+++ title= "Eight Schools Model" date= 2018-07-05T10:19:11+05:30 draft= false tags=["gsoc", "gsoc18", "machine learning", "pymc"] categories=["gsoc18", "gsoc"] summary= """Non-Centered Eight schools model PyMC3 vs PyMC4""" math= false +++
We are finally at a state where we can demonstrate the use of the PyMC4 API side by side with PyMC3 and showcase the consistency in results by using non-centered eight schools model.
I will be comparing the PyMC3 and PyMC4 way of doing the same task. PyMC3 follows a context manager based approach whereas PyMC4 uses a functional approach to API design.
import pymc3 as pm
import numpy as np
import theano.tensor as tt # For Random Variable operation
import pymc4 as pm
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf # For Random Variable operation
from tensorflow_probability import edward2 as ed # For defining random variables
J = 8 # No. of schools
y = np.array([28., 8., -3., 7., -1., 1., 18., 12.])
sigma = np.array([15., 10., 16., 11., 9., 11., 10., 18.])
J = 8 # No. of schools
y = np.array([28., 8., -3., 7., -1., 1., 18., 12.])
sigma = np.array([15., 10., 16., 11., 9., 11., 10., 18.])
NonCentered_eight = pm.Model()
NonCentered_eight = pm.Model(num_schools=J, y=y, sigma=sigma )
# These attributes can be later used in model definition and even be modified using configure
with NonCentered_eight:
mu = pm.Normal('mu', mu=0, sd=5) log_tau = pm.Normal('log_tau', mu=5, sd=1) theta_prime = pm.Normal('theta_prime', mu=0, sd=1, shape=J) theta = mu + tt.exp(log_tau) * theta_prime obs = pm.Normal('obs', mu=theta, sd=sigma, observed=y) trace = pm.sample()
theta = trace['mu'][:, np.newaxis] + np.exp(trace['log_tau'])[:, np.newaxis] * trace['theta_prime'] theta.mean(axis=0)
@model.define def process(cfg): mu = ed.Normal(loc=0., scale=5., name="mu") log_tau = ed.Normal( loc=5., scale=1., name="log_tau") theta_prime = ed.Normal( loc=tf.zeros(cfg.num_schools), scale=tf.ones(cfg.num_schools), name="theta_prime") theta = mu + tf.exp( log_tau) * theta_prime y = ed.Normal( loc=theta, scale=np.float32(cfg.sigma), name="y")
return y
theta = ( trace['mu'][:, np.newaxis] + np.exp(trace['log_tau'])[:, np.newaxis] * trace['theta_prime']) theta.mean(axis=0)
# During model definition
with NonCentered_eight:
trace = pm.sample()
trace = pm.sample(NonCentered_eight)
theta = trace['mu'][:, np.newaxis] + np.exp(trace['log_tau'])[:, np.newaxis] * trace['theta_prime']
# Can be done inline using `theta = pm.Deterministic('theta', mu + tau * theta_tilde)`
theta = trace['mu'][:, np.newaxis] + np.exp(trace['log_tau'])[:, np.newaxis] * trace['theta_prime']