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Created July 28, 2016 18:28
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cask 'minikube' do
version '0.7.1'
sha256 'fc8365148be19bd020432d8ddc85c06b7aab3953300b16b24f20fcd8393de449'
url "{version}/minikube-darwin-amd64"
appcast '',
checkpoint: '0bc485e67d85822e27770f13ab05f33a20c4d9bf2439af6cbd3aed8a3f0a052c'
name 'Minikube'
homepage ''
license :apache
depends_on arch: :x86_64
container type: :naked
binary 'minikube-darwin-amd64', target: 'minikube'
postflight do
set_permissions "#{staged_path}/minikube-darwin-amd64", '0755'
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