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Forked from M-Mildred/Custom HP and SP Bars.js
Created April 24, 2016 23:27
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"use strict";
var leftOffset = 20,
topOffset = 30,
hpleftOffset = 20,
hptopOffset = 24,
spleftOffset = 23,
sptopOffset = 34,
// creates a background object and adds relationship to the state
addBar = function(obj){
let sinN15=Math.sin(-15*(Math.PI/180));
let cosN15=Math.cos(-15*(Math.PI/180));
let bg=createObj('graphic',{
pageid: obj.get('pageid'),
imgsrc: '',
left: obj.get('left')+leftOffset,
top: obj.get('top')+topOffset,
width: 120,
height: 30,
rotation: -15,
layer: 'objects'
let hpScale = ( (parseInt(obj.get('bar1_value'),10)||0) / (parseInt(obj.get('bar1_max'),10)||1) )*100;
let spScale = ( (parseInt(obj.get('bar2_value'),10)||0) / (parseInt(obj.get('bar2_max'),10)||1) )*100;
let hp=createObj('graphic',{
pageid: obj.get('pageid'),
imgsrc: '',
height: 10,
width: hpScale,
left: obj.get('left')+hpleftOffset - ( cosN15*(100-hpScale))/2,
top: obj.get('top')+hptopOffset - (sinN15*(100-hpScale))/2,
rotation: -15,
layer: 'objects'
let sp=createObj('graphic',{
pageid: obj.get('pageid'),
imgsrc: '',
left: obj.get('left')+spleftOffset - ( cosN15*(100-spScale))/2,
top: obj.get('top')+sptopOffset - (sinN15*(100-spScale))/2,
height: 10,
width: ( (parseInt(obj.get('bar2_value'),10)||0) / (parseInt(obj.get('bar2_max'),10)||1) )*100,
rotation: -15,
layer: 'objects'
state.maneater.tokens[]={ /* indexed by the token id for easy lookup */
tokenID:, /* token's id, useful to store here as well as the index */
bgID:, /* id of the background image created for this token */
}, /* <=== that has to be a comma as the function is defined as a chain of variables */
/* updated the background image for this token */
updateBar = function(obj){
// checks to see if there is a relationship in the state (eventually, you won't want to add these to everything...)
// gets the associated background image
let bg=getObj('graphic',state.maneater.tokens[].bgID);
let hp=getObj('graphic',state.maneater.tokens[].hpID);
let sp=getObj('graphic',state.maneater.tokens[].spID);
let hpScale = ( (parseInt(obj.get('bar1_value'),10)||0) / (parseInt(obj.get('bar1_max'),10)||1) )*100;
let spScale = ( (parseInt(obj.get('bar2_value'),10)||0) / (parseInt(obj.get('bar2_max'),10)||1) )*100;
let sinN15=Math.sin(-15*(Math.PI/180));
let cosN15=Math.cos(-15*(Math.PI/180));
// repositions it relative to the token
left: obj.get('left')+leftOffset,
top: obj.get('top')+topOffset
log(`Left: ${(cosN15*(100-hpScale))}`);
log(`Top: ${(sinN15*(100-hpScale))}`);
left: obj.get('left')+hpleftOffset - ( cosN15*(100-hpScale))/2,
top: obj.get('top')+hptopOffset - (sinN15*(100-hpScale))/2,
width: ( (parseInt(obj.get('bar1_value'),10)||0) / (parseInt(obj.get('bar1_max'),10)||1) )*100
left: obj.get('left')+spleftOffset - ( cosN15*(100-spScale))/2,
top: obj.get('top')+sptopOffset - (sinN15*(100-spScale))/2,
width: ( (parseInt(obj.get('bar2_value'),10)||0) / (parseInt(obj.get('bar2_max'),10)||1) )*100
// initializer for the state property maneater
tokens: {}
// catch the creation of graphics
on('add:graphic', addBar );
// catch the changing of graphics
on('change:graphic', updateBar );
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