See the comments below for the images.
See the comments below for the images.
Starting with macOS 12.3, Python is no longer bundled with macOS. These instructions allow you to set up Python 2 and Python 3 side-by-side using pyenv. The instructions were tested on an Apple Silicon Mac, but the process on an Intel Mac should be similar.
Homebrew is a popular package manager that makes it easy to install command line tools. If you don’t yet have Homebrew installed, instructions can be found here:
Verify that Homebrew is installed:
# From | |
# | |
# Launch fork.exe from the command line with a directory path argument. | |
# | |
# App: | |
# Usage: fork <directory_path> | |
# | |
# Load your profile in Notepad: | |
# notepad $PROFILE | |
# Then, add the contents below: |
const fs = require('node:fs'); | |
const path = require('node:path'); | |
const matter = require('gray-matter'); | |
const MarkdownIt = require('markdown-it'); | |
const MarkdownItFrontMatter = require('markdown-it-front-matter'); | |
if (!matter || !MarkdownIt || !MarkdownItFrontMatter) { | |
console.error('Module "gray-matter", "markdown-it", or "markdown-it-front-matter" not found. Run "npm install"'); | |
process.exit(1); | |
} |
# install jq: | |
# list all packages | |
aio rt package list --json | jq '.[] | .name' | |
# for each package name, delete the package recursively | |
aio rt package delete "MY_PACKAGE_1" --recursive |
let store = {} | |
/** @private */ | |
function put (key, value) { | |
store[key] = JSON.stringify(value) | |
} | |
/** @private */ | |
function get (key) { | |
const value = store[key] |
const { Blob } = require('node:buffer'); | |
/** | |
* Converts a Buffer to a Blob. | |
* | |
* @param {Buffer} buffer the Buffer to convert | |
* @returns {Blob} the converted Buffer as a Blob | |
*/ | |
function buffer2blob(buffer) { | |
if (buffer instanceof Buffer === false) { |
if [ $ITERM_SESSION_ID ]; then | |
precmd() { | |
echo -ne "\033]0;${PWD##*/}\007" | |
} | |
fi |
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
// index.cjs - this is exported in the manifest for Openwhisk Deploy | |
// Only supported in Node 14+ (dynamic import) | |
async function cjsMain(params) { | |
const { default: esmMain } = await import('./index.mjs') | |
return esmMain(params) | |
} | |
exports.main = cjsMain |