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Created November 23, 2018 17:57
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  • Game Does Not Handhold (Combat will be difficult and you need to be careful, enemy agro distance needs to be carefully considered, enemies your same level or lower can still be powerful adversaries)
  • Leveling takes a very long time.
  • Many of your skills are based on actions you take such as you defense or ability with a weapon.
  • Terrain, map locations, NPCs, etc. need to be known by the player. The map can help, but only as much as a real map for the most part.
  • Quest tracking is not on for a quest by default.
  • You may need to read the actual content of a quest to understand what to do.
  • Different levels of skills can always be used even if you get a stronger version of that skill.
  • Bag space is very important, Get more bags early.
  • There are helpful NPCs damn near everywhere. Pretty much every building and area is worth exploring.
  • It's good to specialize instead of trying to do everything since it takes a really long time to do anything. (i.e. focus on crafting particular types of armor)


What's up Epic Army, this is Radical Edward for Less Than Epic and recently I played Classic WoW for the first time EVER. These are the 7 things I wish I knew before starting Classic WoW.

(1) I'll start off with what's probably my most important point, Classic WoW does not hold your hand... And I mean that for nearly every game aspect as well so you'll see this theme recurring in some of my other points, but seriously Classic WoW is hard. Let me give you some examples. If you're watching this then you've very likely played an MMO before. In most starter areas of an MMO it's pretty much impossible to die because the mobs are basically just tutorial mobs. Not so in Classic WoW, the mobs in the starter areas will eat your face before you even realize what's going on, and that brings me to my second point.

(2) Combat is Difficult, especially when compared to other MMOs. Other MMOs put the notion in my head that unless an enemy is above my level by a good deal then I can probably take them. That's 100% not true in Classic WoW. Mobs your own level feel similar in power level to you, so you really need to respect their line of sight when doing quests. If you don't you can easily be mobbed by 2 or 3 enemies who will quickly wreck you since it's not that easy to just get away from aggro mobs once they have locked on to you. If you're looking forward to trying Classic for the first time once Blizzard releases their version of the servers, I would really take this point to heart. Ok on to point 3.

(3) Classic WoW does not have quest tracking. It has a journal where you can read what quests you've accepted. It even has a list on the UI where you can see what quests are quote unquote Tracking, but that tracking barely does ANYTHING for you. It doesn't put convenient circles on your map or even on your minimap. Most of the time it doesn't even give you all of the info you need to complete the quest such as the monster you need to kill. Instead it will give you an item you need, and in order to find out where to get that item you'll need to read the quest in full or sometimes even just have seen or faught the mob before. The main point in all of this is you really need to pay attention to area names, NPC names, mob names and sometimes even the terrain itself as some quests will use language like "The Cave to the North" and that cave might not even be on the map! Ok let's get through a few smaller points now.

(4) Building on point 3, those markers on your minimap, yeah those aren't quest objectives. Those are just the turnin locations for your quests. That's all the help your get!

(5) Bag space is very important, so get more bags early. I found myself constantly having to drop items in order to pick up a quest item between my journeys. Once I picked up a few bags however that problem went away. I suggest you do the same.

(6) Different levels of skills can always be used even if you get a stronger version of that skill. This could be useful if you are min/maxing your mana consumption. I don't know how useful this will be late game as I didn't make it that far yet, but this seems like an important part of the game to me as someone just starting out.

(7) Class resources just as mana are very easily drained by your skills. Keep an eye on your mana and consider using point 5's tip if you are just constantly draining your class resources.

(8) Leveling takes a LOOOOOOONG time. Classic WoW is very different from retail WoW or even other MMOs in this regard. Just be prepared to grind out those levels for a while because it really does take forever.

(9) There are helpful NPCs damn near everywhere in Classic WoW. I suppose this point is the same in retail WoW but I found exploration to be well worth it when starting out in Classic. I found random vendors selling useful early game items everywhere when starting out, so be sure to explore, you'll be rewarded for it, and not for nothing exploring will help you learn your areas as well.

(10) Specialize. Since leveling takes a very long time in this game, it's probably a good idea to specialize when taking on side classes. It's not just the leveling either, recipes need to be found or purchased, so getting your crafting classes to a high level and skill will actually take a lot of time and investment. It's probably well worth focusing on one or two than trying to do them all.

Alright that's all 10 of the things I wish I knew before starting Classic WoW. Thanks for watching everything and this is Radical Edward for Less Than Epic, Signing Out.

Classic WoW - Top 10 Things I Wish I Knew Starting Out

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