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Last active May 9, 2020 12:52
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reverse-complement lua program for The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
-- The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
-- contributed by Mike Pall (with ideas from Rici Lake)
-- modified for 5.3 by Robin
-- multithread by sharpobject
-- arg[2] = worker id if we are a worker, absent if we are the main process
local is_worker = arg[2]
local always_output = is_worker == "1"
-- worker receives:
-- line 1 = size of my input chunk
-- line 2 = offset in line where i start writing
-- line 3 = byte position where i start writing
-- then an input chunk of the promised size
-- then the same stuff again
local sub = string.sub
local stdout = io.stdout
local fwrite = stdout.write
local fread =
local stdin = io.stdin
local fflush = stdout.flush
local fclose = stdout.close
if is_worker then
local iubc = setmetatable({
A="T", C="G", B="V", D="H", K="M", R="Y",
a="T", c="G", b="V", d="H", k="M", r="Y",
T="A", G="C", V="B", H="D", M="K", Y="R", U="A",
t="A", g="C", v="B", h="D", m="K", y="R", u="A",
N="N", S="S", W="W", n="N", s="S", w="W",
[""] = "", ["\n"] = "",
}, { __index = function(t, s)
local r = t[sub(s, 2)]..t[sub(s, 1, 1)]; t[s] = r; return r end })
local concat = table.concat
local fseek =
local function rev(s, offset, t)
local n = 0
local hi = #s + offset
for i=hi-60,1,-61 do
n = n + 1
t[n] = iubc[sub(s, i+57, i+60)]..
iubc[sub(s, i+53, i+56)]..
iubc[sub(s, i+49, i+52)]..
iubc[sub(s, i+45, i+48)]..
iubc[sub(s, i+41, i+44)]..
iubc[sub(s, i+37, i+40)]..
iubc[sub(s, i+33, i+36)]..
iubc[sub(s, i+29, i+32)]..
iubc[sub(s, i+25, i+28)]..
iubc[sub(s, i+21, i+24)]..
iubc[sub(s, i+17, i+20)]..
iubc[sub(s, i+13, i+16)]..
iubc[sub(s, i+09, i+12)]..
iubc[sub(s, i+05, i+08)]..
iubc[sub(s, i+01, i+04)]..
iubc[sub(s, i, i)].."\n"
local r = hi % 61
for i=r,1,-4 do
n = n + 1
t[n] = iubc[sub(s, i-3 < 1 and 1 or i-3, i)]
return concat(t, "", 1, n)
local s = fread(stdin, "*l")
local jobs = {}
local nj = 0
local t = {}
local function do_write(job)
local out_pos, s = job[1], job[2]
fseek(stdout, "set", out_pos)
fwrite(stdout, s)
while s ~= "done" do
local in_sz = 0 + s
local offset = 0 + fread(stdin, "*l")
local out_pos = 0 + fread(stdin, "*l")
s = fread(stdin, in_sz)
assert(#s == in_sz)
if always_output then
do_write({out_pos, rev(s, offset, t)})
nj = nj + 1
jobs[nj] = {out_pos, rev(s, offset, t)}
s = fread(stdin, "*l")
for i=1,#jobs do
local N_WORKERS = 5
local find = string.find
local workers = {}
for i=1,N_WORKERS do
workers[i] = io.popen(arg[-1].." "..arg[0].." 0 "..i, "w")
local s = fread(stdin, "*a")
fwrite(stdout, s)
local lo = find(s, "\n", 0, true)
local widx = 1
local write_idxs = {}
while lo do
hi = find(s, ">", lo, true) or #s+1
hi = hi - 1
-- [lo, hi) is a chunk to reverse compliment
-- (including a leading newline)
-- despite the fact that lo points to the newline in 1-indexed s,
-- lo points to the character after the newline for the purpose of
-- 0-indexed fseek.
-- lua ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
local offset = (hi-lo) % 61
-- if the last line isn't the same length as the others,
-- offset = the number of characters on the last line
-- (including a leading newline)
local worker_chunk = 30000 * 61
local last_chunk = (hi - lo) % worker_chunk
if last_chunk == 0 then
last_chunk = worker_chunk
local last_chunk_for_pos = last_chunk
if offset ~= 0 then
last_chunk_for_pos = last_chunk-1
local nj = ((hi - lo) - last_chunk) // worker_chunk + 1
local idx = lo
for i=nj,1,-1 do
write_idxs[i] = idx
if i == nj then
idx = idx + last_chunk_for_pos
idx = idx + worker_chunk
idx = lo
for i=1,nj do
local worker = workers[widx]
if i == nj then
fwrite(worker, last_chunk.."\n")
fwrite(worker, "0\n")
fwrite(worker, write_idxs[i].."\n")
fwrite(worker, sub(s, idx, idx+last_chunk-1))
local nidx = idx + worker_chunk
fwrite(worker, worker_chunk.."\n")
fwrite(worker, offset.."\n")
fwrite(worker, write_idxs[i].."\n")
fwrite(worker, sub(s, idx, nidx-1))
idx = nidx
widx = (widx % N_WORKERS) + 1
lo = find(s, "\n", hi+2, true)
for i=1,N_WORKERS do
local worker = workers[i]
fwrite(workers[i], "done\n")
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