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SergLam / EmojiCheck.swift
Created May 27, 2019 07:38
Swift - check if string contains emoji character
import Foundation
extension UnicodeScalar {
var isEmoji: Bool {
switch value {
case 0x1F600...0x1F64F, // Emoticons
0x1F300...0x1F5FF, // Misc Symbols and Pictographs
0x1F680...0x1F6FF, // Transport and Map
0x1F1E6...0x1F1FF, // Regional country flags
ethicka /
Last active March 25, 2025 20:43
Localhost SSL Certificate on Mac OS

🚨 2020 Update: I recommend using mkcert to generate local certificates. You can do everything below by just running the commands brew install mkcert and mkcert -install. Keep it simple!

This gives you that beautiful green lock in Chrome. I'm assuming you're putting your SSL documents in /etc/ssl, but you can put them anywhere and replace the references in the following commands. Tested successfully on Mac OS Sierra and High Sierra.

Set up localhost.conf

sudo nano /etc/ssl/localhost/localhost.conf

gruber / Battery Test — Chrome.scpt
Last active April 22, 2024 08:33
A simple test to load a series of web pages in Chrome on MacOS repeatedly until the battery runs out.
on run
set imessage_id to "" -- leave blank to skip sending periodic iMessage progress updates, put your iMessage ID here to get updates as the script runs
set delay_seconds to 5 -- Don't set to 0, it runs too fast. 0.75 is a good setting for "go fast".
set computer_name to do shell script "scutil --get ComputerName"
set os_version to do shell script "sw_vers -productVersion"
set os_build to do shell script "sw_vers -buildVersion"
set _uptime to do shell script "uptime"
set url_list to {"", "", "", "", "", "
gruber / Battery Test — Safari.scpt
Last active January 18, 2021 17:35
A simple test to load a series of web pages in Safari repeatedly until the battery runs out.
on run
set imessage_id to "" -- leave blank to skip sending periodic iMessage progress updates, put your iMessage ID here to get updates as the script runs
set delay_seconds to 5 -- Don't set to 0, it runs too fast. 0.75 is a good setting for "go fast".
set computer_name to do shell script "scutil --get ComputerName"
set os_version to do shell script "sw_vers -productVersion"
set os_build to do shell script "sw_vers -buildVersion"
set _uptime to do shell script "uptime"
set url_list to {"", "", "", "", "", "
braian87b /
Last active October 22, 2023 12:33
How to get MWAN3 Working Properly on OpenWRT / LEDE

In experience to get a proper working multiple wan configuration using mwan3 starting from scratch you should:

Important: this works well on OpenWRT 15.05.1, on newer versions there was some breaking changes, for example, the wan ifaces have ipv6 capability and now are named with letters ("wan, wanb... , wanc" instead of "wan, wan2... wan3" so wanb6 means 2nd wan ipv6.):

The official documentation seems to be very detailed and up to date, I recommend reading those first: but I recommend to give a look at my config file below, since my approach for policyes is very nice.

First of all: Activate conntrack, docs says that is important and neccesary to get MWAN3 work properly, and it is needed to reboot:

yefim /
Last active April 7, 2023 16:11
Build a Docker image, push it to AWS EC2 Container Registry, then deploy it to AWS Elastic Beanstalk
"AWSEBDockerrunVersion": "1",
"Image": {
"Update": "true"
"Ports": [
"ContainerPort": "443"
vancluever /
Created January 26, 2016 08:05
Find the most recent Ubuntu AMI using aws-cli (or any other AMI for that matter)
# Use AWS CLI to get the most recent version of an AMI that
# matches certain criteria. Has obvious uses. Made possible via
# --query, --output text, and the fact that RFC3339 datetime
# fields are easily sortable.
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1
aws ec2 describe-images \
pauloconnor /
Created January 4, 2016 15:19
Google Script for deleting automated emails
// The name of the Gmail Label that is to be autopurged?
var LABELS = ["alerts-disk-space", "alerts-sensu", "backups", "cron", "janitor-monkey", "nagios", "push", "security-alerts", "svn-git-updates"];
// Purge messages automatically after how many days?
var PURGE_AFTER = "31";
// This is the largest batch size moveThreadsToTrash supports
var BATCH_SIZE = 100
cannikin / deploy.rb
Last active October 22, 2018 09:02
Notify Sentry of a new release via Capistrano
# This task will notify Sentry via their API[1] that you have deployed
# a new release. It uses the release timestamp as the `version`
# (like 20151113182847) and the git ref as the optional `ref` value.
# This task requires several environment variables be set (or just
# hardcode the values in here if you like living on the edge):
# ENV['SENTRY_ORG'] : the organization for this app
# ENV['SENTRY_PROJECT'] : the project for this app
PurpleBooth /
Last active February 4, 2021 22:17
Checklist to see if your open source repo is primetime ready!

Am I ready to Open Source This?

The checklist:

  1. A readme following a good template
  2. A with a code of conduct.
  3. A license
  4. Travis configuration
  5. A way for people to raise issues
  6. Link to it