#!/bin/bash |
# This file belongs to the project https://code.shin.company/php |
# Author: Shin <[email protected]> |
# License: https://code.shin.company/php/blob/main/LICENSE |
################################################################################ |
# Check if Docker is installed |
[ ! -x "$(command -v docker)" ] \ |
&& echo "Docker is not installed. Please install it and try again." \ |
&& exit 1 |
################################################################################ |
# Variable to store the parsed instructions for an image |
# Extracts the repository name and tag of a Docker image |
d_name_id () { |
# Use the docker images command to get a list of images, in a specific format |
# Then grep for the image specified by the first argument |
# Finally, take the first result |
docker images --format "{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}\t{{.ID}}" \ |
| grep -F $1 | head -n1 |
} |
# Parses instructions for an image from the local system |
d_local_history () { |
# Use the docker history command to get the instructions for an image |
# Then reverse the order of the instructions |
# Finally, print all instructions |
docker history --no-trunc --format "{{.CreatedBy}}" $1 \ |
| awk '{arr[i++]=$0}END{while(i>0)print arr[--i]}' |
} |
# Parses instructions for an image from a remote repository |
d_net_history () { |
local repo="$1" |
local tag="$2" |
# Use curl to get the instructions for an image from the remote repository |
# Then use jq to extract the instructions from the JSON data |
curl -skL 'https://hub.docker.com/v2/repositories/$repo/tags/$tag/images' \ |
| jq '.[1].layers' | jq '.[].instruction' -r |
} |
# Parses instructions for an image, and replaces all occurrences of '/bin/sh -c #(nop)' |
d_parse() { |
local history |
if [ -z "$PARSE_CACHE" ]; then |
# Get the instructions for the image specified by the first argument |
history=$(d_local_history "$1") |
# Replace all occurrences of '/bin/sh -c' with 'RUN' |
# Replace all occurrences of '|[number]' with 'RUN' |
# Remove all occurrences of 'RUN #(nop)' |
# Modify the format of 'EXPOSE' instructions |
# Fix formatting of SHELL instructions |
# Move WORKDIR, ENTRYPOINT, CMD, and STOPSIGNAL instructions to the end |
PARSE_CACHE=$(echo "$history" | sed 's/^\/[^ ]* *-c */RUN /' \ |
| sed 's/^|[0-9]* */RUN /' \ |
| sed 's/^RUN \#[^ ]* *//' \ |
| sed 's#EXPOSE map\[\(.*\):.*\]#EXPOSE \1#g' \ |
| awk ' |
{ |
if($1=="SHELL"){ |
gsub("\\\[","[\"",$0); gsub("\\\]","\"]",$0) |
i=1; printf("%s ",$i) |
while(i++<NF){ |
if(i>2){printf("\", \"%s",$i)}else{printf("%s",$i)} |
} |
printf "\n" |
} else print $0 |
}' 2>/dev/null \ |
| awk ' |
{ |
if(($1=="WORKDIR")||($1=="ENTRYPOINT")||($1=="CMD")||($1=="STOPSIGNAL")) |
{cmd[$1]=$0;if($1=="ENTRYPOINT")delete cmd["CMD"]} |
else print $0 |
} END { |
if(cmd["WORKDIR"]) print cmd["WORKDIR"] |
if(cmd["ENTRYPOINT"]) print cmd["ENTRYPOINT"] |
if(cmd["CMD"]) print cmd["CMD"] |
if(cmd["STOPSIGNAL"]) print cmd["STOPSIGNAL"] |
}' |
) |
fi |
echo "$PARSE_CACHE" |
} |
# Filter out the lines starting with the given instruction |
# (default is "ENV") and split the line by "=" character |
d_attr () { |
# Filter the input and only keep the instruction |
# that matches the given instruction type |
d_parse "$1" \ |
| grep "^${2:-ENV}" \ |
| awk -F= ' |
# Extracting the key-value pairs from the |
# instruction and storing it in an associative array |
{a[$1]=substr($0,index($0,"=")+1)} |
# Iterating through the associative array |
# and printing the key-value pairs |
# in the format key="value" |
END{for(k in a)printf("%s=\"%s\"\n",k,a[k])}' \ |
| sort |
} |
# Extract the parsed instruction for the given image |
ins_cmd() { |
# Filter out the instructions we're not interested in |
d_parse "$1" \ |
} |
# aliases |
ins_name () { d_name_id $1 | awk '{printf $1}'; } |
ins_id () { d_name_id $1 | awk '{printf $2}'; } |
# command aliases |
ins_env () { d_attr $1 ENV; } |
ins_labels () { d_attr $1 LABEL; } |
ins_shell () { ins_cmd $1 | grep '^SHELL'; } |
ins_others () { ins_cmd $1 | grep -v '^SHELL'; } |
# Build minified image |
# @param $output Create a new Dockerfile (must be an existing file path) |
# @param $base The original image (ID or name:tag) |
# @param $save The target image name (optional) |
minify() { |
local output="$1" ; [ ! -z "$output" ] && [ -f "$output" ] && shift || output="" |
local base="$1" ; [ ! -z "$base" ] && shift || return 1 |
local save="$1" ; [ ! -z "$save" ] && shift || save="${base}-tidy" |
local repo="$(ins_name $base)" ; [ -z "$output" ] && [ -z "$repo" ] && echo "Invalid image ID $base" && return 1 |
local temp="$([ ! -z "$output" ] && echo "$base" || echo "tidy-docker:build-$(ins_id $base)")" |
local command="$([ ! -z "$output" ] && echo "tee $output" || echo "docker build $@ --rm -t $save -")" |
# Make a temporary tag name for building image |
[ -z "$output" ] && docker tag $base $temp 2>/dev/null |
# Build or export a Dockerfile |
echo "🗜 Start minifying image '$repo'" |
echo " Build arguments: $@" |
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=${DOCKER_BUILDKIT:-1} $command <<Dockerfile |
# Input Image: "${base}" |
# (aka: "${repo}") |
# Final Image: "${save}" |
# Dockerfile : "${output}" |
################################################################################ |
# CLEANING UP THE SOURCE IMAGE. ################################################ |
FROM shinsenter/scratch as scratch |
FROM ${temp} as tidy |
USER root |
RUN [ -x "\$(command -v cleanup)" ] && cleanup || true |
RUN [ -x "\$(command -v apt-get)" ] && apt-get -yq autoremove --purge || true |
RUN [ -x "\$(command -v composer)" ] && composer clearcache -q --ansi || true |
RUN [ -x "\$(command -v docker)" ] && docker system prune -af || true |
RUN [ -x "\$(command -v npm)" ] && npm cache clean --force || true |
RUN [ -x "\$(command -v yum)" ] && yum clean all -y || true |
RUN [ -x "\$(command -v rm)" ] && rm -rf \\ |
~/.wp-cli/ ~/.git/ ~/.composer/ ~/.npm/ ~/.cache/ ~/.log/ ~/.tmp/ \\ |
/usr/share/doc/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/* \\ |
/var/cache/apk /var/cache/yum /var/lib/apt/lists/* \\ |
/var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb \\ |
/var/cache/apt/archives/partial/*.deb \\ |
/var/cache/apt/*.bin \\ |
|| true |
RUN [ -x "\$(command -v find)" ] && find / \( \\ |
-name "._*" -or -name "*~" -or -name "*.swp" \\ |
-or -name ".git" -or -name ".svn" \\ |
-or -name ".DS_Store" \\ |
-or -name "Thumbs.db" -or -name "thumbs.db" \\ |
-or -name "*.pyc" -or -name "*.pyo" \\ |
-or -name "*pip*" -or -name "*__pycache__*" \\ |
-or -name "*easy_install*" -or -name "*dist-info*" \\ |
\) ! -path "/sys/*" ! -path "/proc/*" \\ |
| xargs rm -rf || true |
################################################################################ |
# BUILDING OPTIMIZED IMAGE FROM SCRATCH. ##################################### |
FROM scratch |
COPY --from=tidy / / |
$(ins_shell $base) |
$(ins_env $base) |
$(ins_others $base) |
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.title="$save" |
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.description="A tidied image of $repo" |
$(ins_labels $base) |
# FINISH. ###################################################################### |
################################################################################ |
Dockerfile |
# Cleanup temporary image |
if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ -z "$output" ]; then docker rmi "$temp" >/dev/null; fi |
} |
################################################################################ |
echo ; date |
minify $@ && echo "Done." || echo "Failed." |