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Created March 27, 2014 06:34
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Save shangbo/9801572 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"fundamentals of compiling"'s homework, count the variable
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# __author__ = "Shaun"
import sys
VAR = []
def read_source(filename):
read source from file
input: file name
output: a long string of file
source = None
f = open(filename, 'r+')
source =
except IOError:
print "please input correct file name or path!"
return source
def deal_file(code):
deal with the file
input: a string of file
output: a dict about the variable count
line_list = code.split("\n")
for line in line_list:
if line != "":
count_dict = count_var(line_list)
return count_dict
def get_var(line):
Find the variable which was defined in the source
input: a line of the file
no output
word_list = line.split(" ")
if word_list[0].strip(" ") == "Var" or word_list[0].strip(" ") == "Const":
for word in word_list[1:]:
if word.find(',') != '-1':
var_list = word.split(',')
def deal_symbol():
delete some symbol in the variable
no input
no output
for i, var in enumerate(VAR):
if var.endswith(";"):
VAR[i] = VAR[i][:-1]
index = var.find("=")
if index != -1:
VAR[i] = VAR[i][0:index]
def count_var(line_list):
count the variable according to some rules
input: a list of the file's line
output: a dict which stored variable's count
count_list = []
count_dict = {}
for line in line_list:
for var in VAR:
lower = var.lower()
upper = var.upper()
if line.find(lower) != -1:
is_alnum_1 = line[line.find(lower)-1].isalpha() and line[line.find(lower)-1].isdigit()
is_alnum_2 = line[line.find(lower)+1].isalpha() and line[line.find(lower)+1].isdigit()
if not is_alnum_1 and not is_alnum_2:
elif line.find(upper) != -1:
is_alnum_1 = line[line.find(upper)-1].isalpha() and line[line.find(upper)-1].isdigit()
is_alnum_2 = line[line.find(upper)+1].isalpha() and line[line.find(upper)+1].isdigit()
if not is_alnum_1 and not is_alnum_2:
for i in VAR:
count = count_list.count(i)
count_dict[i] = count
return count_dict
def main():
arg = sys.argv
if len(arg) == 2:
file_name = arg[1]
code = read_source(file_name)
print "arguments error!"
return 0
count = deal_file(code)
print count
if __name__ == "__main__":
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