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username and password auth for Biff
(ns com.example.auth
(:require [com.biffweb :as biff]
[buddy.hashers :as hashers]
[xtdb.api :as xt]
[com.example.ui :as ui]
[clojure.string :as s]))
(defn submit-new-auth-user [ctx username password]
(biff/submit-tx ctx
[{:db/doc-type :biff.auth/username
:db.op/upsert {:biff.auth.username/username username
:biff.auth.username/password (hashers/derive password)}
:biff.auth.username/created-at :db/now}]))
(defn submit-new-user [ctx username]
(biff/submit-tx ctx
[{:db/doc-type :user
:db.op/upsert {:user/username username}
:user/joined-at :db/now}]))
(defn get-auth-user-id [db username]
(biff/lookup-id db :biff.auth.username/username username))
(defn get-auth-user-doc [db username]
(biff/lookup db :biff.auth.username/username username))
(defn get-user-id [db username]
(biff/lookup-id db :user/username username))
(defn get-user-doc [db username]
(biff/lookup db :user/username username))
(defn validate-username? [username]
;; 大文字小文字数字で3−16文字
(let [regex #"^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,16}$"]
(boolean (re-matches regex username))))
(defn validate-password? [password]
(let [regex #"^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[^a-zA-Z0-9]).{8,}$"]
(boolean (re-matches regex password))))
(defn create-account! [ctx username password]
(submit-new-auth-user ctx username password)
(submit-new-user ctx username)
(biff/merge-context ctx))
(defn register-handler [{:keys [params biff/db session]
:as ctx}]
(let [{:keys [username password]} params]
(or (s/blank? username)
(s/blank? password)) {:status 400
:body {:error "ユーザ名とパスワードを挿入してください"}}
(some? (get-auth-user-id db username)) {:status 400
:body {:error "このユーザ名はすでに使用されています"}}
(false? (validate-username? username)) {:status 400
:body {:error "username は大文字小文字数字のいずれかで3−16文字です。"}}
(false? (validate-password? password)) {:status 400
:body {:error "password は大文字小文字数字と何かしらの記号を含んだ8文字以上です。"}}
:else (let [ctx (create-account! ctx username password)
uid (get-user-id (:biff/db ctx) username)]
{:status 303
:headers {"location" "/test/app"}
:session (assoc session :uid uid)}))))
(defn login-handler [{:keys [params biff/db session]
:as ctx}]
(let [{:keys [username password]} params
user (get-user-id db username)
auth-user-password (:biff.auth.username/password (get-auth-user-doc db username))
password-valid? (:valid (hashers/verify password auth-user-password))]
(or (s/blank? username)
(s/blank? password)) {:status 400
:body {:error "ユーザ名とパスワードを挿入してください"}}
(not (some? user)) {:status 400
:body {:error "登録ユーザではありません。"}}
(false? password-valid?) {:status 400
:body {:error "ユーザ名もしくはパスワードが異なります"}}
:else {:status 303
:headers {"location" "/test/app"}
:session (assoc session
:uid (get-user-id db username))})))
(defn app [{:keys [session biff/db]
:as ctx}]
(let [{:user/keys [username]} (xt/entity db (:uid session))]
[:div "logged in as " username ". "]
{:action "/auth/logout"
:class "inline"}
[:button.text-blue-500.hover:text-blue-800 {:type "submit"}
"log out"]))))
(defn logout [{:keys [session]}]
{:status 303
:headers {"location" "/test/login"}
:session (dissoc session :uid)})
(defn register-form [{:keys [recaptcha/site-key]
:as ctx}]
(assoc ctx ::ui/recaptcha true)
[:p "ユーザ登録"
[:a {:href "/test/login"} "ログインはこちら"]]]
(biff/form {:action "/auth/register"}
{:name "username"
:type "string"
:placeholder "ユーザー名を入れてください"}]
{:name "password"
:type "password"
:placeholder "パスワードを入れてください"}]
(merge (when site-key
{:data-sitekey site-key
:data-callback "submitSignup"})
{:type "submit"})
(defn login-form [{:keys [recaptcha/site-key]
:as ctx}]
(assoc ctx ::ui/recaptcha true)
[:p "ログイン"
[:a {:href "/test/register"} "登録はこちら"]]]
(biff/form {:action "/auth/login"}
{:name "username"
:type "string"
:placeholder "ユーザー名を入れてください"}]
{:name "password"
:type "password"
:placeholder "パスワードを入れてください"}]
(merge (when site-key
{:data-sitekey site-key
:data-callback "submitSignup"})
{:type "submit"})
(def default-options
#:biff.auth{:app-path "/app"})
(defn wrap-options [handler options]
(fn [ctx]
(handler (merge options ctx))))
(defn module [options]
{:schema {:biff.auth.username/id :uuid
:biff.auth/username [:map {:closed true}
[:xt/id :biff.auth.username/id]
[:biff.auth.username/username :string]
[:biff.auth.username/password :string]
[:biff.auth.username/created-at inst?]]}
:routes [["/auth" {:middleware [[wrap-options (merge default-options options)]]}
["/logout" {:post logout}]
["/register" {:post register-handler}]
["/login" {:post login-handler}]]
["/test" {:middleware []}
["/register" {:get register-form}]
["/login" {:get login-form}]
["/app" {:get app}]]]})
(ns com.example.schema)
(def schema
{:user/id :uuid
:user [:map {:closed true}
[:xt/id :user/id]
#_[:user/email :string]
[:user/username :string]
[:user/joined-at inst?]
[:user/foo {:optional true} :string]
[:user/bar {:optional true} :string]]
:msg/id :uuid
:msg [:map {:closed true}
[:xt/id :msg/id]
[:msg/user :user/id]
[:msg/text :string]
[:msg/sent-at inst?]]})
(def module
{:schema schema})
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