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Forked from BewareMyPower/
Created September 2, 2022 08:29
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c++ shared_ptr cyclic references by capturing shared_from_this()
#include <atomic>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
using namespace std;
static std::atomic_int idGenerator{0};
struct Object {
int id;
Object() : id(idGenerator++) { cout << "Create " << id << endl; }
virtual ~Object() { cout << "Destroy " << id << endl; }
class Timer : public Object {
void async_wait(function<void()> callback) {
callback_ = callback;
// Assume running callback_() in another thread
function<void()> callback_;
class Producer : public Object, public enable_shared_from_this<Producer> {
void startTimer() {
auto self = shared_from_this();
timer_->async_wait([this, self] { doSomething(); });
std::shared_ptr<Timer> timer_{make_shared<Timer>()};
void doSomething() { timer_.reset(); }
int main() {
auto producer = make_shared<Producer>();
// Outputs:
// ```
// Create 0
// Create 1
// ```
// No "Destroy" logs can be seen.
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