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Container networking with Cloud Foundry on cloud.gov is policy-based container networking feature of Cloud Foundry that cloud.gov shipped around the end of July 2018.
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I am going to be going over the Cloud Foundry networking examples provided by the Cloud Foundry community on GitHub
mkdir -p ~/Developer/cloud.gov/examples/
git clone https://github.com/cloudfoundry/cf-networking-examples
cd cf-networking-examples
export DIR=$(pwd)
cf login -a https://api.fr.cloud.gov --sso
cf target -o sandbox-gsa -s roger.ruiz
Your Cloud Foundry target may vary from mine. I'm using my cloud.gov Sandbox
organization and space. We're going to create an examples
directory on our
local machine and then clone the CF networking examples repository into it. Then
after changing into the cf-networking-examples
directory, we'll set the $DIR
environmental variable to the current working directory.
cd $DIR/frontend
cf push frontend -n fe-cnd-rsr
Note you'll probably add your own host name as a -n
parameter. I'm using an
acronym that stands for frontend-catsanddogs-rogersteveruiz
, since I'll be
typing it.
cd $DIR/backend-b
cf push backend-b --no-start -d apps.internal -n beb-cnd-rsr
cf set-env backend-b CATS_PORTS "7007,7008"
cf set-env backend-b UDP_PORTS "9003,9004"
cf start backend-b
Note you'll probably add your own host name as a -n
parameter. I'm using an
acronym that stands for backend-b-catsanddogs-rogersteveruiz
, since I'll be
typing it.
Now let's communicate with the backend-b application from the frontend application.
Type the following in your TCP HTTP Test text box:
Note your hostname will probably be different than mine. Change your URL to
whatever you see when you run cf app backend-b
under routes:
Without a network policy in place, the request failed. So let's add one. Any
on that particular space
can add and remove network policies.
cf add-network-policy frontend --destination-app backend-b --port 7007 --protocol tcp
Now let's communicate with the backend-b application from the frontend application.
Type the following in your UDP HTTP Test text box:
Note your hostname will probably be different than mine. Change your URL to
whatever you see when you run cf app backend-b
under routes:
Without a network policy in place, the request failed. So let's add one. Any
on that particular space
can add and remove network policies.
cf add-network-policy frontend --destination-app backend-b --port true --protocol udp
cd $DIR/backend-a
cf push backend-a --no-start -d apps.internal -n bea-cnd-rsr
cf set-env backend-a CATS_PORTS "7007,7008"
cf set-env backend-a UDP_PORTS "9003,9004"
cf start backend-a
cf add-network-policy frontend --destination-app backend-a --port 7007 --protocol tcp
while ; do clear; sleep 1; done
cf add-network-policy frontend --destination-app backend-a --port 9003 --protocol udp
cf create-route roger.ruiz apps.internal --hostname be-cnd-rsr
cf map-route backend-a apps.internal --hostname be-cnd-rsr
cf map-route backend-b apps.internal --hostname be-cnd-rsr