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Last active October 28, 2020 14:57
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A History Generator; Also Does Timelines!
#!/usr/bin/env python
# source:
# to create a visualisation, run like this:
# ./ --dot | dot -Tpng > filename.png
# brew install graphviz to get the dot files rendering
# to have the story, run like this:
# ./
# have your state names in the names.txt file
# now, all of this *could* be done with tracery i suppose, but you can see the bones of the
# history system could be expanded to model other aspects, keep track of things, calculate new things.
import sys
import random
import tracery #pip install tracery, to get python version
from tracery.modifiers import base_english
from pprint import pprint
#set up the grammar. this is just to build story around the
#history. The 'history' generated is more like a chronicle
#so the tracery bit is to flesh that all out a bit.
rules = {
'time': ['a few years later', 'as it came to pass','within a generation'],
'connector': ['But','Then','Years passed - ','And then','The seasons cycled - but'],
'dissolved': ['dissolved', 'slowly fell', 'quickly shattered', 'collapsed'],
'strength': ['fragile', 'weakening', 'uncertain', 'weak'],
'island': ['island.','peninsula, shielded from the rest of the world by tall mountains.','continent that should have been large enough for us all.','archipelago of islands and islets in an azure sea.'],
'climatedisaster': ['flooding ruined the crops; the famine','the clouds grew dark, and hunger stalked the land. Sickness','pestilence and plague killed thousands, and'],
'problem': ['hunger','patience','good will','strength'],
'ruler': ['King','Patrician','Satrap','Consul','Princess','Queen','President','Dictator','Elders','Council'],
'beginning': 'These people shared a single #island#',
'originpartition': '#connector# #partition# and so,',
'originconfederation': '#connector# #confed# and so, ',
'originrevolution': ['#violent#','#peaceful#'],
'originconquest': ['The thirst for new lands, new glory, and the desire to distract the people, led to new conquests','Sometimes, a people covet the wealth of their neighbours. And so','For honour, or for shame, I know not which - but the #ruler# sent the warriors to work. Thus'],
'violent': ['#time#, the #problem# of the people could bear it no longer, and they rose up in violent revolution','Mistakes, blunders, and craven foolishness combined, and the whole edifice collapsed.','Whispers and rumors did the work of assassins, and the #ruler# could not control the people.'],
'peaceful': ['#time#, the #ruler# gave up power and fled into exile'],
'partition': ['#time#, class struggle tore the #strength# consensus apart','low cunning and high treachery divided them','#climatedisaster# weakened them all'],
'confed': ['with a common enemy in view, they joined in alliance','#climatedisaster# weakened them all']
grammar = tracery.Grammar(rules)
# Names is a newline separated list of nation names.
file = "names.txt"
names = open(file, "r").read().split("\n")
history = []
dot = False
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "--dot":
dot = True
def wrap(str, wrap='"'):
return wrap+str+wrap
def merge(states, names):
number = random.randint(2,3)
mergers = []
if number < len(states):
mergers = random.sample(states, number)
new_name = random.choice(names)
states = list(set(states).difference(set(mergers)))
if dot:
for state in mergers:
print '"%s" -> "%s" [label="confederation "]'%(state, new_name)
print '{rank=same; %s }'%wrap(new_name)
print grammar.flatten("#originconfederation#")
print " %s became '%s'"%( " and ".join(map(wrap,mergers)), new_name)
return states, names
def split(states, names):
number = random.randint(2,3)
if number < len(names):
splitter = random.choice(states)
new_states = random.sample(names, number)
names = list(set(names).difference(set(new_states)))
states = list(set(states).union(set(new_states)))
if dot:
for state in new_states:
print '"%s" -> "%s" [label="partition "]'%(splitter, state)
print '{rank=same; %s }'%("; ".join(map(wrap, new_states)))
print grammar.flatten("#originpartition#")
print " '%s' dissolved in fragments, eventually becoming %s"%(splitter, " and ".join(map(wrap,new_states)))
return states, names
def revolt(states, names):
old = random.choice(states)
new = random.choice(names)
if dot:
print '"%s" -> "%s" [label="revolution "]'%(old, new)
print '{rank=same; "%s"}'%new
print grammar.flatten("#originrevolution#")
print "The old '%s' was no more; a new dawn broke on '%s'"%(old, new)
return states, names
def conquest(states, names):
if len(states) > 1:
loser = random.choice(states)
winner = random.choice(states)
if dot:
print '"%s" -> "%s" [label="conquered by"]'%(loser, winner)
print grammar.flatten("#originconquest#")
print " '%s' conquered '%s'"%(winner, loser)
return states, names
#ignore empty names
names = [name for name in names if name] #yes, really.
origin = random.sample(names, random.randint(1,3))
names = list(set(names).difference(set(origin)))
history.append(origin) #random starting states
if dot:
print "digraph g {"
print "{rank=same; %s}"%("; ".join(map(wrap,origin)))
print("Gather by, young ones, and let me tell you of our nations and peoples. \n In the beginning there was %s"%(" and ".join(map(wrap,history[0]))))
print grammar.flatten("#beginning#")
while names:
func = random.choice([merge, split, revolt, conquest, merge, split, revolt, revolt, conquest])
states, names = func(history[-1], names)
if dot:
print '{rank=same; %s}'%("; ".join(map(wrap,history[-1])))
print "}"
print "Standing proud upon the ruins there are only now %s"%("and ".join(map(wrap,history[-1])))
Kingdom of Amoth
Duchy of Corica
Province of Vrevrela
Dominion of Clioriwen
Kingdom of Abroth
Province of Eabloris
Satrapy of Yaislaxuin
Islands of Hekla
$ python2
Gather by, young ones, and let me tell you of our nations and peoples.
In the beginning there was "Broteuvallia"
These people shared a single archipelago of islands and islets in an azure sea.
The seasons cycled - but low cunning and high treachery divided them and so,
'Broteuvallia' dissolved in fragments, eventually becoming "Satrapy of Yaislaxuin" and "Islands of Hekla" and "Uamafai "
a few years later, the Dictator gave up power and fled into exile
The old 'Islands of Hekla' was no more; a new dawn broke on 'Duchy of Corica'
a few years later, the Patrician gave up power and fled into exile
The old 'Uamafai ' was no more; a new dawn broke on 'Eiwerela'
within a generation, the strength of the people could bear it no longer, and they rose up in violent revolution
The old 'Satrapy of Yaislaxuin' was no more; a new dawn broke on 'Dominion of Clioriwen'
a few years later, the Queen gave up power and fled into exile
The old 'Dominion of Clioriwen' was no more; a new dawn broke on 'Kingdom of Abroth'
Sometimes, a people covet the wealth of their neighbours. And so
'Duchy of Corica' conquered 'Kingdom of Abroth'
within a generation, the good will of the people could bear it no longer, and they rose up in violent revolution
The old 'Eiwerela' was no more; a new dawn broke on 'Voches'
But pestilence and plague killed thousands, and weakened them all and so,
'Voches' dissolved in fragments, eventually becoming "Heawoth" and "Kingdom of Amoth" and "Oyune"
For honour, or for shame, I know not which - but the Patrician sent the warriors to work. Thus
'Oyune' conquered 'Kingdom of Amoth'
as it came to pass, the good will of the people could bear it no longer, and they rose up in violent revolution
The old 'Heawoth' was no more; a new dawn broke on 'Province of Vrevrela'
Sometimes, a people covet the wealth of their neighbours. And so
'Oyune' conquered 'Duchy of Corica'
within a generation, the Council gave up power and fled into exile
The old 'Province of Vrevrela' was no more; a new dawn broke on 'Iroa'
within a generation, the Consul gave up power and fled into exile
The old 'Oyune' was no more; a new dawn broke on 'Province of Eabloris'
Standing proud upon the ruins there are only now "Iroa"and "Province of Eabloris"
by the way, check this out too:
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