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Created July 19, 2018 01:04
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# Aliases
alias gdb="gdb -q"
alias mksrcinfo="makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO"
alias mosh="mosh --predict=experimental"
alias mpv="mpv --audio-display=no"
alias g="git"
if [ -x "$(command -v exa)" ]; then
alias l="exa"
alias ls="exa"
alias ll="exa -l --git"
alias tree="exa -T"
alias gtree="exa -l -T --git"
# Exports
export EDITOR=vim
export PAGER=less
export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/ssh-agent.socket"
export IBUS_SOCK="$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/ibus.socket"
export TERM="xterm-256color"
export GOPATH=$HOME/.go
export GOBIN=$HOME/.go/bin
# Colors in less
export LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$'\E[01;31m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_md=$'\E[01;31m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_me=$'\E[0m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_se=$'\E[0m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_so=$'\E[01;44;33m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$'\E[0m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_us=$'\E[01;32m'
# protect special characters
export LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"
# Setopts
# allow prompt substitution
setopt prompt_subst
# append history list to the history file; this is the default but we make sure
# because it's required for share_history.
setopt append_history
# import new commands from the history file also in other zsh-session
setopt share_history
# save each command's beginning timestamp and the duration to the history file
setopt extended_history
# If a new command line being added to the history list duplicates an older
# one, the older command is removed from the list
setopt histignorealldups
# remove command lines from the history list when the first character on the
# line is a space
setopt histignorespace
# in order to use #, ~ and ^ for filename generation grep word
# *~(*.gz|*.bz|*.bz2|*.zip|*.Z) -> searches for word not in compressed files
# don't forget to quote '^', '~' and '#'!
setopt extended_glob
# display PID when suspending processes as well
setopt longlistjobs
# try to avoid the 'zsh: no matches found...'
setopt nonomatch
# report the status of backgrounds jobs immediately
setopt notify
# whenever a command completion is attempted, make sure the entire command path
# is hashed first.
setopt hash_list_all
# not just at the end
setopt completeinword
# Don't send SIGHUP to background processes when the shell exits.
setopt nohup
# make cd push the old directory onto the directory stack.
setopt auto_pushd
# avoid "beep"ing
setopt nobeep
# don't push the same dir twice.
setopt pushd_ignore_dups
# * shouldn't match dotfiles. ever.
setopt noglobdots
# use zsh style word splitting
setopt noshwordsplit
# enable dir-stack
setopt autopushd pushdminus pushdsilent pushdtohome
# Remove duplicate entries
setopt pushdignoredups
# Shortcuts for directories e.g. hash -d
setopt autocd
# Disable flowcontrol
stty -ixon
# History Settings
# Autoload
autoload -Uz colors && colors
autoload -Uz vcs_info
autoload -Uz compinit
autoload insert-files
# ZLEs
zle -C hist-complete complete-word _generic
zle -N insert-files
# zstyles
zstyle ':completion:*' menu select
zstyle ':vcs_info:*' enable git svn
zstyle ':vcs_info:git*:*' get-revision true
zstyle ':vcs_info:git*:*' check-for-changes false
zstyle ':vcs_info:git*' formats "%8.8i %b "
zstyle ':vcs_info:git*' actionformats "%8.8i %b %F{red}%a %m%f "
zstyle ':vcs_info:git*' patch-format "%8.8p "
zstyle ':vcs_info:svn*:*' get-revision true
zstyle ':vcs_info:svn*:*' check-for-changes false
zstyle ':vcs_info:svn*' formats "%b %m "
zstyle ':vcs_info:svn*' actionformats "%b/%a %m "
zle -C hist-complete complete-word _generic
zstyle ':completion:hist-complete:*' completer _history
zle -N insert-files
zstyle ':completion:*:*:cd:*' tag-order '!users' -
# completion
function grmlcomp () {
# Make sure the completion system is initialised
(( ${+_comps} )) || return 1
# allow one error for every three characters typed in approximate completer
zstyle ':completion:*:approximate:' max-errors 'reply=( $((($#PREFIX+$#SUFFIX)/3 )) numeric )'
# don't complete backup files as executables
zstyle ':completion:*:complete:-command-::commands' ignored-patterns '(aptitude-*|*\~)'
# start menu completion only if it could find no unambiguous initial string
zstyle ':completion:*:correct:*' insert-unambiguous true
zstyle ':completion:*:corrections' format $'%{\e[0;31m%}%d (errors: %e)%{\e[0m%}'
zstyle ':completion:*:correct:*' original true
# activate color-completion
zstyle ':completion:*:default' list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS}
# format on completion
zstyle ':completion:*:descriptions' format $'%{\e[0;31m%}completing %B%d%b%{\e[0m%}'
# automatically complete 'cd -<tab>' and 'cd -<ctrl-d>' with menu
# zstyle ':completion:*:*:cd:*:directory-stack' menu yes select
# insert all expansions for expand completer
zstyle ':completion:*:expand:*' tag-order all-expansions
zstyle ':completion:*:history-words' list false
# activate menu
zstyle ':completion:*:history-words' menu yes
# ignore duplicate entries
zstyle ':completion:*:history-words' remove-all-dups yes
zstyle ':completion:*:history-words' stop yes
# match uppercase from lowercase
zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-z}={A-Z}'
# separate matches into groups
zstyle ':completion:*:matches' group 'yes'
zstyle ':completion:*' group-name ''
if [[ "$NOMENU" -eq 0 ]] ; then
# if there are more than 5 options allow selecting from a menu
zstyle ':completion:*' menu select=5
# don't use any menus at all
setopt no_auto_menu
zstyle ':completion:*:messages' format '%d'
zstyle ':completion:*:options' auto-description '%d'
# describe options in full
zstyle ':completion:*:options' description 'yes'
# on processes completion complete all user processes
zstyle ':completion:*:processes' command 'ps -au$USER'
# offer indexes before parameters in subscripts
zstyle ':completion:*:*:-subscript-:*' tag-order indexes parameters
# provide verbose completion information
zstyle ':completion:*' verbose true
# recent (as of Dec 2007) zsh versions are able to provide descriptions
# for commands (read: 1st word in the line) that it will list for the user
# to choose from. The following disables that, because it's not exactly fast.
zstyle ':completion:*:-command-:*:' verbose false
# set format for warnings
zstyle ':completion:*:warnings' format $'%{\e[0;31m%}No matches for:%{\e[0m%} %d'
# define files to ignore for zcompile
zstyle ':completion:*:*:zcompile:*' ignored-patterns '(*~|*.zwc)'
zstyle ':completion:correct:' prompt 'correct to: %e'
# Ignore completion functions for commands you don't have:
zstyle ':completion::(^approximate*):*:functions' ignored-patterns '_*'
# Provide more processes in completion of programs like killall:
zstyle ':completion:*:processes-names' command 'ps c -u ${USER} -o command | uniq'
# complete manual by their section
zstyle ':completion:*:manuals' separate-sections true
zstyle ':completion:*:manuals.*' insert-sections true
zstyle ':completion:*:man:*' menu yes select
# Search path for sudo completion
zstyle ':completion:*:sudo:*' command-path /usr/local/sbin \
/usr/local/bin \
/usr/sbin \
/usr/bin \
/sbin \
/bin \
# provide .. as a completion
zstyle ':completion:*' special-dirs ..
# run rehash on completion so new installed program are found automatically:
function _force_rehash () {
(( CURRENT == 1 )) && rehash
return 1
# correction
# some people don't like the automatic correction - so run 'NOCOR=1 zsh' to deactivate it
if [[ "$NOCOR" -gt 0 ]] ; then
zstyle ':completion:*' completer _oldlist _expand _force_rehash _complete _files _ignored
setopt nocorrect
# try to be smart about when to use what completer...
setopt correct
zstyle -e ':completion:*' completer '
if [[ $_last_try != "$HISTNO$BUFFER$CURSOR" ]] ; then
reply=(_complete _match _ignored _prefix _files)
if [[ $words[1] == (rm|mv) ]] ; then
reply=(_complete _files)
reply=(_oldlist _expand _force_rehash _complete _ignored _correct _approximate _files)
# command for process lists, the local web server details and host completion
zstyle ':completion:*:urls' local 'www' '/var/www/' 'public_html'
# Some functions, like _apt and _dpkg, are very slow. We can use a cache in
# order to speed things up
if [[ ${GRML_COMP_CACHING:-yes} == yes ]]; then
if [[ ! -d ${GRML_COMP_CACHE_DIR} ]]; then
command mkdir -p "${GRML_COMP_CACHE_DIR}"
zstyle ':completion:*' use-cache yes
zstyle ':completion:*:complete:*' cache-path "${GRML_COMP_CACHE_DIR}"
# host completion
if [[ $ZSH_VERSION == 4.<2->* || $ZSH_VERSION == <5->* ]] ; then
[[ -r ~/.ssh/config ]] && _ssh_config_hosts=(${${(s: :)${(ps:\t:)${${(@M)${(f)"$(<$HOME/.ssh/config)"}:#Host *}#Host }}}:#*[*?]*}) || _ssh_config_hosts=()
[[ -r ~/.ssh/known_hosts ]] && _ssh_hosts=(${${${${(f)"$(<$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts)"}:#[\|]*}%%\ *}%%,*}) || _ssh_hosts=()
[[ -r /etc/hosts ]] && : ${(A)_etc_hosts:=${(s: :)${(ps:\t:)${${(f)~~"$(</etc/hosts)"}%%\#*}##[:blank:]#[^[:blank:]]#}}} || _etc_hosts=()
zstyle ':completion:*:hosts' hosts $hosts
# see upgrade function in this file
compdef _hosts upgrade
# completion dump file
# activate completion
compinit -d ${COMPDUMPFILE} || print 'Notice: no compinit available :('
# Smart Functions
# smart cd function, allows switching to /etc when running 'cd /etc/fstab'
function cd () {
if (( ${#argv} == 1 )) && [[ -f ${1} ]]; then
[[ ! -e ${1:h} ]] && return 1
print "Correcting ${1} to ${1:h}"
builtin cd ${1:h}
builtin cd "$@"
# Behaviour
# custom keybindings for string operations
toggleSingleString() {
LBUFFER=`echo $LBUFFER | sed "s/\(.*\) /\1 '/"`
RBUFFER=`echo $RBUFFER | sed "s/\($\| \)/' /"`
zle redisplay
zle -N toggleSingleString
toggleDoubleString() {
LBUFFER=`echo $LBUFFER | sed 's/\(.*\) /\1 "/'`
RBUFFER=`echo $RBUFFER | sed 's/\($\| \)/" /'`
zle redisplay
zle -N toggleDoubleString
clearString() {
LBUFFER=`echo $LBUFFER | sed 's/\(.*\)\('"'"'\|"\).*/\1\2/'`
RBUFFER=`echo $RBUFFER | sed 's/.*\('"'"'\|"\)\(.*$\)/\1\2/'`
zle redisplay
zle -N clearString
#overwrite alt+backspace
backward-kill-dir () {
local WORDCHARS='*?-[]~=&;!#$%^(){}<>'
zle backward-kill-word
zle -N backward-kill-dir
# backward half word
backward-half-word () {
local WORDCHARS='*?-[]~=&;!#$%^(){}<>'
zle backward-word
zle -N backward-half-word
# forward half word
forward-half-word () {
local WORDCHARS='*?-[]~=&;!#$%^(){}<>'
zle forward-word
zle -N forward-half-word
# run command line as user root via sudo:
function sudo-command-line () {
[[ -z $BUFFER ]] && zle up-history
if [[ $BUFFER != sudo\ * ]]; then
zle -N sudo-command-line
# insert datetime on key shortcut
function insert-datestamp () { LBUFFER+=${(%):-'%D{%Y-%m-%d}'}; }
zle -N insert-datestamp
# jump behind the first word on the cmdline
# useful to add options.
function jump_after_first_word () {
local words
if (( ${#words} <= 1 )) ; then
zle -N jump_after_first_word
# Custom Prompt
if [[ ! -f ~/.zshcolor ]]; then
declare -a colors
colors=('cyan' 'green' 'yellow' 'magenta' 'red' 'blue')
host_hash=$(hostname | md5sum | tr -d '[a-fA-F]' | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | head -c 5)
prompt_color=$colors[$((host_hash % ${#colors[@]} + 1))]
echo -n $prompt_color > ~/.zshcolor
prompt_color=$(cat ~/.zshcolor)
prompt_dir_writeable() {
if [ -w $PWD ]; then
echo "blue"
echo "red"
prompt_git_dirty() {
if git rev-parse --git-dir > /dev/null 2>&1; then
if [ -z "$(command git status --porcelain --ignore-submodules -unormal)" ]; then
echo "green"
echo "yellow"
echo "blue"
precmd() {
FIRST_PROMPT="%(!.%F{red}root%f.%F{green}$USER%f) %F{$prompt_color}%m%f %F{$(prompt_dir_writeable)}%~%f %* %F{$(prompt_git_dirty)}${vcs_info_msg_0_}%f"
PROMPT='$FIRST_PROMPT${NEWLINE}%(?.%F{green}.%F{red})❯%f '
# Bindkeys
bindkey -e
bindkey '\e[1;5C' forward-word
bindkey '\e[1;5D' backward-word
bindkey '^[[A' up-line-or-search
bindkey '^[[B' down-line-or-search
bindkey "^xh" hist-complete
bindkey "^xf" insert-files
bindkey "^xd" insert-datestamp
bindkey "^xs" sudo-command-line
bindkey "^x1" jump_after_first_word
bindkey "^['" toggleSingleString
bindkey '^["' toggleDoubleString
bindkey '^[;' clearString
bindkey '^[^?' backward-kill-dir
bindkey '\e[1;3D' backward-half-word
bindkey '\e[1;3C' forward-half-word
# sources
[ -f /usr/share/zsh/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh ] && source /usr/share/zsh/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh
# added by travis gem
[ -f /home/chris/.travis/ ] && source /home/chris/.travis/
# base16 configuration
[ -n "$PS1" ] && [ -s $BASE16_SHELL/ ] && eval "$($BASE16_SHELL/"
# virtualenvwrapper
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
[ -f /usr/bin/ ] && source /usr/bin/
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