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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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use powershell to delete svn missing files

PowerShell 获取并删除svn丢失的文件

# recommended
function svn_missing
    svn status | where { $_ -match '\!\s*(?<x>\S*)' } | foreach { $matches.x }
    # or
    # svn status | where { $_ -match '\!\s*(?<x>\S*)' } | foreach { $matches['x'] }
    # or
    # svn status | ?{ $_ -match '\!\s*(?<x>\S*)' } | % { $matches['x'] }

function svn_missing2
    svn status | select-string -pattern '\!\s*(?<x>\S*)' | % {$null = $_ -match '!\s*(?<x>\S*)'; $matches.x}
    # or
    # svn status | select-string -pattern '\!\s*(?<x>\S*)' | %{$_.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value}
    # or
    # svn status | select-string -pattern '\!\s*(?<x>\S*)' | %{$_.Matches[0].Groups['x'].Value}
    # or
    # svn status | select-string -pattern '\!\s*(?<x>\S*)' | select -expand Matches | %{$_.groups['x'].value}
    # or
    # patt = '\!\s*(?<x>\S*)'
    # svn status | select-string -pattern $patt | %{[regex]::match($_, $patt).Groups['x'].Value}

# use powershell to delete svn missing files
svn_missing | % {svn del $_}
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