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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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strip script blocks form html
function strip_script(content, scripts, fix){
var so = 0, ss = 0, se, cs, ce;
var save = Object(scripts) instanceof Array;
while (-1 !== ( ss = content.indexOf('<script', ss) )) {
// update comment range, if it is before the script
while (null == ce || -1 !== ce && ss > ce) {
if (-1 !== ( cs = content.indexOf('<!--', null == ce ? so : ce) )) {
if (-1 === ( ce = content.indexOf('-->', cs) )) {
// fix comment end tag
if (true === fix) {
content += '-->';
ce = content.length;
} else {
ce = -1;
// skip the script inside the comment
if (-1 !== ce && cs < ss && ss < ce) {
so = ss += 1;
// strip script
se = content.indexOf('</script>', ss);
if (-1 === se) {
// fix script end tag
if (true === fix) {
content += '</script>';
se = content.length;
} else {
se += 9;
if (save) {
scripts.push(content.substr(ss, se - ss));
content = content.substr(0, ss) + content.substr(se);
so = ss;
ce = null;
return content;
function strip_script($content='', &$scripts=null, $fix=false){
$ss = 0; $so = 0;
$save = is_array($scripts);
while (FALSE !== ( $ss = stripos($content, '<script', $ss) )) {
// update comment range, if it is before the script
while (!isset($ce) || FALSE !== $ce && $ss > $ce) {
if (FALSE !== ( $cs = strpos($content, '<!--', isset($ce) ? $ce : $so) )) {
if (FALSE === ( $ce = strpos($content, '-->', $cs) )) {
// fix comment end tag
if (TRUE === $fix) {
$content.= '-->';
$ce = strlen($content);
} else {
$ce = FALSE;
// skip the script inside the comment
if (FALSE !== $ce && $cs < $ss && $ss < $ce) {
$so = $ss += 1;
// strip script
$se = stripos($content, '</script>', $ss);
if (FALSE === $se) {
// fix script end tag
if (TRUE === $fix) {
$content.= '</script>';
$se = strlen($content);
} else {
$se += 9;
if ($save) {
$scripts[] = substr($content, $ss, $se - $ss);
$content = substr($content, 0, $ss).substr($content, $se);
$so = $ss;
return $content;
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