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Last active July 13, 2023 08:37
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Save sheehan/4398354 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Region that uses a view stack. Only the top view is visible. Useful if you want to add layers onto a region and allow the user to navigate back through them.
class Backbone.Marionette.StackRegion extends Backbone.Marionette.Region
constructor: ->
@views = []
# Return the top view (currently visible)
peek: ->
@views[@views.length - 1] if @views.length
# Push a view onto the stack. Previous view is hidden and the new view is shown.
push: (view) ->
topView = @peek()
@_hideView(topView) if topView
@open view
@_displayView view
@views.push view
@currentView = view
# Pop a view from the stack. Next view is shown.
pop: ->
poppedView = @views.pop()
@_closeView poppedView if poppedView
@currentView = @peek()
@_displayView @currentView if @currentView
# Pop until the view is on top. If not found, push it onto the empty stack.
show: (view) ->
@pop() while @views.length and @peek() isnt view
@push view if not @views.length
open: (view) ->
@$el.append view.el
close: ->
@pop() while @views.length this, "close"
attachView: (view) ->
@views.push view
@currentView = view
_displayView: (view) ->
view.$ view, "show" this, "show", view
_hideView: (view) ->
_closeView: (view) ->
view.close() if view?.close and not view.isClosed
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