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Forked from dmikey/pkcs10Generator.js
Created October 30, 2022 15:24
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Simple way to generate certificate signing request (CSR) with X.509 using Javascript
import * as asn1js from 'asn1js';
import { getCrypto, getAlgorithmParameters, CertificationRequest, AttributeTypeAndValue } from 'pkijs/build'
import { arrayBufferToString, toBase64 } from 'pvutils';
const hashAlg = 'SHA-256'
const signAlg = 'ECDSA'
* @example
* createPKCS10({ enrollmentID: 'user1', organizationUnit: 'Marketing', organization: 'Farmer Market', state: 'M', country: 'V' })
* .then(({csr, privateKey} => {...}))
export async function createPKCS10({ enrollmentID, organizationUnit, organization, state, country })
const crypto = getWebCrypto()
const keyPair = await generateKeyPair(crypto, getAlgorithm(signAlg, hashAlg))
return {
await createCSR(keyPair, hashAlg, { enrollmentID, organizationUnit, organization, state, country })
privateKey: `-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n${
toBase64(arrayBufferToString(await crypto.exportKey('pkcs8', keyPair.privateKey)))
}\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----`
async function createCSR(keyPair, hashAlg, { enrollmentID, organizationUnit, organization, state, country })
const pkcs10 = new CertificationRequest()
pkcs10.version = 0
//list of OID reference:
pkcs10.subject.typesAndValues.push(new AttributeTypeAndValue({
type: '', //countryName
value: new asn1js.PrintableString({ value: country })
pkcs10.subject.typesAndValues.push(new AttributeTypeAndValue({
type: '', //stateOrProvinceName
value: new asn1js.Utf8String({ value: state })
pkcs10.subject.typesAndValues.push(new AttributeTypeAndValue({
type: '', //organizationName
value: new asn1js.Utf8String({ value: organization })
pkcs10.subject.typesAndValues.push(new AttributeTypeAndValue({
type: '', //organizationUnitName
value: new asn1js.Utf8String({ value: organizationUnit })
pkcs10.subject.typesAndValues.push(new AttributeTypeAndValue({
type: '', //commonName
value: new asn1js.Utf8String({ value: enrollmentID })
//add attributes to make CSR valid
//Attributes must be "a0:00" if empty
pkcs10.attributes = []
await pkcs10.subjectPublicKeyInfo.importKey(keyPair.publicKey)
//signing final PKCS#10 request
await pkcs10.sign(keyPair.privateKey, hashAlg)
return pkcs10.toSchema().toBER(false)
// add line break every 64th character
function formatPEM(pemString)
return pemString.replace(/(.{64})/g, '$1\n')
function getWebCrypto() {
const crypto = getCrypto()
if(typeof crypto === 'undefined')
throw 'No WebCrypto extension found'
return crypto
function getAlgorithm(signAlg, hashAlg) {
const algorithm = getAlgorithmParameters(signAlg, 'generatekey')
if('hash' in algorithm.algorithm) = hashAlg
return algorithm
function generateKeyPair(crypto, algorithm) {
return crypto.generateKey(algorithm.algorithm, true, algorithm.usages)
* to learn more about asn1, ber & der, attributes & types used in pkcs#10
* guides to SubtleCrypto (which PKIjs is built upon):
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