constant || (c = !1);
} while (this.expect(","));
return this.consume("]"), D(function(c, d) {
for (var f = [], h = 0; h < a.length; h++) f.push(a[h](c, d));
return f;
}, {
literal: !0,
constant: c
object: function() {
var a = [], c = !0;
if ("}" !== this.peekToken().text) do {
if (this.peek("}")) break;
var d = this.expect(), d = d.string || d.text;
var e = this.expression();
key: d,
value: e
}), e.constant || (c = !1);
} while (this.expect(","));
return this.consume("}"), D(function(c, d) {
for (var e = {}, l = 0; l < a.length; l++) {
var k = a[l];
e[k.key] = k.value(c, d);
return e;
}, {
literal: !0,
constant: c
var Mb = {}, ua = t("$sce"), ga = {
HTML: "html",
CSS: "css",
URL: "url",
RESOURCE_URL: "resourceUrl",
JS: "js"
}, W = U.createElement("a"), Hc = sa(O.location.href, !0);
gc.$inject = [ "$provide" ], Ic.$inject = [ "$locale" ], Kc.$inject = [ "$locale" ];
var Nc = ".", Ie = {
yyyy: $("FullYear", 4),
yy: $("FullYear", 2, 0, !0),
y: $("FullYear", 1),
MMMM: pb("Month"),
MMM: pb("Month", !0),
MM: $("Month", 2, 1),
M: $("Month", 1, 1),
dd: $("Date", 2),
d: $("Date", 1),
HH: $("Hours", 2),
H: $("Hours", 1),
hh: $("Hours", 2, -12),
h: $("Hours", 1, -12),
mm: $("Minutes", 2),
m: $("Minutes", 1),
ss: $("Seconds", 2),
s: $("Seconds", 1),
sss: $("Milliseconds", 3),
EEEE: pb("Day"),
EEE: pb("Day", !0),
a: function(a, c) {
return 12 > a.getHours() ? c.AMPMS[0] : c.AMPMS[1];
Z: function(a) {
return a = -1 * a.getTimezoneOffset(), a = (a >= 0 ? "+" : "") + (Ob(Math[a > 0 ? "floor" : "ceil"](a / 60), 2) + Ob(Math.abs(a % 60), 2));
}, He = /((?:[^yMdHhmsaZE']+)|(?:'(?:[^']|'')*')|(?:E+|y+|M+|d+|H+|h+|m+|s+|a|Z))(.*)/, Ge = /^\-?\d+$/;
Jc.$inject = [ "$locale" ];
var Ee = aa(K), Fe = aa(Fa);
Lc.$inject = [ "$parse" ];
var cd = aa({
restrict: "E",
compile: function(a, c) {
return 8 >= S && (c.href || || c.$set("href", ""), a.append(U.createComment("IE fix"))),
c.href || c.xlinkHref || ? void 0 : function(a, c) {
var g = "[object SVGAnimatedString]" ==="href")) ? "xlink:href" : "href";
c.on("click", function(a) {
c.attr(g) || a.preventDefault();
}), zb = {};
q(kb, function(a, c) {
if ("multiple" != a) {
var d = na("ng-" + c);
zb[d] = function() {
return {
priority: 100,
link: function(a, g, f) {
a.$watch(f[d], function(a) {
f.$set(c, !!a);
}), q([ "src", "srcset", "href" ], function(a) {
var c = na("ng-" + a);
zb[c] = function() {
return {
priority: 99,
link: function(d, e, g) {
var f = a, h = a;
"href" === a && "[object SVGAnimatedString]" ==="href")) && (h = "xlinkHref",
g.$attr[h] = "xlink:href", f = null), g.$observe(c, function(a) {
a && (g.$set(h, a), S && f && e.prop(f, g[h]));
var sb = {
$addControl: C,
$removeControl: C,
$setValidity: C,
$setDirty: C,
$setPristine: C
Oc.$inject = [ "$element", "$attrs", "$scope", "$animate" ];
var Qc = function(a) {
return [ "$timeout", function(c) {
return {
name: "form",
restrict: a ? "EAC" : "E",
controller: Oc,
compile: function() {
return {
pre: function(a, e, g, f) {
if (!g.action) {
var h = function(a) {
a.preventDefault ? a.preventDefault() : a.returnValue = !1;
Pc(e[0], "submit", h), e.on("$destroy", function() {
c(function() {
Fb(e[0], "submit", h);
}, 0, !1);
var l = e.parent().controller("form"), k = || g.ngForm;
k && ob(a, k, f, k), l && e.on("$destroy", function() {
l.$removeControl(f), k && ob(a, k, s, k), D(f, sb);
} ];
}, dd = Qc(), qd = Qc(!0), Oe = /^(ftp|http|https):\/\/(\w+:{0,1}\w*@)?(\S+)(:[0-9]+)?(\/|\/([\w#!:.?+=&%@!\-\/]))?$/, Pe = /^[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~.-]+@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*$/i, Qe = /^\s*(\-|\+)?(\d+|(\d*(\.\d*)))\s*$/, Rc = {
text: ub,
number: function(a, c, d, e, g, f) {
ub(a, c, d, e, g, f), e.$parsers.push(function(a) {
var c = e.$isEmpty(a);
return c || Qe.test(a) ? (e.$setValidity("number", !0), "" === a ? null : c ? a : parseFloat(a)) : (e.$setValidity("number", !1),
}), Je(e, "number", c), e.$formatters.push(function(a) {
return e.$isEmpty(a) ? "" : "" + a;
}), d.min && (a = function(a) {
var c = parseFloat(d.min);
return pa(e, "min", e.$isEmpty(a) || a >= c, a);
}, e.$parsers.push(a), e.$formatters.push(a)), d.max && (a = function(a) {
var c = parseFloat(d.max);
return pa(e, "max", e.$isEmpty(a) || c >= a, a);
}, e.$parsers.push(a), e.$formatters.push(a)), e.$formatters.push(function(a) {
return pa(e, "number", e.$isEmpty(a) || vb(a), a);
url: function(a, c, d, e, g, f) {
ub(a, c, d, e, g, f), a = function(a) {
return pa(e, "url", e.$isEmpty(a) || Oe.test(a), a);
}, e.$formatters.push(a), e.$parsers.push(a);
email: function(a, c, d, e, g, f) {
ub(a, c, d, e, g, f), a = function(a) {
return pa(e, "email", e.$isEmpty(a) || Pe.test(a), a);
}, e.$formatters.push(a), e.$parsers.push(a);
radio: function(a, c, d, e) {
E( && c.attr("name", bb()), c.on("click", function() {
c[0].checked && a.$apply(function() {
}), e.$render = function() {
c[0].checked = d.value == e.$viewValue;
}, d.$observe("value", e.$render);
checkbox: function(a, c, d, e) {
var g = d.ngTrueValue, f = d.ngFalseValue;
w(g) || (g = !0), w(f) || (f = !1), c.on("click", function() {
a.$apply(function() {
}), e.$render = function() {
c[0].checked = e.$viewValue;
}, e.$isEmpty = function(a) {
return a !== g;
}, e.$formatters.push(function(a) {
return a === g;
}), e.$parsers.push(function(a) {
return a ? g : f;
hidden: C,
button: C,
submit: C,
reset: C,
file: C
}, dc = [ "$browser", "$sniffer", function(a, c) {
return {
restrict: "E",
require: "?ngModel",
link: function(d, e, g, f) {
f && (Rc[K(g.type)] || Rc.text)(d, e, g, f, c, a);
} ], rb = "ng-valid", qb = "ng-invalid", La = "ng-pristine", tb = "ng-dirty", Re = [ "$scope", "$exceptionHandler", "$attrs", "$element", "$parse", "$animate", function(a, c, d, e, g, f) {
function h(a, c) {
c = c ? "-" + fb(c, "-") : "", f.removeClass(e, (a ? qb : rb) + c), f.addClass(e, (a ? rb : qb) + c);
this.$modelValue = this.$viewValue = Number.NaN, this.$parsers = [], this.$formatters = [],
this.$viewChangeListeners = [], this.$pristine = !0, this.$dirty = !1, this.$valid = !0,
this.$invalid = !1, this.$name =;
var l = g(d.ngModel), k = l.assign;
if (!k) throw t("ngModel")("nonassign", d.ngModel, ha(e));
this.$render = C, this.$isEmpty = function(a) {
return E(a) || "" === a || null === a || a !== a;
var m = e.inheritedData("$formController") || sb, n = 0, p = this.$error = {};
e.addClass(La), h(!0), this.$setValidity = function(a, c) {
p[a] !== !c && (c ? (p[a] && n--, n || (h(!0), this.$valid = !0, this.$invalid = !1)) : (h(!1),
this.$invalid = !0, this.$valid = !1, n++), p[a] = !c, h(c, a), m.$setValidity(a, c, this));
}, this.$setPristine = function() {
this.$dirty = !1, this.$pristine = !0, f.removeClass(e, tb), f.addClass(e, La);
}, this.$setViewValue = function(d) {
this.$viewValue = d, this.$pristine && (this.$dirty = !0, this.$pristine = !1, f.removeClass(e, La),
f.addClass(e, tb), m.$setDirty()), q(this.$parsers, function(a) {
d = a(d);
}), this.$modelValue !== d && (this.$modelValue = d, k(a, d), q(this.$viewChangeListeners, function(a) {
try {
} catch (d) {
var r = this;
a.$watch(function() {
var c = l(a);
if (r.$modelValue !== c) {
var d = r.$formatters, e = d.length;
for (r.$modelValue = c; e--; ) c = d[e](c);
r.$viewValue !== c && (r.$viewValue = c, r.$render());
return c;
} ], Fd = function() {
return {
require: [ "ngModel", "^?form" ],
controller: Re,
link: function(a, c, d, e) {
var g = e[0], f = e[1] || sb;
f.$addControl(g), a.$on("$destroy", function() {
}, Hd = aa({
require: "ngModel",
link: function(a, c, d, e) {
e.$viewChangeListeners.push(function() {
}), ec = function() {
return {
require: "?ngModel",
link: function(a, c, d, e) {
if (e) {
d.required = !0;
var g = function(a) {
return d.required && e.$isEmpty(a) ? void e.$setValidity("required", !1) : (e.$setValidity("required", !0),
e.$formatters.push(g), e.$parsers.unshift(g), d.$observe("required", function() {
}, Gd = function() {
return {
require: "ngModel",
link: function(a, c, d, e) {
var g = (a = /\/(.*)\//.exec(d.ngList)) && RegExp(a[1]) || d.ngList || ",";
e.$parsers.push(function(a) {
if (!E(a)) {
var c = [];
return a && q(a.split(g), function(a) {
a && c.push(ca(a));
}), c;
}), e.$formatters.push(function(a) {
return M(a) ? a.join(", ") : s;
}), e.$isEmpty = function(a) {
return !a || !a.length;
}, Se = /^(true|false|\d+)$/, Id = function() {
return {
priority: 100,
compile: function(a, c) {
return Se.test(c.ngValue) ? function(a, c, g) {
g.$set("value", a.$eval(g.ngValue));
} : function(a, c, g) {
a.$watch(g.ngValue, function(a) {
g.$set("value", a);
}, id = va(function(a, c, d) {
c.addClass("ng-binding").data("$binding", d.ngBind), a.$watch(d.ngBind, function(a) {
c.text(a == s ? "" : a);
}), kd = [ "$interpolate", function(a) {
return function(c, d, e) {
c = a(d.attr(e.$attr.ngBindTemplate)), d.addClass("ng-binding").data("$binding", c),
e.$observe("ngBindTemplate", function(a) {
} ], jd = [ "$sce", "$parse", function(a, c) {
return function(d, e, g) {
e.addClass("ng-binding").data("$binding", g.ngBindHtml);
var f = c(g.ngBindHtml);
d.$watch(function() {
return (f(d) || "").toString();
}, function() {
e.html(a.getTrustedHtml(f(d)) || "");
} ], ld = Pb("", !0), nd = Pb("Odd", 0), md = Pb("Even", 1), od = va({
compile: function(a, c) {
c.$set("ngCloak", s), a.removeClass("ng-cloak");
}), pd = [ function() {
return {
scope: !0,
controller: "@",
priority: 500
} ], fc = {};
q("click dblclick mousedown mouseup mouseover mouseout mousemove mouseenter mouseleave keydown keyup keypress submit focus blur copy cut paste".split(" "), function(a) {
var c = na("ng-" + a);
fc[c] = [ "$parse", function(d) {
return {
compile: function(e, g) {
var f = d(g[c]);
return function(c, d) {
d.on(K(a), function(a) {
c.$apply(function() {
f(c, {
$event: a
} ];
var sd = [ "$animate", function(a) {
return {
transclude: "element",
priority: 600,
terminal: !0,
restrict: "A",
$$tlb: !0,
link: function(c, d, e, g, f) {
var h, l, k;
c.$watch(e.ngIf, function(g) {
Qa(g) ? l || (l = c.$new(), f(l, function(c) {
c[c.length++] = U.createComment(" end ngIf: " + e.ngIf + " "), h = {
clone: c
}, a.enter(c, d.parent(), d);
})) : (k && (k.remove(), k = null), l && (l.$destroy(), l = null), h && (k = yb(h.clone),
a.leave(k, function() {
k = null;
}), h = null));
} ], td = [ "$http", "$templateCache", "$anchorScroll", "$animate", "$sce", function(a, c, d, e, g) {
return {
restrict: "ECA",
priority: 400,
terminal: !0,
transclude: "element",
controller: Ea.noop,
compile: function(f, h) {
var l = h.ngInclude || h.src, k = h.onload || "", m = h.autoscroll;
return function(f, h, q, s, u) {
var v, y, A, F = 0, x = function() {
y && (y.remove(), y = null), v && (v.$destroy(), v = null), A && (e.leave(A, function() {
y = null;
}), y = A, A = null);
f.$watch(g.parseAsResourceUrl(l), function(g) {
var l = function() {
!B(m) || m && !f.$eval(m) || d();
}, q = ++F;
g ? (a.get(g, {
cache: c
}).success(function(a) {
if (q === F) {
var c = f.$new();
s.template = a, a = u(c, function(a) {
x(), e.enter(a, null, h, l);
}), v = c, A = a, v.$emit("$includeContentLoaded"), f.$eval(k);
}).error(function() {
q === F && x();
}), f.$emit("$includeContentRequested")) : (x(), s.template = null);
} ], Jd = [ "$compile", function(a) {
return {
restrict: "ECA",
priority: -400,
require: "ngInclude",
link: function(c, d, e, g) {
d.html(g.template), a(d.contents())(c);
} ], ud = va({
priority: 450,
compile: function() {
return {
pre: function(a, c, d) {
}), vd = va({
terminal: !0,
priority: 1e3
}), wd = [ "$locale", "$interpolate", function(a, c) {
var d = /{}/g;
return {
restrict: "EA",
link: function(e, g, f) {
var h = f.count, l = f.$attr.when && g.attr(f.$attr.when), k = f.offset || 0, m = e.$eval(l) || {}, n = {}, p = c.startSymbol(), r = c.endSymbol(), s = /^when(Minus)?(.+)$/;
q(f, function(a, c) {
s.test(c) && (m[K(c.replace("when", "").replace("Minus", "-"))] = g.attr(f.$attr[c]));
}), q(m, function(a, e) {
n[e] = c(a.replace(d, p + h + "-" + k + r));
}), e.$watch(function() {
var c = parseFloat(e.$eval(h));
return isNaN(c) ? "" : (c in m || (c = a.pluralCat(c - k)), n[c](e, g, !0));
}, function(a) {
} ], xd = [ "$parse", "$animate", function(a, c) {
var d = t("ngRepeat");
return {
transclude: "element",
priority: 1e3,
terminal: !0,
$$tlb: !0,
link: function(e, g, f, h, l) {
var n, p, r, s, u, F, k = f.ngRepeat, m = k.match(/^\s*([\s\S]+?)\s+in\s+([\s\S]+?)(?:\s+track\s+by\s+([\s\S]+?))?\s*$/), v = {
$id: Ia
if (!m) throw d("iexp", k);
if (f = m[1], h = m[2], (m = m[3]) ? (n = a(m), p = function(a, c, d) {
return F && (v[F] = a), v[u] = c, v.$index = d, n(e, v);
}) : (r = function(a, c) {
return Ia(c);
}, s = function(a) {
return a;
}), m = f.match(/^(?:([\$\w]+)|\(([\$\w]+)\s*,\s*([\$\w]+)\))$/), !m) throw d("iidexp", f);
u = m[3] || m[1], F = m[2];
var B = {};
e.$watchCollection(h, function(a) {
var f, h, n, H, R, w, C, T, t, m = g[0], v = {}, E = [];
if (ab(a)) T = a, n = p || r; else {
n = p || s, T = [];
for (w in a) a.hasOwnProperty(w) && "$" != w.charAt(0) && T.push(w);
for (H = T.length, h = E.length = T.length, f = 0; h > f; f++) if (w = a === T ? f : T[f],
C = a[w], C = n(w, C, f), Aa(C, "`track by` id"), B.hasOwnProperty(C)) t = B[C],
delete B[C], v[C] = t, E[f] = t; else {
if (v.hasOwnProperty(C)) throw q(E, function(a) {
a && a.scope && (B[] = a);
}), d("dupes", k, C);
E[f] = {
id: C
}, v[C] = !1;
for (w in B) B.hasOwnProperty(w) && (t = B[w], f = yb(t.clone), c.leave(f), q(f, function(a) {
a.$$NG_REMOVED = !0;
}), t.scope.$destroy());
for (f = 0, h = T.length; h > f; f++) {
if (w = a === T ? f : T[f], C = a[w], t = E[f], E[f - 1] && (m = E[f - 1].clone[E[f - 1].clone.length - 1]),
t.scope) {
R = t.scope, n = m;
do n = n.nextSibling; while (n && n.$$NG_REMOVED);
t.clone[0] != n && c.move(yb(t.clone), null, y(m)), m = t.clone[t.clone.length - 1];
} else R = e.$new();
R[u] = C, F && (R[F] = w), R.$index = f, R.$first = 0 === f, R.$last = f === H - 1,
R.$middle = !(R.$first || R.$last), R.$odd = !(R.$even = 0 === (1 & f)), t.scope || l(R, function(a) {
a[a.length++] = U.createComment(" end ngRepeat: " + k + " "), c.enter(a, null, y(m)),
m = a, t.scope = R, t.clone = a, v[] = t;
B = v;
} ], yd = [ "$animate", function(a) {
return function(c, d, e) {
c.$watch(e.ngShow, function(c) {
a[Qa(c) ? "removeClass" : "addClass"](d, "ng-hide");
} ], rd = [ "$animate", function(a) {
return function(c, d, e) {
c.$watch(e.ngHide, function(c) {
a[Qa(c) ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](d, "ng-hide");
} ], zd = va(function(a, c, d) {
a.$watch(d.ngStyle, function(a, d) {
d && a !== d && q(d, function(a, d) {
c.css(d, "");
}), a && c.css(a);
}, !0);
}), Ad = [ "$animate", function(a) {
return {
restrict: "EA",
require: "ngSwitch",
controller: [ "$scope", function() {
this.cases = {};
} ],
link: function(c, d, e, g) {
var f, h, l, k = [];
c.$watch(e.ngSwitch || e.on, function(d) {
var n, p = k.length;
if (p > 0) {
if (l) {
for (n = 0; p > n; n++) l[n].remove();
l = null;
for (l = [], n = 0; p > n; n++) {
var r = h[n];
k[n].$destroy(), l[n] = r, a.leave(r, function() {
l.splice(n, 1), 0 === l.length && (l = null);
h = [], k = [], (f = g.cases["!" + d] || g.cases["?"]) && (c.$eval(e.change), q(f, function(d) {
var e = c.$new();
k.push(e), d.transclude(e, function(c) {
var e = d.element;
h.push(c), a.enter(c, e.parent(), e);
} ], Bd = va({
transclude: "element",
priority: 800,
require: "^ngSwitch",
link: function(a, c, d, e, g) {
e.cases["!" + d.ngSwitchWhen] = e.cases["!" + d.ngSwitchWhen] || [], e.cases["!" + d.ngSwitchWhen].push({
transclude: g,
element: c
}), Cd = va({
transclude: "element",
priority: 800,
require: "^ngSwitch",
link: function(a, c, d, e, g) {
e.cases["?"] = e.cases["?"] || [], e.cases["?"].push({
transclude: g,
element: c
}), Ed = va({
link: function(a, c, d, e, g) {
if (!g) throw t("ngTransclude")("orphan", ha(c));
g(function(a) {
c.empty(), c.append(a);
}), ed = [ "$templateCache", function(a) {
return {
restrict: "E",
terminal: !0,
compile: function(c, d) {
"text/ng-template" == d.type && a.put(, c[0].text);
} ], Te = t("ngOptions"), Dd = aa({
terminal: !0
}), fd = [ "$compile", "$parse", function(a, c) {
var d = /^\s*([\s\S]+?)(?:\s+as\s+([\s\S]+?))?(?:\s+group\s+by\s+([\s\S]+?))?\s+for\s+(?:([\$\w][\$\w]*)|(?:\(\s*([\$\w][\$\w]*)\s*,\s*([\$\w][\$\w]*)\s*\)))\s+in\s+([\s\S]+?)(?:\s+track\s+by\s+([\s\S]+?))?$/, e = {
$setViewValue: C
return {
restrict: "E",
require: [ "select", "?ngModel" ],
controller: [ "$element", "$scope", "$attrs", function(a, c, d) {
var n, l = this, k = {}, m = e;
l.databound = d.ngModel, l.init = function(a, c, d) {
m = a, n = d;
}, l.addOption = function(c) {
Aa(c, '"option value"'), k[c] = !0, m.$viewValue == c && (a.val(c), n.parent() && n.remove());
}, l.removeOption = function(a) {
this.hasOption(a) && (delete k[a], m.$viewValue == a && this.renderUnknownOption(a));
}, l.renderUnknownOption = function(c) {
c = "? " + Ia(c) + " ?", n.val(c), a.prepend(n), a.val(c), n.prop("selected", !0);
}, l.hasOption = function(a) {
return k.hasOwnProperty(a);
}, c.$on("$destroy", function() {
l.renderUnknownOption = C;
} ],
link: function(e, f, h, l) {
function k(a, c, d, e) {
d.$render = function() {
var a = d.$viewValue;
e.hasOption(a) ? (A.parent() && A.remove(), c.val(a), "" === a && w.prop("selected", !0)) : E(a) && w ? c.val("") : e.renderUnknownOption(a);
}, c.on("change", function() {
a.$apply(function() {
A.parent() && A.remove(), d.$setViewValue(c.val());
function m(a, c, d) {
var e;
d.$render = function() {
var a = new Va(d.$viewValue);
q(c.find("option"), function(c) {
c.selected = B(a.get(c.value));
}, a.$watch(function() {
xa(e, d.$viewValue) || (e = ba(d.$viewValue), d.$render());
}), c.on("change", function() {
a.$apply(function() {
var a = [];
q(c.find("option"), function(c) {
c.selected && a.push(c.value);
}), d.$setViewValue(a);
function n(e, f, g) {
function h() {
var d, k, s, t, z, a = {
"": []
}, c = [ "" ];
t = g.$modelValue, z = y(e) || [];
var F, I, A, E = n ? Qb(z) : z;
I = {}, s = !1;
var D, H;
if (r) if (w && M(t)) for (s = new Va([]), A = 0; A < t.length; A++) I[m] = t[A],
s.put(w(e, I), t[A]); else s = new Va(t);
for (A = 0; F = E.length, F > A; A++) {
if (k = A, n) {
if (k = E[A], "$" === k.charAt(0)) continue;
I[n] = k;
I[m] = z[k], d = p(e, I) || "", (k = a[d]) || (k = a[d] = [], c.push(d)), r ? d = B(s.remove(w ? w(e, I) : q(e, I))) : (w ? (d = {},
d[m] = t, d = w(e, d) === w(e, I)) : d = t === q(e, I), s = s || d), D = l(e, I),
D = B(D) ? D : "", k.push({
id: w ? w(e, I) : n ? E[A] : A,
label: D,
selected: d
for (r || (u || null === t ? a[""].unshift({
id: "",
label: "",
selected: !s
}) : s || a[""].unshift({
id: "?",
label: "",
selected: !0
})), I = 0, E = c.length; E > I; I++) {
for (d = c[I], k = a[d], x.length <= I ? (t = {
element: C.clone().attr("label", d),
label: k.label
}, z = [ t ], x.push(z), f.append(t.element)) : (z = x[I], t = z[0], t.label != d && t.element.attr("label", t.label = d)),
D = null, A = 0, F = k.length; F > A; A++) s = k[A], (d = z[A + 1]) ? (D = d.element,
d.label !== s.label && D.text(d.label = s.label), !== && D.val( =,
d.selected !== s.selected && D.prop("selected", d.selected = s.selected)) : ("" === && u ? H = u : (H = v.clone()).val("selected", s.selected).text(s.label),
element: H,
label: s.label,
selected: s.selected
}), D ? D.after(H) : t.element.append(H), D = H);
for (A++; z.length > A; ) z.pop().element.remove();
for (;x.length > I; ) x.pop()[0].element.remove();
var k;
if (!(k = t.match(d))) throw Te("iexp", t, ha(f));
var l = c(k[2] || k[1]), m = k[4] || k[6], n = k[5], p = c(k[3] || ""), q = c(k[2] ? k[1] : m), y = c(k[7]), w = k[8] ? c(k[8]) : null, x = [ [ {
element: f,
label: ""
} ] ];
u && (a(u)(e), u.removeClass("ng-scope"), u.remove()), f.empty(), f.on("change", function() {
e.$apply(function() {
var a, h, k, l, p, t, v, u, c = y(e) || [], d = {};
if (r) {
for (k = [], p = 0, v = x.length; v > p; p++) for (a = x[p], l = 1, t = a.length; t > l; l++) if ((h = a[l].element)[0].selected) {
if (h = h.val(), n && (d[n] = h), w) for (u = 0; u < c.length && (d[m] = c[u], w(e, d) != h); u++) ; else d[m] = c[h];
k.push(q(e, d));
} else {
if (h = f.val(), "?" == h) k = s; else if ("" === h) k = null; else if (w) {
for (u = 0; u < c.length; u++) if (d[m] = c[u], w(e, d) == h) {
k = q(e, d);
} else d[m] = c[h], n && (d[n] = h), k = q(e, d);
1 < x[0].length && x[0][1].id !== h && (x[0][1].selected = !1);
}), g.$render = h, e.$watch(h);
if (l[1]) {
var p = l[0];
l = l[1];
var w, r = h.multiple, t = h.ngOptions, u = !1, v = y(U.createElement("option")), C = y(U.createElement("optgroup")), A = v.clone();
h = 0;
for (var x = f.children(), D = x.length; D > h; h++) if ("" === x[h].value) {
w = u = x.eq(h);
p.init(l, u, A), r && (l.$isEmpty = function(a) {
return !a || 0 === a.length;
}), t ? n(e, f, l) : r ? m(e, f, l) : k(e, f, l, p);
} ], hd = [ "$interpolate", function(a) {
var c = {
addOption: C,
removeOption: C
return {
restrict: "E",
priority: 100,
compile: function(d, e) {
if (E(e.value)) {
var g = a(d.text(), !0);
g || e.$set("value", d.text());
return function(a, d, e) {
var k = d.parent(), m ="$selectController") || k.parent().data("$selectController");
m && m.databound ? d.prop("selected", !1) : m = c, g ? a.$watch(g, function(a, c) {
e.$set("value", a), a !== c && m.removeOption(c), m.addOption(a);
}) : m.addOption(e.value), d.on("$destroy", function() {
} ], gd = aa({
restrict: "E",
terminal: !0
O.angular.bootstrap ? console.log("WARNING: Tried to load angular more than once.") : ((Ga = O.jQuery) ? (y = Ga,
D(Ga.fn, {
scope: Ja.scope,
isolateScope: Ja.isolateScope,
controller: Ja.controller,
injector: Ja.injector,
inheritedData: Ja.inheritedData
}), Ab("remove", !0, !0, !1), Ab("empty", !1, !1, !1), Ab("html", !1, !1, !0)) : y = N,
Ea.element = y, Zc(Ea), y(U).ready(function() {
Wc(U, $b);
}(window, document), !angular.$$csp() && angular.element(document).find("head").prepend('<style type="text/css">@charset "UTF-8";[ng\\:cloak],[ng-cloak],[data-ng-cloak],[x-ng-cloak],.ng-cloak,.x-ng-cloak,.ng-hide{display:none !important;}ng\\:form{display:block;}.ng-animate-block-transitions{transition:0s all!important;-webkit-transition:0s all!important;}</style>'),
function(n, e) {
"use strict";
function x(s, g, k) {
return {
restrict: "ECA",
terminal: !0,
priority: 400,
transclude: "element",
link: function(a, c, b, f, w) {
function y() {
p && (p.remove(), p = null), h && (h.$destroy(), h = null), l && (k.leave(l, function() {
p = null;
}), p = l, l = null);
function v() {
var b = s.current && s.current.locals;
if (e.isDefined(b && b.$template)) {
var b = a.$new(), d = s.current;
l = w(b, function(d) {
k.enter(d, null, l || c, function() {
!e.isDefined(t) || t && !a.$eval(t) || g();
}), y();
}), h = d.scope = b, h.$emit("$viewContentLoaded"), h.$eval(u);
} else y();
var h, l, p, t = b.autoscroll, u = b.onload || "";
a.$on("$routeChangeSuccess", v), v();
function z(e, g, k) {
return {
restrict: "ECA",
priority: -400,
link: function(a, c) {
var b = k.current, f = b.locals;
var w = e(c.contents());
b.controller && (f.$scope = a, f = g(b.controller, f), b.controllerAs && (a[b.controllerAs] = f),"$ngControllerController", f), c.children().data("$ngControllerController", f)),
n = e.module("ngRoute", [ "ng" ]).provider("$route", function() {
function s(a, c) {
return e.extend(new (e.extend(function() {}, {
prototype: a
}))(), c);
function g(a, e) {
var b = e.caseInsensitiveMatch, f = {
originalPath: a,
regexp: a
}, k = f.keys = [];
return a = a.replace(/([().])/g, "\\$1").replace(/(\/)?:(\w+)([\?\*])?/g, function(a, e, b, c) {
return a = "?" === c ? c : null, c = "*" === c ? c : null, k.push({
name: b,
optional: !!a
}), e = e || "", "" + (a ? "" : e) + "(?:" + (a ? e : "") + (c && "(.+?)" || "([^/]+)") + (a || "") + ")" + (a || "");
}).replace(/([\/$\*])/g, "\\$1"), f.regexp = RegExp("^" + a + "$", b ? "i" : ""),
var k = {};
this.when = function(a, c) {
if (k[a] = e.extend({
reloadOnSearch: !0
}, c, a && g(a, c)), a) {
var b = "/" == a[a.length - 1] ? a.substr(0, a.length - 1) : a + "/";
k[b] = e.extend({
redirectTo: a
}, g(b, c));
return this;
}, this.otherwise = function(a) {
return this.when(null, a), this;
}, this.$get = [ "$rootScope", "$location", "$routeParams", "$q", "$injector", "$http", "$templateCache", "$sce", function(a, c, b, f, g, n, v, h) {
function l() {
var d = p(), m = r.current;
d && m && d.$$route === m.$$route && e.equals(d.pathParams, m.pathParams) && !d.reloadOnSearch && !u ? (m.params = d.params,
e.copy(m.params, b), a.$broadcast("$routeUpdate", m)) : (d || m) && (u = !1, a.$broadcast("$routeChangeStart", d, m),
(r.current = d) && d.redirectTo && (e.isString(d.redirectTo) ? c.path(t(d.redirectTo, d.params)).search(d.params).replace() : c.url(d.redirectTo(d.pathParams, c.path(),,
f.when(d).then(function() {
if (d) {
var c, b, a = e.extend({}, d.resolve);
return e.forEach(a, function(d, c) {
a[c] = e.isString(d) ? g.get(d) : g.invoke(d);
}), e.isDefined(c = d.template) ? e.isFunction(c) && (c = c(d.params)) : e.isDefined(b = d.templateUrl) && (e.isFunction(b) && (b = b(d.params)),
b = h.getTrustedResourceUrl(b), e.isDefined(b) && (d.loadedTemplateUrl = b, c = n.get(b, {
cache: v
}).then(function(a) {
}))), e.isDefined(c) && (a.$template = c), f.all(a);
}).then(function(c) {
d == r.current && (d && (d.locals = c, e.copy(d.params, b)), a.$broadcast("$routeChangeSuccess", d, m));
}, function(c) {
d == r.current && a.$broadcast("$routeChangeError", d, m, c);
function p() {
var a, b;
return e.forEach(k, function(f) {
var q;
if (q = !b) {
var g = c.path();
q = f.keys;
var l = {};
if (f.regexp) if (g = f.regexp.exec(g)) {
for (var h = 1, p = g.length; p > h; ++h) {
var n = q[h - 1], r = "string" == typeof g[h] ? decodeURIComponent(g[h]) : g[h];
n && r && (l[] = r);
q = l;
} else q = null; else q = null;
q = a = q;
q && (b = s(f, {
params: e.extend({},, a),
pathParams: a
}), b.$$route = f);
}), b || k[null] && s(k[null], {
params: {},
pathParams: {}
function t(a, c) {
var b = [];
return e.forEach((a || "").split(":"), function(a, d) {
if (0 === d) b.push(a); else {
var e = a.match(/(\w+)(.*)/), f = e[1];
b.push(c[f]), b.push(e[2] || ""), delete c[f];
}), b.join("");
var u = !1, r = {
routes: k,
reload: function() {
u = !0, a.$evalAsync(l);
return a.$on("$locationChangeSuccess", l), r;
} ];
}), n.provider("$routeParams", function() {
this.$get = function() {
return {};
}), n.directive("ngView", x), n.directive("ngView", z), x.$inject = [ "$route", "$anchorScroll", "$animate" ],
z.$inject = [ "$compile", "$controller", "$route" ];
}(window, window.angular);
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