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Forked from aliomattux/gist:6464867
Last active December 22, 2015 11:19
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def get_bins(self, cr, uid, bin_selection, storage_type, list_exclusions, qty_dict, context=None):
""" Find a list of locations based on user-defined criteria
:param :bin_selection Selection field, Bins with no assignment, bins with assignment only, or all
:param :storage_type Filter based on a specified storage type, i.e, overstock, backstock
:param :list_exclusions List of bin_ids to exclude from the search
:param :qty_dict Quantity in bin GT/LT threshold
@return list of bin_ids with travel sequence
base_sql = "SELECT DISTINCT bin.sequence" \
"\nFROM stock_location_bin bin " \
"\nLEFT JOIN stock_inventory stock ON stock.bin_id ="
#First = Whether or not to use WHERE/AND
first = True
#Bin Selection Show Empty(no assignment)
if bin_selection == 'empty':
if first:
first = False
operator = self.get_operator(cr, uid, first)
base_sql += "\n%s stock.bin_id IS NULL" % operator
#Bin must have an assignment
elif bin_selection == 'not_empty':
if first:
first = False
operator = self.get_operator(cr, uid, first)
base_sql += "\n%s stock.bin_id IS NOT NULL" % operator
#Storage type, Dynamic, Overstock, etc
if storage_type and storage_type != 'all':
if first:
first = False
operator = self.get_operator(cr, uid, first)
base_sql += " \n%s bin.storage_type = '%s'" % (operator, storage_type)
#List of location ids to exclude from the search
if list_exclusions and list_exclusions != []:
if first:
first = False
operator = self.get_operator(cr, uid, first)
if len(list_exclusions) == 1:
query += "\n%s != %s" % (operator, str(list_exclusions[0]))
query += "\n%s NOT IN %s" % (operator, str(tuple(list_exclusions)))
#If user selects quantity > or < it will find existing locs with that threshold
if qty_dict:
if first:
first = False
operator = self.get_operator(cr, uid, first)
base_sql += "\n%s stock.qty_onhand %s %s" % (operator, qty_dict['operator'], qty_dict['value'])
results = cr.fetchall()
return [id for id in results]
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