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Last active March 14, 2024 02:22
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Make your Docker images smaller by reducing the number of layers


2023/12/18: This script has been improved and moved to the following repository:

Make your Docker images smaller by reducing the number of layers

Building Docker images may be easy, but sometimes people make the mistake of creating overly large images without optimizing them.

Smaller images are faster to transfer and deploy.

Docker has an excellent guide on their website, Best practices for writing Dockerfiles, that shows how to build efficient images.

Each instruction in a Dockerfile (like RUN, COPY, ADD, and FROM) adds a new layer. Changes made to the container (such as creating, modifying or deleting files) are written to these layers. These layers are stacked and each one is a change from the previous layer. Having many layers makes the images bigger.

Optimizing images can be difficult, so I created a script that combines all layers into one and also removes unnecessary files from the image. This is a good alternative to the experimental --squash option in the docker build command.


Download the file, and make it executable by running chmod +x


./ <soure_image> [output_image] [docker build options]
  • source_image: The original image (ID or name:tag)
  • output_image: The target image name (optional)
./ <output> <soure_image> [output_image] [docker build options]
  • output: Create a new Dockerfile (must be an existing file path)
  • source_image: The original image (ID or name:tag)
  • output_image: The target image name (optional)


docker pull ubuntu:xenial
./ ubuntu:xenial ubuntu:xenial-tidy
docker image ls

The result of docker image ls:

REPOSITORY   TAG           IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
ubuntu       xenial-tidy   e0a6604ab241   4 seconds ago   78.1MB
ubuntu       xenial        fe3b34cb9255   6 months ago    119MB

Using with docker build options:

docker pull ubuntu:xenial --platform linux/amd64
./ ubuntu:xenial ubuntu:xenial-tidy --platform linux/amd64

Creating new Dockerfile:

docker pull ubuntu:xenial
./ /my/working/dir/Dockerfile ubuntu:xenial
# This file belongs to the project
# Author: Shin <[email protected]>
# License:
# Check if Docker is installed
[ ! -x "$(command -v docker)" ] \
&& echo "Docker is not installed. Please install it and try again." \
&& exit 1
# Variable to store the parsed instructions for an image
# Extracts the repository name and tag of a Docker image
d_name_id () {
# Use the docker images command to get a list of images, in a specific format
# Then grep for the image specified by the first argument
# Finally, take the first result
docker images --format "{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}\t{{.ID}}" \
| grep -F $1 | head -n1
# Parses instructions for an image from the local system
d_local_history () {
# Use the docker history command to get the instructions for an image
# Then reverse the order of the instructions
# Finally, print all instructions
docker history --no-trunc --format "{{.CreatedBy}}" $1 \
| awk '{arr[i++]=$0}END{while(i>0)print arr[--i]}'
# Parses instructions for an image from a remote repository
d_net_history () {
local repo="$1"
local tag="$2"
# Use curl to get the instructions for an image from the remote repository
# Then use jq to extract the instructions from the JSON data
curl -skL '$repo/tags/$tag/images' \
| jq '.[1].layers' | jq '.[].instruction' -r
# Parses instructions for an image, and replaces all occurrences of '/bin/sh -c #(nop)'
d_parse() {
local history
if [ -z "$PARSE_CACHE" ]; then
# Get the instructions for the image specified by the first argument
history=$(d_local_history "$1")
# Replace all occurrences of '/bin/sh -c' with 'RUN'
# Replace all occurrences of '|[number]' with 'RUN'
# Remove all occurrences of 'RUN #(nop)'
# Modify the format of 'EXPOSE' instructions
# Fix formatting of SHELL instructions
# Move WORKDIR, ENTRYPOINT, CMD, and STOPSIGNAL instructions to the end
PARSE_CACHE=$(echo "$history" | sed 's/^\/[^ ]* *-c */RUN /' \
| sed 's/^|[0-9]* */RUN /' \
| sed 's/^RUN \#[^ ]* *//' \
| sed 's#EXPOSE map\[\(.*\):.*\]#EXPOSE \1#g' \
| awk '
gsub("\\\[","[\"",$0); gsub("\\\]","\"]",$0)
i=1; printf("%s ",$i)
if(i>2){printf("\", \"%s",$i)}else{printf("%s",$i)}
printf "\n"
} else print $0
}' 2>/dev/null \
| awk '
{cmd[$1]=$0;if($1=="ENTRYPOINT")delete cmd["CMD"]}
else print $0
} END {
if(cmd["WORKDIR"]) print cmd["WORKDIR"]
if(cmd["ENTRYPOINT"]) print cmd["ENTRYPOINT"]
if(cmd["CMD"]) print cmd["CMD"]
if(cmd["STOPSIGNAL"]) print cmd["STOPSIGNAL"]
# Filter out the lines starting with the given instruction
# (default is "ENV") and split the line by "=" character
d_attr () {
# Filter the input and only keep the instruction
# that matches the given instruction type
d_parse "$1" \
| grep "^${2:-ENV}" \
| awk -F= '
# Extracting the key-value pairs from the
# instruction and storing it in an associative array
# Iterating through the associative array
# and printing the key-value pairs
# in the format key="value"
END{for(k in a)printf("%s=\"%s\"\n",k,a[k])}' \
| sort
# Extract the parsed instruction for the given image
ins_cmd() {
# Filter out the instructions we're not interested in
d_parse "$1" \
# aliases
ins_name () { d_name_id $1 | awk '{printf $1}'; }
ins_id () { d_name_id $1 | awk '{printf $2}'; }
# command aliases
ins_env () { d_attr $1 ENV; }
ins_labels () { d_attr $1 LABEL; }
ins_shell () { ins_cmd $1 | grep '^SHELL'; }
ins_others () { ins_cmd $1 | grep -v '^SHELL'; }
# Build minified image
# @param $output Create a new Dockerfile (must be an existing file path)
# @param $base The original image (ID or name:tag)
# @param $save The target image name (optional)
minify() {
local output="$1" ; [ ! -z "$output" ] && [ -f "$output" ] && shift || output=""
local base="$1" ; [ ! -z "$base" ] && shift || return 1
local save="$1" ; [ ! -z "$save" ] && shift || save="${base}-tidy"
local repo="$(ins_name $base)" ; [ -z "$output" ] && [ -z "$repo" ] && echo "Invalid image ID $base" && return 1
local temp="$([ ! -z "$output" ] && echo "$base" || echo "tidy-docker:build-$(ins_id $base)")"
local command="$([ ! -z "$output" ] && echo "tee $output" || echo "docker build $@ --rm -t $save -")"
# Make a temporary tag name for building image
[ -z "$output" ] && docker tag $base $temp 2>/dev/null
# Build or export a Dockerfile
echo "🗜 Start minifying image '$repo'"
echo " Build arguments: $@"
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=${DOCKER_BUILDKIT:-1} $command <<Dockerfile
# Input Image: "${base}"
# (aka: "${repo}")
# Final Image: "${save}"
# Dockerfile : "${output}"
# CLEANING UP THE SOURCE IMAGE. ################################################
FROM shinsenter/scratch as scratch
FROM ${temp} as tidy
USER root
RUN [ -x "\$(command -v cleanup)" ] && cleanup || true
RUN [ -x "\$(command -v apt-get)" ] && apt-get -yq autoremove --purge || true
RUN [ -x "\$(command -v composer)" ] && composer clearcache -q --ansi || true
RUN [ -x "\$(command -v docker)" ] && docker system prune -af || true
RUN [ -x "\$(command -v npm)" ] && npm cache clean --force || true
RUN [ -x "\$(command -v yum)" ] && yum clean all -y || true
RUN [ -x "\$(command -v rm)" ] && rm -rf \\
~/.wp-cli/ ~/.git/ ~/.composer/ ~/.npm/ ~/.cache/ ~/.log/ ~/.tmp/ \\
/usr/share/doc/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/* \\
/var/cache/apk /var/cache/yum /var/lib/apt/lists/* \\
/var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb \\
/var/cache/apt/archives/partial/*.deb \\
/var/cache/apt/*.bin \\
|| true
RUN [ -x "\$(command -v find)" ] && find / \( \\
-name "._*" -or -name "*~" -or -name "*.swp" \\
-or -name ".git" -or -name ".svn" \\
-or -name ".DS_Store" \\
-or -name "Thumbs.db" -or -name "thumbs.db" \\
-or -name "*.pyc" -or -name "*.pyo" \\
-or -name "*pip*" -or -name "*__pycache__*" \\
-or -name "*easy_install*" -or -name "*dist-info*" \\
\) ! -path "/sys/*" ! -path "/proc/*" \\
| xargs rm -rf || true
# BUILDING OPTIMIZED IMAGE FROM SCRATCH. #####################################
FROM scratch
COPY --from=tidy / /
$(ins_shell $base)
$(ins_env $base)
$(ins_others $base)
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.title="$save"
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.description="A tidied image of $repo"
$(ins_labels $base)
# FINISH. ######################################################################
# Cleanup temporary image
if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ -z "$output" ]; then docker rmi "$temp" >/dev/null; fi
echo ; date
minify $@ && echo "Done." || echo "Failed."
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