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Last active April 16, 2019 15:19
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picturefill.js + jquery.lazyload
This is a customised version of picturefill.js with the following modifications
1. Before setting the source on the img tag to the appropriate img file, check if the lazyload plugin is defined
2. If so, set the data-original attr of the img instead of the src attr. Also set width and height attrs from the picture span's data-width and data-height attrs.
3. Append the img tag and tell lazyload about it
See demo -
/*! Picturefill - Responsive Images that work today. (and mimic the proposed Picture element with span elements). Author: Scott Jehl, Filament Group, 2012 | License: MIT/GPLv2 */
(function( w ){
// Enable strict mode
"use strict";
w.picturefill = function() {
var ps = w.document.getElementsByTagName( "span" );
// Loop the pictures
for( var i = 0, il = ps.length; i < il; i++ ){
if( ps[ i ].getAttribute( "data-picture" ) !== null ){
var sources = ps[ i ].getElementsByTagName( "span" ),
matches = [];
// See if which sources match
for( var j = 0, jl = sources.length; j < jl; j++ ){
var media = sources[ j ].getAttribute( "data-media" );
// if there's no media specified, OR w.matchMedia is supported
if( !media || ( w.matchMedia && w.matchMedia( media ).matches ) ){
matches.push( sources[ j ] );
// Find any existing img element in the picture element
var picImg = ps[ i ].getElementsByTagName( "img" )[ 0 ];
if( matches.length ){
var matchedEl = matches.pop();
if( !picImg || picImg.parentNode.nodeName === "NOSCRIPT" ){
picImg = w.document.createElement( "img" );
picImg.alt = ps[ i ].getAttribute( "data-alt" );
// should we lazyload?
// check if src has changed
if(picImg.getAttribute('data-original') != matchedEl.getAttribute( "data-src" )){
// set data-original attr for lazyload.js
picImg.setAttribute('data-original', matchedEl.getAttribute( "data-src" ));
// set width and height for lazyload.js placeholder
picImg.setAttribute('width', matchedEl.getAttribute( "data-width" ));
picImg.setAttribute('height', matchedEl.getAttribute( "data-height" ));
// append the new image
matchedEl.appendChild( picImg );
// tell lazyload.js about our new/modified image
// default picturefill functionality
picImg.src = matchedEl.getAttribute( "data-src" );
matchedEl.appendChild( picImg );
else if( picImg ){
picImg.parentNode.removeChild( picImg );
// Run on resize and domready (w.load as a fallback)
if( w.addEventListener ){
w.addEventListener( "resize", w.picturefill, false );
w.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", function(){
// Run once only
w.removeEventListener( "load", w.picturefill, false );
}, false );
w.addEventListener( "load", w.picturefill, false );
else if( w.attachEvent ){
w.attachEvent( "onload", w.picturefill );
}( this ));
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