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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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recurrence-form component - for usage with
`import Ember from 'ember'`
RecurrenceFormComponent = Ember.Component.extend
tagName: 'fieldset'
minEndsOn: null
maxEndsOn: null
value: ((key, value) ->
if arguments.length > 1
if value
value = (new RRule(RRule.parseString(value)))
@set('frequency', value.options.freq)
@set('interval', value.options.interval)
@set('weekDays', value.options.byweekday)
if value.options.until
@set('endsOnMoment', moment.utc(value.options.until))
# false-y value - clear all
@set('frequency', null)
@set('interval', null)
@set('weekDays', null)
@set('endsOnMoment', null)
return null unless freq = @get('frequency')
options = {
freq: freq
interval: @get('interval')
byweekday: @get('weekDays')
if endsOn = @get('endsOnMoment')
options.until = endsOn.utc().toDate()
new RRule(options).toString()
).property('frequency', 'interval', 'weekDays', 'endsOnMoment')
frequencies: (->
never = [{ value: null, label: 'Never' }]
others = ['Daily', 'Weekly'].map (frequency) -> { value: RRule[frequency.toUpperCase()], label: frequency }
intervals: (->
if @get('frequencyIsWeekly')
frequency: null
interval: null
frequencyIsNever: Ember.computed.not 'frequency'
frequencyIsWeekly: Ember.computed.equal 'frequency', RRule.WEEKLY
onMonday: null
onTuesday: null
onWednesday: null
onThursday: null
onFriday: null
onSaturday: null
onSunday: null
# Sync between array of days and onMonday, onTuesday, etc.
# (useful for multiple checkboxes like [] S [] M [] T [] W [] T [] F [] S)
weekDays: ((key, value) ->
days = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']
if arguments.length > 1
if value
value.forEach (dayIdx) =>
@set('on' + days[dayIdx], true)
ret = []
return ret unless @get('frequencyIsWeekly')
days.forEach (day) =>
ret.push RRule[day.substr(0, 2).toUpperCase()] if @get('on' + day)
).property('frequencyIsWeekly', 'onMonday', 'onTuesday', 'onWednesday', 'onThursday', 'onFriday', 'onSaturday', 'onSunday')
endsOnMoment: Ember.computed.defaultTo 'defaultEndsOnMoment'
defaultEndsOnMoment: (->
(@get('minEndsOn') || moment()).clone().add('weeks', 2)
toggle: ->
`export default RecurrenceFormComponent`
<div class="form-group">
<label class="control-label" {{bind-attr for="view.frequencyControl.elementId"}}>
<button class="btn btn-link btn-sm active" {{action "toggle"}}><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></button>
{{view Ember.Select content=frequencies value=frequency optionValuePath="content.value" optionLabelPath="content.label" viewName="frequencyControl" class="form-control"}}
{{#unless frequencyIsNever}}
<div class="form-group clearfix">
<label class="col-sm-2 control-label" {{bind-attr for="view.intervalControl.elementId"}}>every</label>
<div class="col-sm-10">
{{select-dropdown content=intervals value=interval disableSearch=true viewName="intervalControl" width="70px"}}
{{#if frequencyIsWeekly}}weeks{{else}}days{{/if}}
{{#if frequencyIsWeekly}}
<div class="form-group clearfix">
<label class="col-sm-2 control-label" {{bind-attr for="view.control.elementId"}}>on</label>
<div class="col-sm-10">
<label class="checkbox-inline">{{view Ember.Checkbox checked=onSunday}} S</label>
<label class="checkbox-inline">{{view Ember.Checkbox checked=onMonday}} M</label>
<label class="checkbox-inline">{{view Ember.Checkbox checked=onTuesday}} T</label>
<label class="checkbox-inline">{{view Ember.Checkbox checked=onWednesday}} W</label>
<label class="checkbox-inline">{{view Ember.Checkbox checked=onThursday}} T</label>
<label class="checkbox-inline">{{view Ember.Checkbox checked=onFriday}} F</label>
<label class="checkbox-inline">{{view Ember.Checkbox checked=onSaturday}} S</label>
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-sm-2 control-label">Ends</label>
<div class="col-sm-10">
{{#datetime-picker value=endsOnMoment min=minEndsOn max=maxEndsOn pickTime=false fullWidth=false timezone=timezone}}
<span class="input-group-addon"><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i></span>
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