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sharatthk /
Created June 21, 2021 10:13 — forked from peterjmag/
Let's build a React Native app in 20 minutes - React Berlin #1 (April 2015)

A complete list of books, articles, blog posts, videos and neat pages that support Data Fundamentals (H), organised by Unit.


If the resource is available online (legally) I have included a link to it. Each entry has symbols following it.

  • ⨕⨕⨕ indicates difficulty/depth, from ⨕ (easy to pick up intro, no background required) through ⨕⨕⨕⨕⨕ (graduate level textbook, maths heavy, expect equations)
  • ⭐ indicates a particularly recommended resource; 🌟 is a very strongly recommended resource and you should look at it.
sharatthk /
Created June 21, 2021 10:12 — forked from macintux/
Public speaking tips
sharatthk /
Created June 21, 2021 10:11 — forked from cuibonobo/
How to structure a large application in Flask. Taken from the Flask wiki:

Here's an example application that uses the pattern detailed below:

This document is an attempt to describe the first step of a large project structure with flask and some basic modules:

  • SQLAlchemy
  • WTForms

Please feel free to fix and add your own tips.

sharatthk /
Created June 21, 2021 10:09 — forked from rgaidot/
Docker Resources All In One - A collection of docker online resources
sharatthk /
Created June 21, 2021 10:08 — forked from jdnichollsc/
The Job Interview Guide

The Job Interview Guide 💼

And English is a Work in Progress ⌛

sharatthk /
Created June 21, 2021 10:07 — forked from henrysher/
link for reinvent slides
sharatthk /
Last active June 21, 2021 10:06 — forked from paulnguyen-mn/
Bí kíp cho buổi phỏng vấn ReactJS thành công 🎉

Bí kíp cho buổi phỏng vấn ReactJS thành công 🎉



  1. Một vài lưu ý chung
  2. Ôn tập kiến thức JS/ReactJS
  3. Cày thuật toán, giải thuật
  4. Tìm hiểu về công ty mà mình xin ứng tuyển
sharatthk / Github Web
Created June 21, 2021 10:03 — forked from deanrather/Github Web
Free Hosting on GitHub

Free Hosting on GitHub

This guide will take you from zero webserver knowledge, to having your own free site hosted on GitHub. The only non-free bit is registering a domain name, which can be as cheap as $5/year.

This guide uses CrazyDomains as the Registrar, FreeDNS as the DNS, and GitHub as the Webserver.

1) Domain Registration and Setup