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Last active April 29, 2022 10:51
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#read punched tape
import sensor, image, time, lcd
sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.GRAYSCALE) # Set pixel format GRAYSCALE
sensor.set_framesize(sensor.VGA) # Set frame size to VGA (640x480)
sensor.skip_frames(time = 1000) # Wait for settings take effect.
clock = time.clock() # Create a clock object to track the FPS.
width = int(sensor.width())
halfWidth = int(sensor.width() / 2)
height = sensor.height()
readFlag = False
frameBlackValue = 20 #これを下回ればガイドの黒枠
frameWhiteValue = 80 #これを上回れば紙
tapeBlackValue = 100 #これを下回れば黒(穴)
tapeWhiteValue = 150 #これを上回れば紙(穴なし)
clock.tick() # Update the FPS clock.
img = sensor.snapshot() # Take a picture and return the image.
topY = -1;
bottomY = -1;
topCheckY = -1;
bottomCheckY = -1;
#color = img.get_pixel(halfWidth-100,10)
#img.draw_string(halfWidth - 200,5,str(color),255,3)
for y in range(1,int(height / 2)):
color = img.get_pixel(halfWidth,y)
if color < frameBlackValue:
topCheckY = y
if topCheckY > 0:
for y in range(topCheckY,int(height / 2)):
color = img.get_pixel(halfWidth,y)
if color > frameWhiteValue:
topY = y
for y in reversed(range(int(height / 2),height)):
color = img.get_pixel(halfWidth,y)
if color < frameBlackValue:
bottomCheckY = y
if bottomCheckY > 0:
for y in reversed(range(int(height / 2),bottomCheckY)):
color = img.get_pixel(halfWidth,y)
if color > frameWhiteValue:
bottomY = y
if topY > 0 and bottomY > 0: #テープ発見
img.draw_line(halfWidth -5,topY ,halfWidth - 5,bottomY,255,3 )
tapeWidth = bottomY - topY #これがテープ幅 = 1インチ
#穴と穴の間隔は0.1インチ = tapeWidth *0.1
checkHoleY = topY + int((tapeWidth / 2 - tapeWidth * 0.1))
color = img.get_pixel(halfWidth,checkHoleY)
img.draw_circle(halfWidth,checkHoleY, 10,255)
if readFlag == False and (color < tapeBlackValue):
#img.draw_circle(halfWidth,checkHoleY,4,255 )
byte = 0
holeTopY = topY + int(tapeWidth / 2 - tapeWidth * 0.1 * 4)
for holeIndex in range(0,9):
checkHoleY = int(holeTopY + tapeWidth * 0.1 * holeIndex)
color = img.get_pixel(halfWidth,checkHoleY)
img.draw_circle(halfWidth,checkHoleY, 10,255)
if color != None:
if holeIndex != 3: #紙送りホールは飛ばす
if color < tapeBlackValue:
if holeIndex < 3:
byte = byte + (1 << holeIndex)
byte = byte + (1 << (holeIndex - 1))
img.draw_string(halfWidth - 200,5,str(byte) + ":" + chr(byte),255,3)
readFlag == True
elif readFlag == True and color > tapeWhiteValue:
readFlag = False
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