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Created August 27, 2020 06:15
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Change region of Xiaomi routers to unlock all channel:
1. Login to ur router in browser.
2. Open a new tab and paste this;stok=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/api/xqsystem/set_country_code?country=CN
get the stok value from login tab and replace it in new tab and then hit enter.
3. Router will reboot automatically and on next login u will see all 5Ghz channel 36~48 and 149~165.
**u can also go with country=HK or country=TW (hongkong or taiwan)
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zcop commented Mar 1, 2025

For those who has {"msg":"操作失败","code":1606} because CountryCode hardcode within bdata partition
You can change Country Code by editing bdata mtd partition then write back to device.
Here 's some steps:

1.Get bdata partition to edit. Require ssh enabled.

  • List all mtd partition to find which is bdata, in my case bdata is mtd15
    #cat /proc/mtd
  • Get bdata
    #nanddump -f /tmp/bdata.bin /dev/mtd15
  • Download bdata.bin to PC to edit with WinSCP or something like that.

2.Edit countrycode. Need hex editor, python 3 and some python script in

  • Open bdata.bin in Hex Editor, replace old Country code whith new one then save the file.
  • Calculate CRC32 of new file with from above github
    python C:\ "C:\Users\z**\Desktop\bdata.bin"
    new:      0xc71829ed
    original: 0x20dddf5c
  • Edit bdata first 4 offset with new CRC32 checksum
  1. Enable write permission on bdata partition. Default is readonly. SSH to Router
  • Run command to some write magic bytes to crash partition that make bdata writeable
    zz=$(dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=2 2>/dev/null) ; printf '\xA5\x5A%c%c' $zz $zz | mtd write - crash
  • Reboot device
  • I use WinsSCP uploading edited bdada.bin to /tmp/
  • Write new bdata to NAND
    mtd write /tmp/bdata.bin bdata
  • Reboot device
  1. The result
  2. DFS channel(100-144) still not working as expected. wifi 5ghz disappeared. Maybe my device is for China only so Xiaomi blocking those channel from firmware that nothing i can do :/

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