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  1. Integrate Social Auth and Phone Auth
  2. Registration success screen should have a button and redirection to app in some seconds.
  3. Discounts and donations
  4. Progressive indicator for images.
  5. Email verification discuss on user flow in the verification.
  6. Pay Via Id conflict: discuss about the id conflict.(if two users enter the same id)
  7. Disable view for continue button on payoptions.
  8. UR Smart Points business logic: insufficient points and minimum points logic.
  9. Camera screen message box has to be fixed.
  10. PayOptions Screen: adding more payment options.
shiningnicholson95 /
Last active September 11, 2019 11:03
Sample Assignment of Notes - SmartHub Project.

Sample Assignment

Creating a sample notes assignment

Problem Statement

The objective is to create a new entity called "notes" in the codebase. We would do the following:

  1. Creation of model(schema) for notes, giving it attributes like title, description and status.
  2. Providing appropriate "Seeds"(dummy data) for the "notes" model.
  3. Creation of appropriate "Routes" for the "notes" in order to provide appropriate paths for carrying out operations.
  4. Creation of "Services".
  5. Creation of "Controllers"
  6. Creating appropriate "View"

Initial Setup Guides


Installing Node.js

  1. Node.js is essential for the project. Download it here: Download the LTS version.
  2. Install ‘n’. It maintains the version of node.js from time to time.
  3. In your terminal install “Nodemon”. Nodemon is an npm package.
  4. Run the command: npm install nodemon –g

Above command installs the nodemon globally.