The scripts included in this Gist are designed to start io_guy's NodeLink.exe as a startup service on a Raspberry Pi running Rasbian Stretch.
- Follow the installation instructions for setting up NodeLink here.
- STOP when you get to "Setting up rc.local"
- Copy the contents of the file below to a file called
in the same folder as NodeLink.exe on your RPi: - Install the systemd service by running:
cd /path/to/NodeLink.exe # Replace with actual folder you put NodeLink.exe and in
chmod +x
- You should now be able to start/stop NodeLink.exe with:
sudo systemctl start nodelink.service
sudo systemctl stop nodelink.service
Thank you to io_guy for his awesome piece of software. I am in no way affiliated with, but created this script for my own benefit and wanted to make it available to anyone who could make use of it.