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Created January 28, 2015 14:15
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Down and dirty reposado Voice product cleansing
"""Down and dirty removal of deprecated voice products and addition of
new voice products for reposado. It makes a few mistakes (products that
have 'voice' in the title that aren't properly a Voice Product.
Don't just go and run this!
import shlex
import subprocess
# Remove Deprecated voice products
repoutil_products = subprocess.Popen(['/nfs/lsfiles/reposado/code/repoutil',
'--deprecated'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
deprecated_products = repoutil_products.communicate()[0].splitlines()
dep_voice_products = [dep_prod for dep_prod in deprecated_products if 'Voice'
in dep_prod]
product_numbers = [line.split(' ')[0] for line in dep_voice_products]
remove_cmd_production = shlex.split(
'/nfs/lsfiles/reposado/code/repoutil --purge-products=%s' %
product_numbers.pop()) + product_numbers
# Use Popen rather than check_call because our reposado server is CentOS 6.5
# with Python 2.6 (sad trumpet)
remove_process = subprocess.Popen(remove_cmd_production,
for line in remove_process.communicate()[0].splitlines():
# Add new voice products
repoutil_products = subprocess.Popen(['/nfs/lsfiles/reposado/code/repoutil',
'--products'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
products = repoutil_products.communicate()[0].splitlines()
voice_products = [prod for prod in products if 'Voice' in prod and
'production' not in prod and 'testing' not in prod]
product_numbers = [line.split(' ')[0] for line in voice_products]
add_cmd_production = shlex.split(
'/nfs/lsfiles/reposado/code/repoutil --add-products=%s' %
product_numbers.pop()) + product_numbers + ['production']
add_process = subprocess.Popen(add_cmd_production, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
for line in add_process.communicate()[0].splitlines():
add_cmd_testing = shlex.split(
'/nfs/lsfiles/reposado/code/repoutil --add-products=%s' %
product_numbers.pop()) + product_numbers + ['testing']
add_process = subprocess.Popen(add_cmd_testing, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
for line in add_process.communicate()[0].splitlines():
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I don't feel the need to keep old copies of Voice updates, so I just purge them. It's no big deal to do this in bash and just have it recreate the catalogs for each product number that gets updated. This way, it only does one repoutil --remove-products= rather than a bazillion repoutil --remove-product=

Uses Popen instead of check_call because CentOS 6.5 is still on python 2.6 😊

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