hasLocation: Connect sites to their geographic coordinates or descriptive location
Example: Little John's Farm hasLocation Reading, Berkshire
hasGeology: Describe the underlying geological composition of a site
Example: Little John's Farm hasGeology "alluvial deposits overlying river gravels"
containsFinds: Link archaeological sites to artifacts discovered during excavation
Example: Little John's Farm containsFinds "worked flint" and "Late Bronze Age pottery"
hasChronologicalPeriod: Indicate the archaeological/historical periods represented at a site
Example: Little John's Farm hasChronologicalPeriod "Late Bronze Age"
hasArchaeologicalFeature: Catalog types of archaeological structures or deposits
In this case, notably "no archaeological features were recorded"
hasElevation: Record the site's height above sea level
Example: Little John's Farm hasElevation "38m above Ordnance Datum"
hasExcavationMethod: Document the archaeological investigation techniques used
Example: Little John's Farm hasExcavationMethod "trial trenching"
adjacentTo: Describe geographical relationships with nearby landmarks
Example: Little John's Farm adjacentTo River Thames, Railway Line
hasContextType: Classify archaeological contexts (topsoil, subsoil, natural layer)
Example: Site hasContextType "alluvial deposit"
containsPotentialPalaeoenvironmentalRemains: Indicate environmental research potential
Example: Site containsPotentialPalaeoenvironmentalRemains low/high
hasExcavationPhase: Track multiple excavation periods
Example: Little John's Farm hasExcavationPhase [June 2011, October 2011, December 2011]
hasCoordinateSystem: Document geospatial reference system
Example: Site hasCoordinateSystem "OSGB36 British National Grid"
hasSampleDepth: Record depth of archaeological investigations
Example: Site hasSampleDepth "0.30m to 2m below ground level"
hasProjectSponsor: Identify funding/commissioning organization
Example: Little John's Farm hasProjectSponsor "Festival Republic Ltd"
hasArchaeologicalPotential: Assess site's archaeological significance
Example: Site hasArchaeologicalPotential low/moderate/high
hasStratigraphicLayer: Describe soil/geological layering
Example: Site hasStratigraphicLayer ["topsoil", "subsoil", "river gravels"]
wasExcavatedBy: Link site to archaeological organization
Example: Little John's Farm wasExcavatedBy "Wessex Archaeology"
hasOriginalLandUse: Document previous site usage
Example: Site hasOriginalLandUse "livestock farm and festival ground"
containsArtifactType: Catalog specific artifact categories
Example: Site containsArtifactType ["worked flint", "pottery fragments"]
hasArchaeologicalRisk: Evaluate development impact potential
Example: Site hasArchaeologicalRisk low
hasEnvironmentalContext: Describe broader landscape characteristics
Example: Site hasEnvironmentalContext "Thames river valley"
wasDocumentedIn: Link to specific archaeological reports
Example: Little John's Farm wasDocumentedIn "Archaeological Evaluation Report, January 2012"
hasPreservationCondition: Assess artifact/deposit preservation quality
Example: Artifacts hasPreservationCondition "highly abraded"
hasTimeframe: Record precise archaeological investigation dates
Example: Site hasTimeframe "June 2011 to December 2011"
wasApprovedBy: Track regulatory archaeological permissions
Example: Site wasApprovedBy "Berkshire Archaeology"
hasMethodology: Document specific research/excavation approaches
Example: Site hasMethodology "trial trenching with GPS positioning"
containsEvidenceOf: Broad categorization of archaeological indicators
Example: Site containsEvidenceOf "prehistoric activity"
hasMaterialComposition: Describes the materials an artifact is made from
hasTypologicalClassification: Categorizes artifacts within archaeological typologies
hasManufacturingTechnique: Describes how an artifact was created
hasOriginalFunction: Indicates the artifact's probable use
hasChronologicalPeriodOfOrigin: Specifies the time period of artifact creation
hasDepositionContext: Describes the archaeological context of artifact discovery
hasStateOfPreservation: Details the condition of the artifact
hasManufacturingLocation: Suggests potential origin of manufacture
hasRawMaterialSource: Identifies the source of materials used in artifact creation