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Created February 12, 2018 15:09
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Collection of Extensions for String and SpannableString
package com.collectiveidea.util.string
import android.text.TextPaint
class CustomTypefaceSpan(private val typeface: Typeface) : MetricAffectingSpan() {
override fun updateDrawState(drawState: TextPaint) = apply(drawState)
override fun updateMeasureState(paint: TextPaint) = apply(paint)
private fun apply(paint: Paint) {
val oldTypeface = paint.typeface
val oldStyle = oldTypeface?.style ?: 0
val fakeStyle = oldStyle and
if (fakeStyle and Typeface.BOLD != 0) {
paint.isFakeBoldText = true
if (fakeStyle and Typeface.ITALIC != 0) {
paint.textSkewX = -0.25f
paint.typeface = typeface
package com.collectiveidea.util.string
import android.content.Context
import android.text.Html
import android.text.Spannable
import android.text.SpannableString
import android.text.Spanned
import com.collectiveidea.exampleapp.R
import timber.log.Timber
// Wrap a backwards compatible implementation of `Html.fromHtml()` as a string extension.
fun String.fromHtml(): Spanned {
return if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
} else {
Html.fromHtml(this, Html.FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY)
// Return the string if it is not null or blank, otherwise return null.
// Example usage:
// textView.text = nullableOrBlankOrValidString.presence() ?: "Default Filler Text"
fun String?.presence(): String? {
return if (isNullOrBlank()) null else this
// Converts a regular `String` to a `SpannableString`
fun String.spannable(): SpannableString = SpannableString(this)
// Applies a `ForegroundColorSpan` to the receiver with the provided color at
// the indices of the provided substring.
// If the receiver does not contain the matching substring, warn, and ignore.
// Returns the receiver to allow for chaining.
fun SpannableString.colorSpan(substring: String, color: Int): SpannableString {
return applySpan(substring, ForegroundColorSpan(color))
// Applies a `TextAppearanceSpan` to the receiver with the provided `TextAppearance`
// style at the indices of the provided substring.
// If the receiver does not contain the matching substring, warn, and ignore.
// Returns the receiver to allow for chaining.
fun SpannableString.textAppearanceSpan(
context: Context,
substring: String,
style: Int
): SpannableString {
val span = TextAppearanceSpan(context, style)
return applySpan(substring, span).also {
// Handle typeface being set by font resource
val fontName =
?.replaceAfter(".", "")
?.replace(".", "") ?: ""
val res = fontName.presence()?.let { context.getResId(it, } ?: -1
if (res != -1) { fontSpan(context, substring, res) }
// Applies a `StyleSpan` to the receiver with the provided `Style` value
// at the indices of the provided substring.
// If the receiver does not contain the matching substring, warn, and ignore.
// Returns the receiver to allow for chaining.
fun SpannableString.styleSpan(substring: String, style: Int): SpannableString {
return applySpan(substring, StyleSpan(style))
// Applies a `AbsoluteSizeSpan` to the receiver with the provided size
// at the indices of the provided substring
fun SpannableString.sizeSpan(substring: String, size: Int): SpannableString {
return applySpan(substring, AbsoluteSizeSpan(size))
// Applies a `CustomTypefaceSpan` to the receiver with the provided font resource
// at the indices of the provided substring.
// If the receiver does not contain the matching substring, warn, and ignore.
// Returns the receiver to allow for chaining.
fun SpannableString.fontSpan(context: Context, substring: String, fontRes: Int): SpannableString {
if (fontRes == -1) {
Timber.w("Font resource not found: -1")
return this
val typeface = ResourcesCompat.getFont(context, fontRes)
return typeface?.let { applySpan(substring, CustomTypefaceSpan(typeface)) } ?: this
// Applies the provided span to the recevier at the indices of the provided substring.
// If the receiver does not contain the matching substring, warn, and ignore.
// Returns the receiver to allow for chaining.
fun SpannableString.applySpan(substring: String, span: Any): SpannableString {
val start = indexOf(substring, 0, true)
if (start == -1) {
Timber.w("Cannot apply span <$span>: <$this> does not contain substring <$substring>")
return this
val end = start + substring.length
setSpan(span, start, end, Spannable.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE)
return this
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