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Last active October 9, 2024 00:31
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Save sheabunge/50a9d9f8234820a989ab to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Basic PHP class autoloader that follows the WordPress coding standards for class names and class filenames
namespace Shea\Example_Plugin;
* Enable autoloading of plugin classes in namespace.
* @param $class_name
function autoload( $class_name ) {
// Only autoload classes from this namespace.
if ( false === strpos( $class_name, __NAMESPACE__ ) ) {
// Remove namespace from class name.
$class_file = str_replace( __NAMESPACE__ . '\\', '', $class_name );
// Convert class name format to file name format.
$class_file = str_replace( '_', '-', strtolower( $class_file ) );
// Convert sub-namespaces into directories.
$class_path = explode( '\\', $class_file );
$class_file = array_pop( $class_path );
$class_path = implode( '/', $class_path );
// Load the class.
require_once sprintf( '%s/php/%s/class-%s.php', __DIR__, $class_path, $class_file );
spl_autoload_register( __NAMESPACE__ . '\autoload' );
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@sheabunge Maybe you are interested in autoloading core classes:

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@sheabunge do you have example usage on where to slap this snippet?

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@arvilmena you could use it in the main file of a plugin or the functions.php file of a theme, before loading any of the associated classes.

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