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Shayan Eskandari shayanb

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samcm /
Last active February 27, 2025 23:33 is a script that verifies if a beacon node is on the correct fork by comparing its block roots with a reference chain data file. It has been preconfigured with the slot -> block root mappings generated from a lighthouse-erigon node.


wget \
hackermondev /
Last active March 1, 2025 12:15
Unique 0-click deanonymization attack targeting Signal, Discord and hundreds of platform

hi, i'm daniel. i'm a 15-year-old high school junior. in my free time, i hack billion dollar companies and build cool stuff.

3 months ago, I discovered a unique 0-click deanonymization attack that allows an attacker to grab the location of any target within a 250 mile radius. With a vulnerable app installed on a target's phone (or as a background application on their laptop), an attacker can send a malicious payload and deanonymize you within seconds--and you wouldn't even know.

I'm publishing this writeup and research as a warning, especially for journalists, activists, and hackers, about this type of undetectable attack. Hundreds of applications are vulnerable, including some of the most popular apps in the world: Signal, Discord, Twitter/X, and others. Here's how it works:


By the numbers, Cloudflare is easily the most popular CDN on the market. It beats out competitors such as Sucuri, Amazon CloudFront, Akamai, and Fastly. In 2019, a major Cloudflare outage k

kconner / macOS
Last active February 20, 2025 08:42
macOS Internals

macOS Internals

Understand your Mac and iPhone more deeply by tracing the evolution of Mac OS X from prelease to Swift. John Siracusa delivers the details.

Starting Points

How to use this gist

You've got two main options:

yorickdowne /
Last active February 27, 2025 04:36
Great and less great SSDs for Ethereum nodes


Syncing an Ethereum node is largely reliant on latency and IOPS, I/O Per Second, of the storage. Budget SSDs will struggle to an extent, and some won't be able to sync at all. For simplicity, this page treats IOPS as a proxy for/predictor of latency.

This document aims to snapshot some known good and known bad models.

The drive lists are ordered by interface and then by capacity and alphabetically by vendor name, not by preference. The lists are not exhaustive at all. @mwpastore linked a filterable spreadsheet in comments that has a far greater variety of drives and their characteristics. Filter it by DRAM yes, NAND Type TLC, Form Factor M.2, and desired capacity.

For size, 4TB is a very conservative choice. The smaller 2TB drive should last an Ethereum full node until at least sometime 2026, with the pre-merge history expiry scheduled for Ma

pryce-turner /
Last active December 25, 2022 14:33
Air-gapped Raspberry Pi for eth2-deposit-cli


The greatest strength of an airgapped machine is also it's biggest headache - no way out! This is a short guide for configuring an old Raspberry Pi 2 (no radio cards!) to securely use the eth2-deposit-cli tool. Whether using an existing mnemonic or generating a new one, the security conscious will appreciate doing so on a machine which never has and never will touch any network.


  • Raspberry Pi
  • min 16Gb microSD
LiveOverflow / AcoraidaMonicaGame.sol
Last active January 24, 2025 19:53
Acoraida Monica
pragma solidity =0.4.25;
contract AcoraidaMonicaGame{
uint256 public version = 4;
string public description = "Acoraida Monica admires smart guys, she'd like to pay 10000ETH to the one who could answer her question. Would it be you?";
string public constant sampleQuestion = "Who is Acoraida Monica?";
string public constant sampleAnswer = "$*!&#^[` [email protected];Ta&*T` R`<`~5Z`^5V You beat me! :D";
Logger public constant logger=Logger(0x5e351bd4247f0526359fb22078ba725a192872f3);
address questioner;
string public question;
timvisee /
Last active February 28, 2025 21:35
Falsehoods programmers believe about time, in a single list

Falsehoods programmers believe about time

This is a compiled list of falsehoods programmers tend to believe about working with time.

Don't re-invent a date time library yourself. If you think you understand everything about time, you're probably doing it wrong.


  • There are always 24 hours in a day.
  • February is always 28 days long.
  • Any 24-hour period will always begin and end in the same day (or week, or month).
chadmayfield /
Created June 2, 2017 17:24
Install Hashcat on macOS
git clone
mkdir -p hashcat/deps
git clone hashcat/deps/OpenCL
cd hashcat/ && make
./hashcat --version
./hashcat -b -D 1,2
fabsrc / server.js
Last active September 6, 2017 16:35
List and save all messages from the Facebook ticker
const Nightmare = require('nightmare')
const Datastore = require('nedb')
const DB = new Datastore({ filename: 'ticks.db', autoload: true })
const INTERVAL = process.env.INTERVAL || 15000
var nightmare = new Nightmare({
show: true,
webPreferences: {
partition: 'nopersist'