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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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  • Save shaunc/9699236 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save shaunc/9699236 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sketch of proposal for Ember.JSONSerializer.serializeBelongsTo, handling async and polymorphic belongsTo, hasMany
# The idea is that (even for an async relationship) we have available either
# the related object, or the as-of-yet not unserialized reference to that
# object. In the latter case, we can use directly.
# This avoids possible generation of more server requests for related
# objects while saving a given object.
# Issues:
# 1) Potentially, the not-unserialized reference could be in a different
# format. (E.g. we are acting as a transponder...). AFAIK it is acceptable
# to require customization in this case.
# 2) Uses duck-typing / internals to get required objects. Is there a better
# way to detect state and retrieve related object or reference?
# returns object related by given relationship.
# The form can be related object, as-yet not unserialized
# reference, or null
getRelated: ( record, key ) ->
related = Ember.get record, key
if related?.then?
if !related.isFulfilled
related = record.get( 'data' )[ key ]
related = related.content
return related
getRelatedId: ( related ) ->
return || related
serializeBelongsTo: (record, json, relationship) ->
key = relationship.key
belongsTo = @getRelated record, key
key = @keyForRelationship?( key ) || key
if Ember.isNone(belongsTo)
json[key] = belongsTo
json[key] = @getRelatedId belongsTo
if relationship.options.polymorphic
this.serializePolymorphicType(record, json, relationship)
serializeHasMany: (record, json, relationship) ->
key = relationship.key
relationshipType = DS.RelationshipChange.determineRelationshipType(
record.constructor, relationship)
# for opposite of one-to-many, default is to only save opposite
if relationshipType is "manyToNone" or relationshipType is "manyToMany"
related = @getRelated(record, key)
if Ember.isNone(related)
json[key]= related
json[key] = related.mapBy("id")
if relationship.options.polymorphic
this.serializePolymorphicType(record, json, relationship)
serializePolymorphicType: (record, json, relationship) ->
key = relationship.key
kind = relationship.kind
convert = (related)=>
if !Ember.isNone(related)
typeKey = related.constructor.typeKey || related.type
return {
id: @getRelatedId related
type: typeKey
related = @getRelated( record, key )
key = @keyForAttribute?(key) || key
if kind == 'belongsTo'
json[key] = convert( related )
else if (kind == 'hasMany' )
json[key] = (rel)->
'Relationship kind {#relationship.kind} not supported yet', false )
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